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Everything posted by TheCincinnatiKid

  1. raise a little more on flop and check turn. and fold to big bets. this isnt really the spot u are looking for to stack off. ur beat 90% agreed.
  2. raise or fold pre, i am ok with raising, and calling the turn
  3. Fold preflop. if u do make this move, ok as played as long as u fold river.
  4. agreed, slow down on the turn, check call, or 2nd barrel IF (hense IF) you feel like your opponent is going to fold. If he;s calling alot or youve been betting a lot, i like check calling the turn.
  5. I bought office and tracker both awhile ago, and I am always having log errors with tracker.I was wondering..."Does anybody use poker office and find it better? Is there anyway not to have table popups and automatic odds calculator stuff??Also anybody using the new Pokertracker 3 yet????
  6. I was wonding how I should approach playing A,A,2,5 ; A,A,J,4 ; A,A,9,3 offsuit ; etc in low stakes ($0.10/$0.25 ; $0.25/$0.50) cash games? Against weak aggressive players should I put in the third raise preflop??, if not, how do you play against scary boards? thanks for help
  7. Villian - Js 10sIs this considered a bad beat? what is it like a 65/35%?PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t4000 (2 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)Hero (t111880)BB (t158120)Preflop: Hero is Button with 6, 7. Hero calls t2000, BB raises to t12000, Hero calls t8000.Flop: (t22400) 5, 6, 7(2 players)BB bets t16000, Hero raises to t99480, BB calls t83480.Turn: (t221360) T(2 players)River: (t221360) 5(2 players)Final Pot: t221360
  8. sorry bout the posted results, been a min since i posted over here
  9. I prob shouldnt ever open this hand early on. I ignored pot odds preflop, because i felt like i was drawing dead to a 10, or broadway.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t20 (9 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)BB (t1770)UTG (t1220)UTG+1 (t1710)PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t20 (9 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)BB (t1770)UTG (t1220)UTG+1 (t1710)MP1 (t2970)Hero (t1470)MP3 (t1070)CO (t1450)Button (t1450)SB (t1980)Preflop: Hero is MP2 with , . 3 folds,
  10. I also know a group of Romanian guys who live in Cincinnati/La who run bots all day and night and play high stakes online.
  11. Here is a post from another forum that i use. It is from a man who is considered to be a highly respected poster and player.Run in with a man who has hacked PStars in the past."First of all, I'm the furthest thing from the 'techy computer' type... so I don't really know or remember how he does it.Basically I went to a live cash game held at a nearby seniors centre, and I met this older gentleman who works for a software company (of which they are trying to sell patents to Nortel). Anyways, halfway through the session, he overhears me talking about PokerStars and he pipes up about him and his
  12. why do people shun that question? It seems like the most important qustion anybody could ask when investing money into something online.
  13. I was just wondering how its done, and how its tested? How does one knows its safe essentially? Ps. feel free to list any conspiracy theorys about online poker here. LOL
  14. $20 single table sit n go , with a very scary board. My opponent is pretty str8 forward, and i dont think he would be pushing with less than AQ or KQ or JQPokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t30 (7 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)MP2 (t2985)CO (t1640)Button (t1430)SB (t1395)Hero (t3490)UTG (t1135)MP1 (t1425)Preflop: Hero is BB with A, A. 2 folds, MP2 calls t30, 3 folds, Hero raises to t150, MP2 calls t120.Flop: (t315) Q, T, 9(2 players)Hero bets t150, MP2 raises to t2835, Hero calls t2685.Turn: (t5985) 8(2 players)River: (t5985
  15. well i did that...he quick called with 55 (must have been tiltin) the other guy who pushed had 10 5...AND YOU GUESSED IT!the bastard hit his case 5!!!!WHOOO HOOO God I love poker
  16. just fold it, bc it is so early. this is an example of a tough laydown, and thats a part of being a good poker player. The main red flags in this hand are...1-way to early to gamble for the whole stack without the stone cold nuts2-out of position - do you really want to be firing out shell after shell from this spot.3-your flush strong, but if you are getting a lot of action early from someone on that board then u should simply foldif they are bluffing then they deserve it at this stage. they're a donk and won't be in long ( if they had 10 J I would expect him to just call the turn, and ju
  17. Lets say (this is the best i can recall my situation, since i didnt snatch the hand)...You are 9th in chips with about 75K in a $10 rebuy tourny. 2000 people started and you're at bubble play with about 225 people left. situation (the blinds are 200/400)a small stack pushes in for his remaining 6K, another player pushes overtop for his remaining 10K, and the only person who can cover u (player is 3rd in chips) smooth calls the two shoves.You look down at cowboysCall or raise or push?this may seem like an obvious answer, but i am interested to know if there is good reason to call (play it saf
  18. so does anybody "for real" post on this site? or just a bunch of divorcee's without jobs??
  19. I am really tired after a long 12 hour session. I wanted to see if any good players had feedback on how I played this one. Obviously I wouldnt have been postin it if i didnt lose. 124 people left out of 1240, 240 payed out (20 %) in a cheaper multi. i played it pretty passivelyPokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t800 (9 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)MP3 (t21628)CO (t32567)Button (t30810)SB (t11675)BB (t16379)Hero (t20217)UTG+1 (t11391)MP1 (t14742)MP2 (t13687)Preflop: Hero is UTG with , . Hero raises to t2400, 1 fold, M
  20. 25 minutes in...I know this is a standard laydown in a tight game, what about this one? 3$ rebuy (loose table)PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t30 (9 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)UTG (t2815)UTG+1 (t8775)MP1 (t3245)Hero (t6205)MP3 (t1380)CO (t3675)Button (t5010)SB (t3000)BB (t1895)Preflop: Hero is MP2 with , . UTG calls t30, 2 folds, Hero raises to t120, MP3 raises to t1380, 4 folds, UTG raises to t2815, Hero folds.Flop: (t4360) , , (2 players)Turn: (t4360) (2 players)River: (t4360) (2 players)Final Pot: t2925
  21. as long as you can handle my guns, bugger sugar habit, fetish towards adolescent boys, and step mom that will be living with us.. u r good.you'd better not be a snitch eitheractually 24 male, str8, just graduated college in biblical studies,
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