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General Strategy For The $12 180 Turbos?

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Since stars probably won't have the $10 180 SnG's anymore due to the popularity of the $12 180's, I do want to try more of these out.But the problem is that I am horrid in turbo tourneys because I feel like I have to play extremely fast and I end up making -EV decisions because all I care about is just getting chips as fast as I can. I know that probably is a bad way to think so thats why I'm posting here.I don't feel that confortable playing $20 180's yet, and the $4.40's don't pay out that much unless I get deep. Even though the turbo 180's haven't been out for a day, does anyone have a general strategy for turbo MTT's or for these 180 turbos?

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be the first to push and make them make the hard decisions..??don't play them is the best advice, but I would say bet your big hands harder than normal and make moves earlier than you normally would. I would stick to avoiding them though.

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you can still play them just as long as you understand going into it that although they can be played optimally, there is giong to be a large luck factor. Basically jsut wait until the blinds get big, and then steal them, is all I do. Make sure you know people's pushing ranges based on their position and M's, and your pot odds when making calls.And in general, it's better to push all in than to call all in. Much better.

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