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Posts posted by snowmannn

  1. Yeah, this whole chuck norris thing was funny for a while.. but its a little played out. If you plan on telling the same 15 Chuck Norris jokes and asking us where to eat every day for eternity, you can just move on... okay????Thanks...
    If you don't like my posts, don't read 'em. And wipe that smirk off of your face...
  2. Let's get one thing straight... my television has 3 settings: ESPN, softcore porn, and off. I really don't watch anything else.And everyone in the entire world is talking about 24. Is my life somehow unfulfilled since I haven't seen it? When my favorite sportswriters are talking about 24, I figure enough is enough.What is so cool about this show? Do I really have to run out and go buy all 4 seasons on DVD and watch them? Am I a loser if I don't? It sounds like I am.
    Q: Who would win in a fight between Jack Bauer and God?A: Chuck Norris.
  3. Well, it is Friday, so I voted for Friday's.
    Hmm...good point...
    I have never eaten at any of these places. Are they west of the big river??? I always thought eating what Brittany Spears had between her legs would be a great meal. :club:
    Nah, I don't like crabs.
    Edit: Unless its the King Crab. Long live the KRABLAR!
  4. Well, it is Friday, so I voted for Friday's.
    Hmm...good point...
    I have never eaten at any of these places. Are they west of the big river??? I always thought eating what Brittany Spears had between her legs would be a great meal. :club:
    Nah, I don't like crabs.
  5. i can just see kid jumping up and down in his room jizzing all over the walls cuz he thought howard lederer read his blog (i hope somehow phil ivey reads this post and thinks im great and asks me to be his boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!!!!!!)...
    Phil Ivy is not a fan of the Wu-Tang, but is a huge fan of the Poon-Tang. So maybe you have a shot.Edit: Wait, are you a dude?
  6. ya, its cuz people are there to get drunk and gamble, honestly, a lot of people who sit down at a casino poker table think its all luck, and will chase chase chase.P.S... Your sig is awesome! love that movie
    Your avatar is awesome...I am going to sit at work and look at it all day.
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