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Posts posted by Guero

  1. Why are you just sitting at work passing time on these forums. Get your little @$$ up and get busy doing what you are getting paid to do. Damn kids, don't understand the concept of work and what a job actually is.
    Ah very true. I actually saved up and invested all my $$ and I quit my job yesterday. So now...I'm playing Wii, drinking with my friends, and moving to Santa Monica, CA.
  2. I was at 18% of agreeing with you....not quite the 30% you asked for.I am hanging out with friends, talking about stuff. Sometimes it's meaningful, sometimes it's not. I talk about golf with people when I am golfing, cigars when I am smoking, and poker related stuff when I am on a poker themed web site.If Phil didn't get paid...my life will go onIf Ram does pay...my life will go onIf the earth really is getting warmer from my SUV...my life will go on with a shorter expectation of continuity. And I will owe Zeatrix an appology.Deep down none of us really care in the sense that we are changing our dinner plans, but not much else is happening in the poker world, so we talk about this.Tomorrow we will get back to the important talk of what Brandy is doing for getting staked in a tournament.Until then I have 2 cents just burning a hole in my pocket, so I might as well spend it on Phil Ivey and Ram Vaswani.
    Fair enough. I'll take an 18%.
  3. Eh, I disagree. If a high percentage of internet poker forum users disliked Ivey, then Ivey would get less popular, then poker sites, brand names and other businesses would be less inclined to get financially involved with him, then he would lose confidence, then he would go on life tilt, then he would lose $6million to Phil Hellmuth at the Big game, then he would be on monster tilt and go lose $10million to Brian Townsend online, then Townsend would buy the playboy mansion, then all the girls would be taught to be poker machines, then all the porn you watch would no longer make you horny, but rather suicidal, then you would go and kill yourself and then, no body would care about your phucking post!!
    (Snicker)#1 - If Phil Ivey's biggest stream of income is his sponsors, then he should consider quitting poker and joining a world of warcraft guild and growing a gut & zits. #2 - I don't have any intention of killing myself (sorry folks - but then again...who cares about all the no-name posters and loser "pros" who are wasting their time reading this)#3 - Touche on the sarcasm.
  4. Seriously...who really gives two s.h.i.t.s about all this? My 24 year old self is sitting at my job passing time by coming onto these forums among my other non-pr0n surfing. 80% of the people posting on this website should be in a similar realm. Hey guess what folks: Nobody phucking cares that you wouldn't take a bet from Ram and nobody phucking cares that you don't like Phil now. You know why? None of you are going to ever have the chance or the influence to truly be in a position to play, befriend, affect, and etc either of these individuals. The flip side...if you are supposedly friends with these gentlemen...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WASTING YOUR TIME ON THIS STUPID FORUM?! What a bunch of poo-says. "I am going to vent my side of the story on an online forum" Hahahaha...i'm literally laughing out loud! This entire argument has really degraded my view of a lot of these poker "experts." Guess what guys...if you have to rent homes, constantly need backing, and bi.tch online....you guys are losers. Phucking Frauds. ESPN image and thats it. In the poetic words of Eric Cartman, "Screw you guys, I'm going home!"(I'm still giggling to myself about how retarded this all is)

