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Everything posted by iTommyGavin81

  1. Not too many good stories. Mostly just me sitting on the couch and watching the badger game. And constantly spots on the wrap around sectional couch dropping ass everywhere I say and laughing to myself about how my ex wife has put on about 50 pounds in the last 6 months. Plus there was the whole group sex thing but no one wants to hear about that
  2. I just got done at my sons birthday party with my ex wife and her lesbian wife and both of their families
  3. I'd definitely take the 500k, I'm a simple man. And mexi-melt is once again correct and I suffered from it as well having stupid high standards when I was in my early to mid 20s. Really hot chicks are typically more trouble than their worth. And average chicks still look pretty damn good naked. 10 years ago, my current girl would not be within my standards. But she's much hotter with the clothes off and is really smart, funny, well put together and I genuinely enjoy being around her. And I have not received my surprise yet. Pretty sure it's sex related and pretty sure she's waiting t
  4. While I consider you my bestie I meant close in a different way, if you know what I mean. As in close to ejaculating. Because I'm masturbating thinking about you masturbating. If you know what I mean.
  5. Was there porn involved? What type? How many squirts? Lubrication? Details man, some of us are close
  6. Yes especially when you're packin the stratmonster. Friends first is a BS fairy tale. A woman knows immediately if she's gonna date a guy or not and won't use lame excuses why they can't date for now.
  7. After you finished reading you should have pulled your junk out after assuring there were no sharp objects around and seen what happened. And no matter the outcome of your grand, romantic gesture you should have then proceeded to flee as far away from her as you can and never return
  8. I backed you last week saying I was pushing you to the title and you're letting me down
  9. I liked napas stuff especially the seamless transition to sir mix a lot. I think she's gonna touch your penis soon enough. Have no idea on gods green earth what's taking her so long. And strat, I'm somewhat on Mexi-melts side on yours. It was a year ago. It's perfectly ok with that being part of her reasoning for not dating co workers. Nothing to make a deal out of, I'm guessing it's jealousy that is spiking your blood pressure on this but the fact is she's talking to you now not him. You've come this far you might as well play it cool and see what happens when you're not working at the s
  10. I would soooooo let my clone give me a blowie
  11. I'd definitely pick golf. Golf everyday, make millions, travel the country for a year
  12. If this girl cooks you dinner, makes out with you multiple times, let's you diddle her and doesn't have sex with you tonight I'm giving up on advice and commentary about her because she's the strangest girl ever made
  13. I see both sides of napas situation. On the one hand, he's probably wasting his time with her. On the other hand, it's so hard to start over with a new chick and you gotta think she's gonna touch his penis even accidentally one of these times and it's fun to make out
  14. We're seeing each other tonight so I'm hoping the surprise will be surprised upon me this evening
  15. And my almost 4 year old has discovered the pure joy of riding on my shoulders while I run around and riding on my back while I crawl around like a horsey. Good thing I have the strong back
  16. We're still friendly despite our contentious battle in the power rankings. I knew I'd lose to you I shouldn't be upset. I tried to tank to have a different first round opponent but I was unsuccessful. I'm backing essay all the way to the title!
  17. I hate the poll. And all of you except the 4 that voted for me
  18. You could change your vote to me too big papa
  19. If I had to get bounced in round 1 I'm glad mexi-melt did too.
  20. Oh and I got a new phone last week and lost all my progress in candy crush so I had to start over and got all the way to level 61! Score!
  21. On Friday night I didn't have sex. We watched love and other drugs and Anne Hathaway was naked a lot in it. She was fine with me commenting on it and didn't get all jealous and weird. I needed to leave by midnight but the movie went til 12:17. I was trying to give her a goodnight kiss on the couch and she stood up and led me to her bed and threw me down, ripped my pants off and gave me an intense BJ like she was getting paid by the minute and then swallowed it downand laid on top of me with her heart beating out of her chest. She was loving what she had just done. This is for the non thre
  22. My back is functionally strong. I do a lot of lifts with it and I've been doing some extra workouts at home with Shaun T's T25 workouts and he hits the core all the way around every time. I get so worried about hurting my back. Once you hurt it once its always gonna be an issue. A number of guys have retired early or had to leave on disability because of back problems. The rules of 3's on the ambulance kills me. 3AM, 300 lbs, and 3rd floor back bedroom. And of course they can't walk. So we find ourselves carrying these fatty's down awkward stair cases, twisting and everything else. Then when w
  23. Man the lady is talking about a surprise she is gonna give me but it won't be until tomorrow or the next day so that will hurt my rankings, no? I have a feeling it's sexual in nature
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