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Bryan S. - PokerStars

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Everything posted by Bryan S. - PokerStars

  1. Below is the tentative schedule for the 2011 World Championship of Online Poker. Some details, such as the guarantees, which events will take place over 2 days, etc, will be set by us at a later date. For now, we'd like to focus on the tournaments being offered, and we'd like your thoughts on the schedule.You can let us know what you think either here in this thread or by e-mailing us at wcoop@pokerstars.com with your comments. We'll collect feedback and then release a final schedule. Thanks in advance for helping us build a great series!2011 World Championship of Online Poker - Schedule04 Sep
  2. We are still looking into the problem and possible solutions -- note that this was not caused by a new update.After the problem was discovered, an update was released to fix the issue for some players; it does not break anything and there are no new features as part of this update. Unfortunately, the update does not fix the issue for all players and for now the best option is to re-install PokerStars from the PokerStars web site.
  3. UPDATED:We have recently updated our software and in order for the latest version to work on your system, you will need to do one of two things:1) The easiest way to correct this issue is by setting your computer's date back one day (to June 23) using the "Time Settings" on the bottom right panel of your computer. You can then run your PokerStars software as normal, as you will receive our latest update. You can then reset your computer's time back to normal.To change your system time:1) Double-click on the time display (normally bottom right-hand corner if you are using a PC and top right cor
  4. Hey, thanks everyone! I didn't even realize I'd enabled display of my birthday on this forum... thanks very much for the kind words and wishes... brought a smile to my face. :)All the best,Bryan S.PokerStars Poker Room Management
  5. Heya, everyone...As many of you have noticed already, there are in fact quite a lot of new guaranteed tournaments on the schedule, and also nearly every previously-existing guarantee on the site has been adjusted upward.Particular highlights:Sunday Million prize pool is now guaranteed at $1,500,000. Sunday Warm-Up prize pool is now guaranteed at $750,000. Super Tuesday prize pool is now guaranteed at $300,000. $530 NL Hold'em tourney (Sunday at 17:30) becomes a weekly tournament, with a $1,050 buy-in at the end of each month. The guarantee for this tournament remains at $250,000. The 3,000-chi
  6. To be honest, I have absolutely no idea. I'd be happy to ask our Deposit Assistance Team for you, but you'd no doubt get a quicker answer by asking them directly. Please write to support and put in your subject header: "Best Way to Deposit? (American)" ... someone will reply to you as quickly as possible and you'll be well on your way. :)All the best,Bryan S.Tournaments AdministratorPokerStars Poker Room Management Team
  7. I think he's got one of the Stars Tourney Guys on MSN. ;)Enjoy the tourneys, gang...a/t/b,Bryan S.Tournaments AdministratorPokerStars Poker Room Management
  8. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far, both here and in email. There's a lot of good discussion happening... thanks! It's great to see people excited about WCOOP.By all means, please continue the discussions here as we continue to discuss the feedback. Some answers:1. Steps - there will be WCOOP Steps, with seats to different events being up for the winning. More details will follow on WCOOP Steps later.2. Of the candidates for addition to WCOOP 2008, 6-max rebuy (NLHE) and some sort of mixed event are near the top. It's likely that we'll add one or two events.3. We intend to have a s
  9. Greetings, everyone...WCOOP planning has been in progress for a while now, and we've gotten the schedule just about right, we think. Before we set it in stone, though, we'd like to hear from you, our players.If you will, take a look at the schedule below to see the plans we've made and let us know what you think, either here or via email at wcoop@pokerstars.com. As always, constructive feedback is greatly appreciated. We absolutely depend upon feedback from our players, and thank you for your time as we work to ensure WCOOP meets your expectations as the premier event series in online poker!Th
  10. PokerStars would like to alert everyone to a problem that will be affecting some players very soon. For users running older versions of the software, the SSL Encryption Certificate will be expiring on May 21. If you are running the latest version of our software, this will not affect you at all. If you received an update in the last 4-5 days, then you have the newest version.However, if you are running an older version of our software, you may not be able to connect to the server. The current version of the software is 2.487; you can check your version number by going to Help > About Po
  11. Hi there, Travis.We get literally thousands of requests per month for features, tournament types, etc. We do our best to tally them up and prioritize them, with the number of times a given request has been seen playing a major role in said prioritization. Having said that, naturally we cannot implement everything everyone wants... it's simply not possible.If you've got something you'd like us to consider, by all means please drop us a line at ideas@pokerstars.com. A member of our Poker Room Management Team reviews every single request... we read them all, though naturally we cannot reply to
  12. Thanks for the welcome. I've been lurking for quite a while, actually. Sadly, I don't have time to post as often as I'd like.At any rate, as for turbos, we have them for Steps 1 through 3 - no plans to go beyond that at this time.All the best,Bryan S.Tournaments AdministratorP kerStars Poker Room Management Team
  13. Hi there, Bob v1...The PCA Steps will end in late December, or when we run out of satellite seats for PCA, whichever comes first.The APPT Steps will end in early December, about a week before the start of APPT-Sydney.All the best,Bryan S.Tournaments AdministratorPokerStars Poker Room Management Team
  14. Well hello there, FCP...As has been noted by the esteemed poster above, the schedule is now posted to the client. You can find the tournaments under the Events/WCOOP/Main Events tab. If you have interest in WCOOP, by all means, check them out and let us know what you think! In each lobby, there is a clickable link to send mail straight to the WCOOP box.Thanks for taking the time! I hope that everyone really enjoys WCOOP 2007!All the best,Bryan S.Tournaments AdministratorPokerStars Poker Room Management Team
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