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Everything posted by emokid21ohio

  1. this isnt redpill. check the ip address. it's really sad to see that all of you really are stuck on this redpill character
  2. i just figured it out. all of you are just jealous of new members that come in here and create a thread about winning a lot of money. you guys should really just stop it because it really dosen't to anything, to some degree
  3. i just figured it out. all of you are just jealous of new members that come in here and create a thread about winning a lot of money. you guys should really just stop it because it really dosen't to anything, to some degree
  4. just whatever dude, i'm getting pissed off from all this flaming. I didnt even call for it or anything.
  5. man, you guys suck. i just wanted to come in here and fit in to some degree. so i decided an interesting hand that might make me look good to some degree, but i guess you guys don't really understand my poker style.im just going to like ignore all my haters out there, since i really dont care.
  6. all of the replies prove my point. just try to be a bit nicer guys
  7. good. people like you don't deserve any good things to happen you life.
  8. I shared a hand with all of you in which I thought i played it almost perfect. Why do people even bother to reply if all they are going to say is something mean? i really don't care, but like some of the things that were said really hurt me deep down inside, to some degree. I know a lot of poker players need confidence to play good and I do too.. After reading all the replies I lost some confidence. So like, just to let all my haters know, i'm not going to leave. If you can please just ignore me, and don't reply to my threads, it would really make me feel better, to some degree...so yeah
  9. just to let you guys all know, this isn't the biggest pot i've won. i play this stakes all the time and i'm and overall winner. so say all you want, you are just jealous
  10. i decided to stay since no matter where i go, i'm always going to have haters. Like i really don't care about them, but some of the things they say are really really mean and make me angry, to some degree...so yeahso just stop flaming me since all i wanted to do is share this hand with you guys, but whatever!i'll just ignore all my new haters out there.
  11. i really don't care what all of you have to say. Overall, i'm a winning player but i dont have to post my stats on here. So just keep saying mean this since i dont care, but the really mean ones do hurt me to some degreei'm a winning player, and that is all you guys have to know. this hand clearly shows proves it thank you. i'm sure you are a winning player yourself. finally, some kind words.
  12. all of you should be ashamed how you say all this mean stuff hiding behind your computer screen. I hope all of you are happier letting all that anger out in a poker forum to a person you dont know at all. good job all of you NOT
  13. my last words:I won a $675 pot and you didn't. me > you GL everyone, BYE!
  14. okay, coming to this forum was clearly a big mistake. I was a big fan of daniel negranu before i came to his forum. if this is how he allows his forum to be run, then i'm not a fan of daniel anymore.most of his forum members are just mean. i know some of you don't care, and i dont care, but like some of the things said to me brought me down...to some degree.so i'm not going to come back to this forum. thanks for nothing!
  15. okay, you people aren't nice. Like i really don't care at all, but some of the things said in this thread hurt me, to some degree. So it would be better if you could just hold back your negative comments. I don't understand why you people have to bring a new member down, to some degree. so just be nice please.
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