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About AdamForde

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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    NL Texas Holdem
  1. Well this lasted a good few days before going to the trolls... Have fun under the bridge fellas.
  2. I feel like I did not explain myself well enough. I meant if an individual completes the entire coure (Discovery, Breakthrough, and All of the Leadership portions) and still wanted their money back. I can understand how Choice would not choose to offer that, and that is completely their decision. However, I think that is something that would support myself and, possibly others, with making the decision to go through Choice. Honestly if it is anything like the experience I've had I'd bet very few would even ask for the refund, and I think it makes more comfortable with the id
  3. Daniel, Thanks for writing back so quickly to me, this whole thing I find very fascinating and if nothing else I am proud that you are spreading awareness of these types of organizations and their benefits. I am curious to know, is there any sort of "money back guarantee" with Choice Center? For instance if I were to go through their base seminar for the $2700 cost, and felt as though I did not benefit from it is there a way to get my money back? The seminars I've been through offer a full money back guarantee as long as the individual completes the entire seminar. I feel, this helps p
  4. Daniel, I have been very interested in your involvement with Choice Center since prior to you even speaking openly about what it is. My curiosity came when I saw you using language that is very familiar to me, and that I would say to be "in leadership". I, myself, have not been through Choice Center, so I cannot speak to the validity of this Leadership University. However, I have gone through a series of seminars that is all too similar to what you have describe about Choice Center, and what has been leaked through Brian Micon's article (Choice Center should really reconsider how much p
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