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Ive noticed a big hole in my game lately. As I am learning the finer point of NLHE, I am having trouble with play on the flop. Most of this occurs when I have a nice hand preflop...AK, AQ, AJ, KQ, KJ..etc....after I make my raise and get 1 or 2 callers or so is where I have trouble. When the board reads low cards or 678 or 345 kinds of flops, this is where the hand gets away from me. I try to be aggressive and sometimes lead out or reraise the others. So many times I find myself being reraised again. Sometimes when I am in mid to late positions, the lead out bettor fires out like $2 (i play mostly 10/25 cent) on a low flop, how should I respond? Any thoughts on this would be great.

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this is IMO the crucial point of making money regularly at NL.First you must have knowledge of whether your opponent is capable of making plays, and which ones.Theres a lot of questions like - 10-max/6-max- how much are you raising pre flop?- what position are you?- stack sizes. - have you been caught continuation betting. - etcmaybe post a hand history and we'll take a look.p.s. you're meant to miss the flop 2/3rds of the time. Thus you cant really play many of the marginal hands from early position. Don't call raises with then offsuit unless its AK and perhaps AQ.

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this is IMO the crucial point of making money regularly at NL.First you must have knowledge of whether your opponent is capable of making plays, and which ones.Theres a lot of questions like - 10-max/6-max- how much are you raising pre flop?- what position are you?- stack sizes. - have you been caught continuation betting. - etcmaybe post a hand history and we'll take a look.p.s. you're meant to miss the flop 2/3rds of the time. Thus you cant really play many of the marginal hands from early position. Don't call raises with then offsuit unless its AK and perhaps AQ.
I play 10 max. If i raise preflop its baout 4x-5x the BB. What positions should you call with these hands more and in what positions should you make a reraise?
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KJ, KQ, and AJ are not really very good hands in a 10-handed game unless you're in late position. I'd probably limp with these hands in EP and MP and fold if there's a raise in front of me. If you want to be able to push hard with these kind of hands, maybe you should switch to 6-max.

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