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Home Ring Game, What Is This?

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So we're playing 6 handed .05/.10, $5 buy in, just a fun social game. I usually play fairly laggy, and most of my roommates are fairly kosher so I tend to do alright. Well, tonight was probably the weirdest poker game I've ever been in, I'll run through some of the more interesting hands.First hand I pick up KK, alright, good start. I raise 3x BB as per usual, everyone calls, flop comes 566, i know someone called with 6x, but i raise the flop anyway, and then call with 2 other people. K3 suited rivers a flush, but it didn't matter because 55 flop the boat. ALLLLright, **** happens, this isn't really a bad beat, can't expect people not to call with pocket pairs, sooo moving on.next hand, i limp in the BB with K8, flop comes 3 9 K, i bet, and i get 1 caller. Turn is a 9, I bet, she calls again. River is a 9, I'm not worried about a better king anymore and expect to chop here, so i check, and she bets out, (she's not really good so i assume she doesn't realize her good king most likely got counterfeited here) so I call and she shows me a 9. ALLLLriiight, **** happens, next hand.Look down at 2 shiny black aces, well sweet, i can make some money back from the last 2 hands. This time I decide not to let too many people limp and raisae 4x BB, with 1 callers. The flop comes 8 9 10 rainbow, so i shove the rest of my stack (about $2 at this point) in, and get insta called by QJ. This is not a good night at all.At this point I decided to sit out instead of tilting off any more money. 2 hand after I sit out this hand happens.it's heads up on a 10 10 5 flop, check check, turn is a 9, check check, river is Q, and also the 4th diamond, first person shoves about $10 into a $0.40 pot, and the girl laughs, calls ($5), and shows the Ad, not to be outdone, the first person flips 10 10. what the hell is this, 6 handed and less then 10 hands and we've seen AA and KK cracked, two sets of quads, and a flopped boat.The last hand I played was a good one too, I held KK again, made the standard raise, got 1 caller, (same kid who hit the nut straight on my AA and flopped the quad 10's) flop comes 8 high, rainbow, he bets, i just call looking to trap (oh of course this is going to backfire) turn pairs the board with another 8, i bet, he raises, i reraise allin, he calls and tables 8 4. River was a Q, no help. What a night, somehow I ended up +$4.

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So we're playing 6 handed .05/.10, $5 buy in, just a fun social game. I usually play fairly laggy, and most of my roommates are fairly kosher so I tend to do alright. Well, tonight was probably the weirdest poker game I've ever been in, I'll run through some of the more interesting hands.First hand I pick up KK, alright, good start. I raise 3x BB as per usual, everyone calls, flop comes 566, i know someone called with 6x, but i raise the flop anyway, and then call with 2 other people. K3 suited rivers a flush, but it didn't matter because 55 flop the boat. ALLLLright, **** happens, this isn't really a bad beat, can't expect people not to call with pocket pairs, sooo moving on.next hand, i limp in the BB with K8, flop comes 3 9 K, i bet, and i get 1 caller. Turn is a 9, I bet, she calls again. River is a 9, I'm not worried about a better king anymore and expect to chop here, so i check, and she bets out, (she's not really good so i assume she doesn't realize her good king most likely got counterfeited here) so I call and she shows me a 9. ALLLLriiight, **** happens, next hand.Look down at 2 shiny black aces, well sweet, i can make some money back from the last 2 hands. This time I decide not to let too many people limp and raisae 4x BB, with 1 callers. The flop comes 8 9 10 rainbow, so i shove the rest of my stack (about $2 at this point) in, and get insta called by QJ. This is not a good night at all.At this point I decided to sit out instead of tilting off any more money. 2 hand after I sit out this hand happens.it's heads up on a 10 10 5 flop, check check, turn is a 9, check check, river is Q, and also the 4th diamond, first person shoves about $10 into a $0.40 pot, and the girl laughs, calls ($5), and shows the Ad, not to be outdone, the first person flips 10 10. what the hell is this, 6 handed and less then 10 hands and we've seen AA and KK cracked, two sets of quads, and a flopped boat.The last hand I played was a good one too, I held KK again, made the standard raise, got 1 caller, (same kid who hit the nut straight on my AA and flopped the quad 10's) flop comes 8 high, rainbow, he bets, i just call looking to trap (oh of course this is going to backfire) turn pairs the board with another 8, i bet, he raises, i reraise allin, he calls and tables 8 4. River was a Q, no help. What a night, somehow I ended up +$4.
what is it? RIGGED!
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