  5. Daniel,I don't see how christianity fits in with gambling in anyway shape or form. I come from a religious family and so does my wife, but am not particularly religious myself. I could not however admit to playing poker as it goes against all christian principles and they would give me a hard time about it. I don't understand how you can play poker for a living and claim to lead a christian way of life?
    You obviously are not a calvinist.
  6. Lol... I guarantee you they wouldn't.Someone could have just got shot, and wild horses just come crashing through the door, ... Those guys arn't leaving their game (especially if they're running good!).And it's not like they are going to grab a load of chips from the table and run away with them if they lose. There is security at the Bellagio, you know.
    LOLOL agreed!
  7. I am totally convinced that a huge portion of the "poker community" upper-echelons are populated by social nitwits with emotionally retarded personalities that haven't expanded or grown past the early years of high school.There is no doubt that being a great poker player requires certain "disconnects" in the mind; trickery, lying, deceit and the ability to pathologically disregard the well-being of other people aren't built-in traits everyone has as a matter of default- but from a purely sociological perspective, it never ceases to amaze me how sophomoric and juvenile these idiotic "he said" poker community squabbles can be.Without hyperbole, it is absolutely like watching 15 year olds in the hallway between class.Apparently, you guys have made so much money and are so comfortable in your lives that you've become entirely unaware of what battles are actually worth investing your energies in. I'm not the sort of guy to wish sickness, death, prison or loss on anyone else just to say "I told you so", but I am starting to think that's what some of you dudes need to get your minds right.Let the people who this involves settle it amongst themselves. If there is a welcher involved, their reputation as the lowest form of scum will spread without any kick-starting by a bunch of people with such hollow lives that they just cannot fathom living one single day without sticking their noses in the affairs of others.
  8. I wrote about this in defense of Ivey's who's name has been dragged through the mud in a blog written by Goodwin. Also, there's been lots of negative things posted about Ivey in relation to this stuff, and it's completely unfair. Ivey knew I was writing the blog and was in favor of it. Ivey doesn't post on the internet, but heard all of the negative stuff being said about him, and gave me the ok to tell his side of the story.
    It would make sense that if Ivey TRULY cared, he would've called up his web-techies and put up his response. Why would he ask you to do it on your site? I very much see this as you wanted to do this from the start...so you called up Phil and told him...he said "sure" It's funny how people never change. Junior highers-adults. Posting complaints on the web through other friends...i mean seriously...this is LAUGHABLE. My respect for all parties involved is dropping like a mother freaker. Why can't these "men" just call each other directly and settle this?
  9. I love it when Daniel posts his opinion and gets a couple replies that say. "I used to be a huge fan (insert long description of hours of watching DN play and subsequent forays into poker games), but because you have an opinion different from mine about AI, i'm no longer a fan." <---PRICELESS!
    I have been one of these you speak of. He is entitled to his opinion. If he wants to be uneducated and base his opinion of US policy on movies, 60 minute interviews, and HBO specials...I'm entitled to stop respecting him for anything other than a "poker player." He seems like a nice enough person.I'm also a huge AI fan and I can't stand Sanjaya's prescene on the show as a "singing competition." Do I hate for vftw? Not really...adds to the drama of it all (and sells more adverts)
  10. As WhiteSpade said, "American idol is tearing us apart"This is an evil beast...and we must destroy it before we destroy ourselves! Sing along!We've got to work for a better future, we've got to join hands for tomorrow.Take the first step and you will see the future begins with you and me.We can start to make a difference if we want it for our childrenRecycle that can and plant that tree, 'cause the future begins with you and me.The future begins with you and me.We've got to work for a better future, we've got to join hands for tomorrow.Take the first step and you will see the future-

  11. Go write your thesis and impress yourself with never ending posts about the end of the world from gas emissions that will raise the temp in Peru .003 degrees per year…blah blah blah.
    teehee!DN - I saw you at the bellagio saturday...but i opted not to come into bobby's and give you the biggest bear hug! :club:
  12. So... quick resume of this thread.General: Daniel hates me, he ignored me!! 1.jpgDN: "Sorry Dude, I was just playing in a tournament".General: s.jpg Weeee!! You talked to me! I forgive you. DN: "Yeah, tell you what, I'll meet you if you want?"General: Wowowowow! omg, I can't believe it.. 3.jpg I'm on my way Danny!! This is amazing, I'll be waiting for you 6.jpgDN: (speaking hurridly into his cell phone "this guy sounds like a complete nut, what excuse can I use?").... " Yeah, actually.. um.. sorry dude, I can't make it anymore, I'm gonna be out of town"General: 2-1.jpg... thinks about another plan.... I know, I'll stalk him when he's at dinner with his friends!!7.jpg I am the WINNER! I met Daniel.
  13. Sadly....the above examples should seem extreme and ridiculous but instead are EXACTLY the kinds of things that are happening in this world this very minute. Well put Figger, you obviously GOT my original point.It seems more and more that good 'ol common sense has been thrown out the window and been given to the lawyers instead. The last thing this country needs is MORE F-ing laws! It's just nuts right now and my worst fear is, if this continues and the over sensitive, ultra liberal "I'll save you from yourself" crowd have their way, we could easily find ourselves soon living a police state existence. And one of the ways to get there is by going down the road of P C extremismIt's real simple...if you make enough laws, sooner or later you will get everyone to break one, including the other wise normal, good, law abiding citizen. Perfect example...Walnut Creek California just banned the EASTER BUNNY!!!! WTF???!!!The world is going nuts....
    Wait...wtf? I live in Walnut Creek! I haven't heard this shat!
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