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Full Tilt Pot-Limit Omaha, $0.25 BB (9 handed) - Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comButton ($28.07)SB ($24)BB ($30.21)UTG ($19.50)UTG+1 ($23.70)MP1 ($24.43)Hero (MP2) ($37.89)MP3 ($26.78)CO ($25)Preflop: Hero is MP2 with 10club.gif, Kclub.gif, 9spade.gif, Qdiamond.gif3 folds, Hero bets $0.85, 2 folds, Button calls $0.85, 2 foldsFlop: ($2.05) 3club.gif, 9heart.gif, Jdiamond.gif(2 players)Hero bets $2.05, Button raises to $8.20, Hero raises to $26.65, Button raises to $27.22 (All-In), Hero calls $0.57guy had been calling several raises, tho not with junk and not getting out of line too much. he was complaining a few minutes ago about "not hitting any of his draws." I had raised his blind from the button a couple of times, and tho this isn't that situation, i felt he was going to stop c/f'ing to my c-bets all the time.

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I play it the same. Calling out of position really isn't an option, as it turns our hand face up, gives him the initiative, and may even let him bluff us out with the same hand. A shove also makes him *maybe* fold a 2 pair hand.

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