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Everything posted by IamRaplika

  1. i have another math and strategy tip for you guys.... my goal if people chip in replies and help my threads become popular,is too post more tips. So the people of www.fullcontactpoker.com can learn from me. but i dont want this to be a one way thing... I ask for you people too contribute... Be it with a story about a play i wrote about on my tips...successfull or unsuccessfull .Or even you may disagree or agree tell me why... I want us to get better at the game as a whole... ok all these are not base strategy but strategy add ons.. A kind of arsenal we are building for c
  2. If you feel i made a Math mistake plz tell me i m here to share not everything is going to be perfect.... but i m here too teach and learn from you people also....
  3. here i want to talk about raising hands like TT+... BY the way they say you dont know how to play jacks because Jacks are hard to play...lol...i got a solution for that.... now a days everyone knows this 1/221 is AA so KK+ is 2/221 so QQ+ is 3/221 so JJ+ is 4/221 and TT+ is 5/221 so all this means KK+ =1/110.5 QQ+ =1/73 JJ+ =1/55 TT+ =1/44.5 so at a 10 handed table it goes like this...(9 players + you=10 players right) 9/110.5 =1/12 for KK+ for someone to have you dominated 9/73 =1/8 for QQ+ for someone to have you dominated 9/55 =1/6 for JJ+ f
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