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Everything posted by Sickinfo2

  1. After giggling at this exchanged for a couple seconds I immediately felt remorse like I had insulted Mexi... Speaking of big winds, a few of the shop hangouts and I are meandering down to access the tornado damage this morning.... Told them to surface at five thirty. Like in thirty minutes. Three reasons. First, I really enjoy bantering with the walmart pilots that stream out of bentonville like bees from a hive around daylight. Within a minute or two of getting a flight following squawk from razorback and positive id from ident the airwav
  2. Little to unknown fact about coins.... Back when Benny ran the shoe with an iron hand, his eventually to die at the hands of a money crazed stripper son would spend hours behind the cage pilfering through slot revenue looking for silver. Got to the point he couldnt sleep thinking about all the gems slipping away from his grasp. The only time his mind rested was when his mother was cashing behind the bars. She kept the easter eggs as he called them aside and away from accidental redemption None too interesting side story... Jackos other brother, who would later turn ou
  3. Im practicing for my new upcoming thread method.... "quote posting" See, I didnt really have to type a thing. But I did just to explain it. For a while I wont. Type that is. Unless I want to. Maybe
  4. Ah... good nap Before I return to painting epoxy over carbon fiber mat and vacuuming it down with the loudest shop vac in the world, Ill share one more tidbit on the subject of the diego.... Like stated above, the bags gramps lived in national city. Old feller and I had quite a bit in common.... both of us were what most would tag as renegades. Nicer term would be free spirit. Generally speaking, if something is considered abnormal/illegal to the general population it would fall into the list of our hobbies. We stayed in his backyard in the guest house slash lab
  5. I miss sand diego these days... The bags grandfather and uncles lived there until a few years ago and I spent a considerable amount of time meandering around the place One afternoon I borrowed one of their neighbors crotch rocket two wheelers and buzzed up to the Belmont area. Sat in a little ocean side mexican grub bar and people watched for several mugs before rolling into the torrey pines district. Parked it off the road around the glider port and found a majestic little spot on the edge of a cliff and watched instructors give tandem flights to gliding students. Oc
  6. Yepp, great area to live in... Once...or twice if youre lucky.... every year in the summer the water temperature at depth reaches a certain point compared to the surface that it "turns over" Then for several days up to month you get to inhale the rich aroma of fish shit, rotting carcasses, and stagnant water. Fortunately its concentrated enough to seep into the house no matter how many storm doors and windows you install... Morning routine includes wading around the bank picking up beer cans, fishing line, stryofoam coolers and minnow buckets, rancid contain
  7. Spent a couple weeks in atlanta back in the late nineties.... telecom company had us directional bore some fiber optics through an area of ground filled with utilities and thee other fiber cables. The humidity was so high the air compressor tanks had to be drained hourly. It was miserable. My only other notable recollection of the place was the unbelievable amount of super obese black women pushing shopping carts up and down the sidewalk. A few contained groceries, but the overwhelming majority were empty and apparently used as walkers... And Dutch is correct.... the ground is so
  8. Ya know.... believe it or else.... one of the highlights of my existence is driving from Vegas to LA I merge on to fifteen somewhere around the southpoint depending on traffic. Keep the throttle toned back until primm. Stop and get in a few hours of decent cut card twenty one at Bills. Then give her hell up the pass until the fruit checkpoint I dunno why, but for some reason that drive somehow takes the stress right out of me.... Around the cajun pass I get braced for the troopers with the lasers at the bottom. Merge onto ten and the smog comes into
  9. To be honest... theres two types of leavers... maybe more than that but this is my random sitting here waiting on an email thoughts so thats what we'll deal with First category is the outcast... someone that either invites themselves along or is asked out of pity. Although I do strive to be a good host even at events that I didnt put together, there are folks who do fly outside the traffic pattern and get excluded from the focus of the central topic group or the smaller satellites rotating around it. At some point I guess they figure being at home watching the flintstones would be
  10. The next time you get all dolled up and attend one of these, please, for the love of brv, do the following.... Cross your arms holding a wine glass just above the left elbow and angled toward your nose....and stare at one of the featured pieces until a fellow attendee strolls up and comments on it. Then, after making your best Ive seen better art on the neck of a parolee face, point the glass toward them and remark.... "Humf... theres no meaning behind this.... (rotate glass in a circular motion to mean everything present).... any of this..... work..... (lean in an
  11. Pretty damn great.... Ill be using this statement in a conversation very soon ...as soon as some girls lawn comes up, that is Im far from one fit to be commenting on proper etiquette in social settings, but after a few milliseconds thought, really the only time this action would be excusable is when the party in question is absolutely bombed out of his gourd Unbelievably, it happens semi-regularly within our tight knit group of deviants Its usually the guy that all the sudden gets the room spins from trying to keep up with th
  12. Shoot me an addy.... I dont have the extra five minutes it would take to track ya down First off, the sad truth is no matter what you do she will (probably) always be a problem no matter what. But, the good part is you can accept that fact and turn it around so it is an enjoyable experience to look forward to... Ill admit it.... back a time I used to let the mad at the world asses get the best of me. Stewed and brewed over crap they pulled all the time. Eventually it would fester to the point I pulled some pretty gutsy stuff...according to the officia
  13. The stuff did wonders for me.... for about three months Had doc give me a script for some twenties insta-lease and moved up to thirties a couple months later... Now I can take one and fall asleep. I either got some sugar pills the kids switched in the pharmacy or my inherit laziness has won the internal battle between the two Bad thing is, I have so many pending projects my next maneuver is probably meth. Good thing is, all I have to do to score some is rummage through an employees vehicle.... Speaking of ham.... when I was a sprout
