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I'm having problems with getting PT to work. It is only a trial version, and I will be getting the full version, but I do not understand something. I am currently playing at Titan, and the other night, I played some tournaments and PT worked fine - that is to say, I had HUD on all tables, I had all the stats and everything. Yesterday, however, I played .10/.20 HNL and I could not get the HUD to work on the table. It was loading hands in the PT database and all, but no HUD. I tried restarting PT and everything, but with no result. Does anyone know what the reason might be?EDIT: Now it stopped working on tourneys as well, I don't get it :club:

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Not sure, but my trial version also did something funny last night. In the middle of my 10NL cash session I added a stat to the HUD and when it refreshed I no longer had the Overview, Preflop, Flop, Turn, River buttons. I'll see if it comes back tonight.In any case, try posting in the PT3 forum on their website.

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