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Wiz Adult

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Everything posted by Wiz Adult

  1. Anyone who doesn't understand how the test works, or has an issue with the test really should take a look at the FAQ's on the site.I honestly feel this test and the site are truly informative, and I think the vagueness of some of the questions is intentional to evoke almost reflexive responses.
  2. I wonder who's opinion I would trust more; a large selection of professionals from academic institutions such as Harvard (amongst others), or someone like you. http://www.politicalcompass.org/profeedback EDIT: Here are some golden excerpts:" Completely fascinating and right on. Congratulations. The FAQs that came primarily from American respondents are an accurate reflection that Americans have no idea what they (we) are talking about regarding politics. Fallacies tend to drive public perceptions here. (The US is being strangled by neo-conservatism, and it tends to drag those with lo
  3. You have misinterpreted the question: The crucial part you missed is 'qualities'.For example, different races have different qualities and the question is asking, do you believe aspects of your race are superior. This is a no brainer, as obviously different races have qualities of differentiating strengths and weaknesses, thus it is inevitable there will be an element of superiority.You would only select strongly disagree if you believe in political correctness.
  4. I strongly disagree,I think the questions are worded very cleverly indeed, and require to think about exactly what is being asked.The reason why you're so central on the graph is probably due to you answering too many questions with agree as opposed to strongly agree ,or the same with the disagree option.
  5. LOL then you shouldn't have posted any of your results at all.Most people will be able to visualise exactly where you placed,unless they don't have a basic understanding of mathematics LOL
  6. I am not suggesting anyone should post their graph.Do what you please.Why do you have a problem with doing so?
  7. There is a new page all about the US election. http://www.politicalcompass.org/uselection2008
  8. There has been feverous debate over the last couple of days over the US election on here, and not all of it has been civilised.Politics is a highly contentious issue, and no matter what peoples perspectives are I am interested to hear peoples differentiating views. The test I have linked below is a political survey and places you on political graph according to your political outlook. It only takes 10 minutes and includes some interesting and intriguing questions.I thought this would make a nice change from all the bitching and bickering that has encompassed this forum lately. I have posted my
  9. As far as I'm concerned this is a fundamentally flawed approach to voting, I actually know for a fact this isn't the case for Daniel.I remember reading his blog, where he stated he would not definitely rule out voting for McCain(if Obama wasn't selected) as he thought he was a decent candidate.My point is, how can anyone,no matter where their traditional party loyalties lie, not think for one second what their vote will implicate. Do you think it's wise to vote for a party that has failed so miserably over the last 8 years with no consideration whatsoever?
  10. Check, I have been reading your replies and I would like to remind you that arguing with this person is utterly pointless.He decided who he was voting for before he even knew who the candidates were for either party,why should you even care what voters like this think? Plus,you could present factual information to him in bold and he will still choose what he wishes to believe(he supports Bush' policies).Obstinacy of the very highest order.
  11. Article says it all: http://perdurabo10.tripod.com/id1048.html
  12. Surely to answer the question: "do you believe in God?" you need to define what you mean by the term God.I am an atheist when it comes to believing in the religious interpretations of God(all of the religions).However,do I believe there is higher power which governs the life force of the universe? Most certainly,can this force be described as God?
  13. Last time I checked it was McCain who is running for president,not that nut case Palin. How can people justify voting for the GOP based on their vice presidential candidate?
  14. May I ask; if you were literally forced to choose between the two candidates, which would you reluctantly go for? you have to hate one more than the other.
  15. Are you actually going to vote in this election? Or are you one of those dissatisfied Republicans who dislike McCain, but vote for what you believe to be the lesser of two evils?
  16. No problem, get that coffee pot on, you have a long night ahead of you to try and overcome that masterful piece. I genuinely look forward to your reply.
  17. I apologise for the delay in my response(time zone difference): I will start with the fact that I am a deeply intelligent individual(you know it too), and am extremely confident I am in the upper echelons of the intelligence sector of society, and of course this forum.In my arguments you have accused me of using "anecdotal evidence",which to be fair is partly true in some respects(this is an internet forum after all, not a university debate).The reason I am responding to you in a more scientific manner, is due to the fact you have made an effort to construct a debate(unlike most of the idiots
  18. They try to simplify it as much as possible by calling it, "Pro-CHOICE"( as in being able to choose ,as in having the option) yet some people amazingly still have comprehension issues.
  19. Daniel, there is absolutely no point trying to reason with these people(my thread is evidence for this), they have made up their minds a long time ago.No amount of sense will penetrate through their granite thick skulls.George Bush is their hero, there are no problems with the health service,the ecomomy is great etc etc. And Palin is a great candidate because she's a "milf", thats what matters to these people, f*ck the politics,never mind her extremely questionable(insane) beliefs(f*ck me: teaching creationism in schools,no sexual education, forcing her daughter to have a baby and marry the re
  20. No, it's not a 'level' and I feel I have accomplished what I set out to do:I have pwned the opposition of this thread from the offset, making clear and concise points,dissecting and correcting erroneous arguments, and highlighting the fundamental deficiencies in the claims of the GOP supporters.Many of whom were in fact, dismissed instantaneously due to the fact their vote was decided before either the Democrat, or GOP candidate was selected(mind blowing).This essentially voided their opinion,as someone who shows so much disrespect for democracy has a worthless and meaningless viewpoint. I ha
  21. Please can you find me an article praising the state of the US health system, and one which indicates all people receive a high level of care regardless if they have insurance or not.
  22. I definitely know which part of your anatomy houses your minuscule brain, and thats incredibly small as well.
  23. In case you missed this.Taken from: http://kottke.org/05/09/health-care-in-americaHealth care in AmericaSorry for the extensive quote, but this paragraph (along with the following one) in Malcolm Gladwell's article about health care in America does a fine job in laying out why it's failing:The U. S. health-care system, according to "Uninsured in America," has created a group of people who increasingly look different from others and suffer in ways that others do not. The leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the United States is unpaid medical bills. Half of the uninsured owe money to hospita
  24. I agree with you: The Republican party tells voters Sarah Pailn is a good Vice President candidate, and guess what you believe them.How retarded can people get?
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