  14. One of my favorite hideouts in tassel town is the la salsa next to the m&m joint on the strip. Grub is pretty good, super chilled dosxx on draft, and the best video poker payout tables within a hundred miles. I usually have the bar all to myself even on the busiest foot traffic days since most tourists think they have to see everything in one trip and just grab a beer to go. When I do have company, its usually the time share guys from their cave located somewhere above the ceiling... I could smell one of them enter the premises immediately by the overpowering aroma of Brut col
  15. Bad deal... Although Id gladly puke through a few more live performances, its probably for the best. Although the black ice tunes are damn fine works, their older material is the tits to me. Put me in a fiat with a live performance of hell aint a bad place to be and Ill wax a three sixty around the track. Grey your ass out in an aerobat. Redline every gear in a school zone. Levitate the wife out of her seat in a vette vert going a buck eighty on the interstate.... damn seatbelts..... Some things never change. Back in the early eighties I was lying on the couch one aft
  16. Wait just a damn minute here.... You went from selling used cars to door to door home improvements? The only sensible path from there is a ski mask and and finger pocket pistol inside a liquor store.... Just goshin of course.... I actually just sent off paperwork for a used auto dealer license myself. Its step one in a multiple series that will ultimately bankrupt me. Well, someone. Probably not me. Nah, positively not me In other news, its time once again to go on an exploration safari somewhere. The winner this time is the san dieg
  17. Went and picked Shane up at the aeromoport this afternoon. He graciously offered to spend a few days assisting me on projects here while things are settled down to a dull roar in the desert. Friends are like that, ya know. No matter how much you insist they really arent needed.... first thing ya know the company fuel card is somehow hijacked once again by charging five bones in fuel and kicking the clerk back fifty for a Southwest ticket. Sooner or later each and every one of the valleys convenience establishments will have a mug shot behind the counter that he wont be able to disguise himself
  18. Earlier this evening I strayed over to the local bolt and screw supply house for some tidbits for my latest project(s).... They know me well since I have graced the joint since my early days of Rube Goldberging. I staggered back behind the counter and back in the warehouse as usual and commenced pilfering through the isles. Handfull of countersunk allens, smattering of stainless stars...etc When my shopping was complete, I realized my quart cup of crown-n-coke had been left down a previous isle, so I meandered back toward that area to rescue the liquid crutch and its
  19. Yeah, its been quite a spell for me as well.... thankfully hotel rooms dont count I see going to work in a building five/six days a week with a few restricted days off here and there throughout the year exactly the same as a prison work release program.Which, by the way, I have never been a part of or hopefully never will be, but I have hired a fellow that got sprung every morning and went back that afternoon. He loved the shit outta it. Free room and board, no nagging wife or screaming kids. Saved a lot of money too. Hard worker who would carry a cast iron bathtub to the top o
  20. Oh, now haints are real.... Spooks as well. Basically anything that goes bump in the night besides me staggering into the closet and pissing on the wifes shoes thinking Im in the can. Not that Ive ever done that of course ...of course I have Im not ashamed Shakey, ya know I like ya kid. Tell ya what.... Im not doin much tomorrow. Basically goofin off in the shop forming foam into a likeness of a never to be made vehicle. I put the figures together this morning around daylight and Ill make...well.... some dough on it. Enough to put a few o
  21. Last night a yellow cat was roaming around out there cleaning up the casualties.... of course that means no dead mouse smell but in a couple days right outside the door it will rake up several small nests and shit in the middle of them Ya know, and Im greatly saddened by this just as much or more than anyone else, but Ive almost concluded that they arent any monsters out in them there woods. Sure, a random rabid coyote or hungry bear roams around, but as far as "skerry" ones, Im leaning toward the negative these days... Its a damn shame if ya ask me. Cant tell ya h
  22. Everybody eaten? Good....Everyone sober? Close enough... Okay... before we start here, nobodys on the line here....what Im about to share is both greatly vile and highly ludicrous...if that doesnt seem like your particular brand of beer, help yourself to as many saltines as youd like and safe browsing elsewhere....otherwise, read on.... Earlier this evening I was minding my own business, tacking together a auto panel while listening in on the Bat Masterson television program in the background. After a short schoolgirl yelp from a random Mig
  23. Ive heard of him but cant say anything of his products.... Two guys I do know of are Jerry Fisk and Keith Murr Jerry makes top shelf "display" stuff as I call it. Hand forms his own recipes of damascus metals that holds an edge like no other. Only problem is they are just to purdy for me to use.... I staggered across Murr about fifteen years ago at a craft fair the wife dragged me to. I was sitting in the truck drinking crown and coloring books with the kid when I noticed a large banner with custom knives in the distance. Needing to piss anyway, I led the
  24. It could have very well meant sit back, observe, and appreciate what others may do out of the kindness of their hearts since theyve been there themselves at one point or another.... but yeah... pretty well summarizes the principal point Ya know.... Ive heard this very same thing over and over from...well....lotsa folks over the years Never thought much about it until just a while back.... The only thing I can figure is, my definition of goofing off is making stuff I want, doing things I enjoy, seeing things and places thats interesting
  25. :rainmanface: Im a very good pilot.... All shit to the side, out of all the folks Ive taken up not one has ever complained. Well, Shane is always the exception to any rule. Ive always taken great pains to make sure every passenger feels comfortable and secure during a ride....even going as far as denying them the privilege if the conditions arent right. Good example.... someone who is either new to flying or had a previously bad experience wont go if its a super clear day where the sharp lines of surrounding mountains are standing out. May well be nary a hint of wi
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