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About PiescoCause

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  1. Daniel, Thanks for your reply. I do feel reassured by it. And just the fact that you are willing to talk about it to a bunch of relative strangers on an internet forum also speaks volumes for your transparency in this. This thread is uniquely interesting to me as it combines two of my passionate interests - poker, and belief - what makes people believe what they do (whether thats religion, politics, life or whatever) and what makes them stick to those beliefs or change them. You mention above that you are coming over to London - all the best and good luck while you are here, and I look fo
  2. This is my first post here, so feel free to tell me to go away. I might stick around though if it stays this interesting Daniel, I think that the problem is that however, you reply, if positively about Choice Center, to some it will sound like you are "taken in" by it. It does sound like you ( And Antonio from what I gather) have been successfully "love-bombed" by this group. At this point we can cross off for now, many of the classic "cult" attributes - charismatic leader, apocalyptic future with only the chosen ( members who have paid $$$ in time and money) to be saved, slave labour,
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