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Posts posted by Sportsmack

  1. then this....PokerStars Game #31969143941: Tournament #187197240, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (20/40) - 2009/08/23 15:13:19 ETTable '187197240 12' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: Amlew56 (4355 in chips) Seat 2: EXTREMYDURA (2000 in chips) Seat 3: kazik&kult (2050 in chips) Seat 4: Egis79 (7630 in chips) Seat 5: JLocc (1630 in chips) Seat 6: scrub1969 (410 in chips) Seat 7: BATMAN222 (2055 in chips) Seat 8: GuelderRose (1950 in chips) Seat 9: Game 65 (1970 in chips) JLocc: posts small blind 20scrub1969: posts big blind 40*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Amlew56 [Kd Kc]BATMAN222: folds GuelderRose: folds Game 65: folds Amlew56: raises 80 to 120EXTREMYDURA: calls 120kazik&kult: calls 120Egis79: calls 120JLocc: folds scrub1969: calls 80*** FLOP *** [4s Js 5s]scrub1969: checks Amlew56: bets 240EXTREMYDURA: calls 240kazik&kult: raises 360 to 600Egis79: folds scrub1969: folds Amlew56: raises 3635 to 4235 and is all-inEXTREMYDURA: calls 1640 and is all-inkazik&kult: folds Uncalled bet (2355) returned to Amlew56*** TURN *** [4s Js 5s] [3d]*** RIVER *** [4s Js 5s 3d] [7d]*** SHOW DOWN ***Amlew56: shows [Kd Kc] (a pair of Kings)EXTREMYDURA: shows [As Jd] (a pair of Jacks)Amlew56 collected 4980 from pot

  2. glad a 5 didn't drop on the riverPokerStars Game #31968950674: Tournament #187197240, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2009/08/23 15:08:51 ETTable '187197240 12' 9-max Seat #9 is the buttonSeat 1: Amlew56 (2105 in chips) Seat 2: DaBruns (2040 in chips) Seat 3: kazik&kult (2070 in chips) Seat 4: Egis79 (6230 in chips) Seat 5: JLocc (1860 in chips) Seat 6: scrub1969 (1530 in chips) Seat 7: BATMAN222 (2055 in chips) Seat 8: GuelderRose (1950 in chips) Seat 9: Game 65 (2210 in chips) Amlew56: posts small blind 15DaBruns: posts big blind 30*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Amlew56 [6s 5s]kazik&kult: folds Egis79: raises 30 to 60JLocc: calls 60scrub1969: folds BATMAN222: folds GuelderRose: folds Game 65: folds Amlew56: calls 45DaBruns: calls 30*** FLOP *** [5h 7s 6c]Amlew56: checks DaBruns: checks Egis79: checks JLocc: bets 90Amlew56: calls 90DaBruns: raises 210 to 300Egis79: folds JLocc: folds Amlew56: calls 210*** TURN *** [5h 7s 6c] [Tc]Amlew56: checks DaBruns: bets 570Amlew56: calls 570*** RIVER *** [5h 7s 6c Tc] [6d]Amlew56: bets 1175 and is all-inDaBruns: calls 1110 and is all-inUncalled bet (65) returned to Amlew56*** SHOW DOWN ***Amlew56: shows [6s 5s] (a full house, Sixes full of Fives)DaBruns: shows [5c 7d] (two pair, Sevens and Sixes)Amlew56 collected 4290 from pot

  3. You've never heard of Medical Marijuana.... You start a sentence with AND while telling me how to spell.... you and I will get along just dandy...
    And what's wrong with that exactly? But seriously what's wrong with that?Or am I just crazy?
  4. I am really tired of the ignorant, hypocritical, Draconian laws in this country.I'm even more tired of the political whores who pass them.Because some pompous, Christian, cheating, lying, stealing, self serving SOB politicians want to get re-elected....... I can't play poker for a few bucks from my home. I fought for this country. My Father fought for this country. My son wants to fight for this country. (though I'm trying to talk him out of it) Why in the **** do I have such a hard time doing what the rest of the world is doing?Why do I have people telling me what I can and cannot do as an adult?FUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK
    LOL @ this having anything to do with it.
  5. Yeah, it hurt. I cried a little :club: On another note, why the bleep is schierholtz not playing? did he stab bochy or something?!?!?
    I believe Schierholtz is fine, but Wynn had a pretty nice game last night...it might just be a "play the hot bat" situation. I actually think he's like 2 for 3 already tonight with 2 RBI. Looks like he might get a few more starts.
  6. twenty one years and 2 months
    Surprised by this one.
    twenty-one years and 5 months exactly
    Had this one pegged
    20 going on 21
    pegged, actually put you at like 18...not sure why.
    44, aka Old enough to know better, but still too young to care!!
    pegged'ish, figured more like 38-39
    28, aka Old enough to know better, but still too young to care!!
    Very Surprised! Had you in the late 30's.
  7. I have no idea what you are trying to say about me here, but u can stop pointlessly referencing me. k thx.
    I'm not sure either, you're just fun to mess with...just stop taking this all so seriously.
    Have to agree with Sportsmack....Losing would have hurt a lot, but it wouldn't have been the end of the season. Momentum is a fickle friend.In another note, I hope David Wright is not out for the season...that was ugly. Kuroda too for that matter.
    I bet that hurt.
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