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Everything posted by Tank4Daze

  1. lol and i was watching for u to reg,but we are in the other one together,bout to open ur table up.but when i read u were getting in the next one i still jumped that one aswell,cuz..im...well.....sick LOLGl take this down for us,wash away this so called bad runEDIT:yvw hun,lets get this money
  2. waiting to c u reg before i do,maybe we jump in the next one? maybe we'll get another runner by then to? or if can make this one do it,and ill get in right away,unless its almos full then dont reg till next one please
  3. alright rivergirl,looks like jus u and me,hop into the next one. 82219027
  4. preciate the hey,hard to give away money this early i guessthanks again...hopefully i have a meaning response to one of your threads one day,highly doubtful tho hahah jk
  5. sry to hear that...if i recall correctly u have done well before being staked,or am i thinking someone else?we'll hopefully ill still b here in 6 mos,and then we'll get u into sumthin LOL
  6. yes,hes very weak,i thought i made that clear,but will reread my OP,i appologize if not,i have not slept yet lolsad but true.but yes he was very weak,would either fold or call post,almost never raise
  7. i actually prefer the three bet as he folded to almost everyone,and if he didnt it defined his hands so clearly that i found 3 betting him oop was a very successful play for me in this match.and in general im not a fan of flatting oop heads up,i usually 3 bet or foldbut i will consider your line...thx for the response
  8. ok rivergirl,we'll wait a few for a few more runners,if not it'll jus be you and me going for the gold(shipping as we speak,lemme know when got...and we'll get the tourny # going soon)
  9. i like u and ur posts rivergirl,so if u have time to play u will be one of my ponys,if u so desire...dont worry about running,its only money
  10. thanks to all for the warm welcome!!am i to understand that other then FARGOpokerND,you other well wishers are down for a stake?if not lets get some more punters before i ship and we decide what to hop intothx again all.hope to add a lil somethin to the forumedit:sorry i meant hollywoodAFD not FARGO
  11. yea i here ya,but at these levels,rarely do i find these matches last to long,and the play is usually bad enough to give me a good expectation regardlesswith that said tho,i wish i could play a level where the rake would matter less,but alas this is not my reality siralthough i do do the HU sng thing instead sometimes,which is lighter on the pocket rake wise,but i find i can push players around more when they are sitting with theyre own "real" money giving me more edge...i guess its all style and player dependent tho on which is your best bet between the two in a given situation
  12. yes i actually was,i was just trying to mix things up to see whats my best option to get him to put some money in the pot when i have something
  13. As stated in title i am a very very very long time lurker,pretty much right from the begining of the site,and have learned alot from this forum and had many laughs here along the wayso now that im achieving alot of the goals that i had set for myself online ( i am a long time live cash game player and have had the majority of my success there,and consider myself a "pro" as i havent had to work in years now,but have been trying for a long time to transition more and more to the online scene to be able to spend more time and be closer with my family and friends.and truth be told i never thought
  14. so ive been playing with this guy for quite a while at this point,and have taken him for a buy in already(we both started short)so i feel like i have a fairly good read on this player at this point IMOthroughout the whole match hes been aggro pre,but very passive post flop as far as c-betting in pots he's opened and the like,yet still a calling station in and oop,showing down many hands,but raising very few,post.and every time we have gotten it in on the flop,hes had a monster or close to it.a style which i find fairly easy to exploit,just very easy to run over,and when shown any resistance,i
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