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Posts posted by Acadiamonds

  1. Lol, calling McCain a prick is ridiculous, and I like both Obama and McCain. McCain is against torture, Gitmo and unlawful detention without trial. He is passionate about combating global warming. He is a multilateralist. He is the most consistently liberal candidate on immigration; on free trade; on low taxes and on small government. These are the substantive issues of the day and McCain is the most solid, consistent liberal on these issues.And although Obamas healthcare plan is good, McCain is the only candidate to have focused on the real, underlying problem; the COST of healthcare. While I'm a believer in universal cover, it will be a pipe-dream without getting costs under control. McCain's bipartisanship, solid credentials on free trade/immigration, leadership on global warming, enlightened attitude to the civil liberties and the rule of law, and his more multilateralist, less belligerent attitude to foreign policy matter much much more.Either way, McCain and Obama are both great. They're both non-divisive and bipartisan, as well as pragmatic rather than ideologues. They both take global warming seriously, are moderate on immigration, are multi-lateralist, are steadfastly against torture, hate what gitmo says about America, want to expand stem cell research and most importantly, both are the only two candidates in this election who have any chance or inclination to reverse the irresponsible and dangerous partisan divide in US society that Bush and Rove have done everything possible to deepen for partisan gain.

  2. I'm Iranian and Daniel, Ahmadinejad isn't liked in Iran very much at all. Majority of Iranians don't support the government, and they sure don't like Ahmadinejad. He was "elected" for giving promises to help lower class Iranians which he has done nothing of. He's a simpleton, plain and simple. He really isn't that intelligent. This nutcase knows how to speak eloquently and deceive the public (as can be seen with certain threads praising his speech on this board) and that's truly dangerous. With raving lunatics, no one takes them seriously. With intelligent, well-spoken men, the general public often buys into the vitriol they spew.He's pandering to a western audience... I watch Iranian state run television via Farsi sites and the things he says are unheard of by a state leader (Islam will conquer the west after the Messiah Mahdi returns, martyrdom is beautiful, etc)....There is a reason why the regime isn't popular in Iran... they're insane...He ran as a fake, as a populist, because in Iran you can't win if you're a religious nut... the population is largely secular...Read the last Time and Newsweek magazines.... Iranians are PISSED at him and Hezbollah... He ran as a populist, but he's losing the poor which means his approval ratings have slipped under 40%.... By some estimates, he's under 30%.... Unfortunately, the only polls conducted on Iranians are from outside entities via telephones.... Ahmadinejad's numbers are higher than the regime a a whole because he ran on a platform of non-corruption and as a populist to help out the poor...What's happened since?His brother, who Ahmadinejad contraversially appointed the head of regime ethics for monetary means, is being investigated for a massive embezzlement operation and the economoy has grown substantially worse since he took office... Ahmadinejad's economic advisers claim he takes NONE of their advice seriously...Zogby did a poll over the summer that found that the economy, by a wide margin, is the #1 issue facing Iranians over nuclear weapons... unemployment has dipped over 20%, which is very high for Iranian standards...If you think Iranians like him you really need to study the issue...

  3. Hey all,Just wanted to find out if we had any NYC rounders out there that could point me to card room in the big apple. I'll be in town for a couple of days and wanted to see about playing there. I've played about every other major poker venue and want to see this one. Won't be there long enough/have enough free time to hit Foxwoods or AC so help a Cali fish find his way into the frying pan.I'll be at about 155 E. 50th St. so close to there would be good.Ciao.
    You're from Long Island, eh? Ever go to fish street?
  4. Nope.... he's said it himself many times before, he doesn't want his hands revealed in cash game situations. Its basically his way of saying "I'm better than you all and you'll just have to pay to figure me out on your own."I don't blame him... you shouldn't reveal your edge in this business... Besides, anyone who can pay cash for a McLaren Mercedes must be doing something right...
    How do u know he has a McClaren and paid cash for it?
  5. I don't neccecarily dislike Annie Duke, but she's probably the most well known female poker player in the world. I'm not saying she's the best, but probably the most recognized among poker fans. I know she has one bracelet, which is defenitly an accomplishment, but how has she become so famous and well known as a serious poker player? The $2 million 1 table sng was an accomplishment, and as good the other players were, there were only 9 people to beat, yet she's always shown on TV as one of the best female players in the world. Am I the only one who doesn't understand it?

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