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About WCGRider

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. In case anyone wants to obs the webcam is herehttp://www.justin.tv/wcgrider~Doug
  2. Definetely looking for action and have plenty to give so by all means put up your br =p.
  3. ah ok wow you guys have already talked about this? lol nh.Yeah i think the line is pretty much where it should be but then again i have never tried doing something like this.
  4. Hey everyone, I currently have a bet going that I need to make $10,000 in one month. I am trying to book action at 5:2 (your 5 to my 2). Here are the rules cross posted from 2+2 ( http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?t=204858 )1) All tables will be $.1 and $.25 blind NL hold'em. Tables must be full ring (allowing for at least 9 players at a time) and must contain at least 6 playing opponents when WCGRider sits, but he may continue to play if the tables get short. Play must be at only PokerStars except in the event of a rare PokerStars outage (weekly server reboot on Tuesday morning
  5. Hey Snamuh told me to post in here.Basically I have a challenge up that I need to make $10,000 in one month at NL 25. It is done through 2+2 here.http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?t=204858 And I need more action. Was hoping this could possibly generate some.~Doug
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