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Kyle: Hey Stan, did you see that rainbow this morning? Stan: Yeah, it was huge. Cartman: Urg, I hate those things! Kyle: Nobody hates rainbows. Stan: Yeah, what's there to hate about rainbows? Cartman: Well, you know. You'll just be sitting there, minding your own business, and they'll come marching in and crawl up your leg and start biting the inside of your ass and you'll be all like: "Hey, get out of my a ss, you stupid rainbows!" [paus] Stan: Cartman, what the hell are you talking about? Cartman: I'm talking about rainbows. I hate those freakin' things. Kyle: Rainbows are those little arches of color that show up during a rain storm. Cartman: Ohhh, rainBOWS, oh yeah, I like those, those are cool. Stan: What were you talking about? Cartman: Huh? Oh, nothin'. Forget it. Kyle: No. What marches in, crawls up your leg and bites the inside of your a ss? Cartman: Nothiing!

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