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Posts posted by speedz99

  1. every time she posts a YouTube video, or responds to something on reddit, or whatever, she'll have to deal with people spamming that link. the wonders of being Internet famous and stupid.


    I should have known you would really be into her.


    Yeah, that's right up my alley. At least, for her sake, her face isn't involved. Although I'm guessing the good folks at reddit have photoshopped her face on there perfectly. Perfectly. Yup, I bet that's happened. Do you...know...if that's happened?

    • Like 1
  2. Moved in on Saturday. The apartment is great, but the girlfriend wanted to paint the non-brick walls (that was probably an unnecessary qualifier...I wonder if I just wanted you guys to know we have some sweet exposed brick), so we held off on unpacking and started the painting process on Sunday. This somehow took us until yesterday to finish. There are three rooms. Also the fridge is still in the living room, our few IKEA things are half assembled because I refused to do it last night after a long day of getting shit done so the girlfriend gave it a shot after going to a happy hour with a friend, and we're about to take a 5 hour drive to Virginia for a long weekend with her parents.


    But, on the bright side of things, we purchased an awesome 50s diner booth setup that looks a lot like this, but without the red headrest things:




    oh uh, as for the rules (NSFW)




    Yes please.

  3. QMZr6.gif




    you come sauntering in here one day and it's like you've been here for years.


    There's basically zero chance that this is the case. NC is someone, I guess it just doesn't matter who(m).

    • Like 1
  4. That might be my favorite cracked article ever. My girlfriend had to come into the living room to ask what I was laughing so hard at:


    ... to "Relaxing Casually Just Like One of You Hu-mans (HAHA, One of US Hu-mans I Mean)" ..


    I also lost it to the spaghetti song.

  5. Not really true. This guy pretty much does it,




    but he likes to run alot, and often naked,




    That's not pizza.


    Speedz, I know you're mostly about the dogs and cats, but you should really listen to and find all thing all things Ron Magill. He's the big cheese at Zoo Miami, he does weekly segments on the podcast that a few of us listen to and a bunch more all over south Florida radio, and every thing this guy says is interesting. Whiskers and Suited will agree. Maybe not suited because he seems like the type to not like that segment, because he's joyless


    If you two have noticed, it's easy to find his spot, it's usually the start of part 2 or 3 Wednesday.


    I'll check it out, thanks. I usually like stuff like that.

  6. shit. I don't want to be an adult.


    Well that's clearly out the window. How old is the son and how much do you already hate him?


    This happens in the latest movie:




    I don't understand, was there an invisible human cannon on top of his car?


    Which would you prefer?


    All food you eat is the best tasting food. For example, somewhere in the world is a guy who loves brussel sprouts more than anyone. If you ate brussel sprouts, you would experience them the same way. This goes for every food item. But...the calories in each item are doubled.




    All food you eat is totally average. You don't love it, but you don't hate it either. But...the calories in each item are halved.


    I'd take the first, hands down. It kind of goes with the way I prefer to live anyway...fluctuation between starvation and eating whatever I want. The possibility of everything being incredibly good is absolutely worth having to eat half as much. Or get a little fat.


    But all you'd have to do is eat healthy most of the time, since it would still be delicious.


    I didn't even think about that. That would be an unbearable hell. The greatest meal anyone has ever had, available to you whenever you want, and you have to exercise extreme restraint? It would ****ing kill you.


    I think having it taste amazing already means you'll eat less. That sounds ridiculous, but I know that I binge on stuff that's basically junk food, but for special food I slow down to enjoy it and end up eating a reasonable amount.

  7. goose island is no longer brewed in chicago. I wonder how much this bothers MK? without checking my email history, I'd say it's been a good two to three months since we last spoke.


    I'm sure he'd claim the quality went way down either right before or right after the move. And say something ridiculously smug (and almost certainly incorrect) about hops.




    One of my friends actually calls me Number One when I have the beard. Yes, he means Riker.

  8. concur on the beards. they're dumb. keeping stubble is OK, but if I had my choice I would just never grow any facial hair. or any other kind of hair except for on my head.


    There are a ton of people out there that actively love beards. When I had one, I got compliments all the time. Even my own mother, who I'd have thought would hate it on me, said that I looked more doctorly. When you have a good beard, the world is your oyster. And for anyone with low confidence, it can almost work like a mask in that it hides some of the self-consciousness.

  9. I'm NickCave. I was trying out a new strategy.


    The strategy being assuming Wang's identity and writing style?


    Edit: That came off weird...I'm actually asking, not being sarcastic.


    That's what frustrates me about the guys on here. They are all good looking smart dudes


    Everyone's a good looking smart dude on the internet though.


    The mest you can do here is try to be honest and ask.


    This actually works as a combination of most and best.

  10. Pretty fcking functional.


    Yeah, but he's a functional __________. Not just straight up functional.


    So there's a very, very, (very) small chance I'll get a new job that will require me to be in K-City for a month of training. Wouldn't that be something?


    That would most definitely be something.


    That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.


    You did who to my what now?

  11. Other than that? Really? Come on now. Also, quite clear? Did you read what he wrote, and how he had to play 20 questions and still got nothing resembling a real answer. Just maybe's and possibly's


    That seems pretty clear to me.


    Drinking alone while watching AD the other night when the wife and baby were at the in-laws was the most depressing its been in a while.


    Really? That sounds great.

  12. And in reality, she's being the opposite of nice to you. But ok


    I don't know, it seems like she's been clear with him in terms of what she won't do (sex or anything close to it). Other than that, she seems to want to be a couple, and it's up to him if he wants to get on board with that plan or end it.

  13. I think most of the posters in this thread are WAY more worried about SA's girl that's a friend situation than he is.


    I think it's just something to talk about for us...he actually has to live it.


    My mother just bought a golden retriever, and asked me for advice on names. I'm pushing really hard for "Karen," but I don't think she's going for it.


    I'm sorry for your mother's loss in approximately 10 years due to hemangiosarcoma or lymphoma.


    And Speedz, I'm married, and my wife watches that crap when I sleep, it must have been subconscious. That being said, it's a good line. Because it's true.


    Yeah, but since when does that matter?


    Just to be clear, are we sure the new guy isnt Wang becauae man I dont enjoy his posts.


    Your taste, Ron. It's awful!


    There was like a 10 post stretch where people were accusing me of being him. I think you were even involved. For the record, I am not.


    You say "accused" like it's not a huge compliment.


    She does kiss me. It's not like we shake hands at the end of seeing each other and she hits me with a later dude. She'll tell people we are together and make plans for future vacations and dates.


    This is all quite strange. I think she really might have some actual issues to work through and it might not have much to do with you personally.

  14. Its NSFW


    You could still provide a link.


    Essay, what do you think she'd do if you started making out with her and just kept moving striaght through to el sexo without any discussion? Would she stop you at any point?

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