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Posts posted by MilesZS
What I don't understand is why the hell you care what he says he would do, or what he would do. Why? Is it that important to you that some guy on this forum says he would take his money back? So important you have to grill him about it for several posts? Are you attempting to be parental? Are you trying to teach the world how to be less violent, one random internet guy at a time? Are you hoping for consideration for the Nobel Peace Prize? Good god man, let it go. Just let it go.Your progression has been amazing:"i wouldnt ask for my money back. i would just take it back. i wouldnt let them keep my money. even if it was only $5.""i wouldnt leave without my money. i would just tell them that the first person to get in my way is going through the wall or window.""well most of the time they wont stop u. if they do u will probably get throttled just make sure u get 1 of them real good. or u can just wait till a later date when the numbers will be in your favour"[Ya gonna round up a posse and hunt down the outlaws?]"maybe not for $50 but for $200+ dam right i would" (little different than your first quote, eh?)"the best thing to do in this situation is leave without confrontation."From tough guy to pacifist in five easy posts.... -
Seriously, obeying the god damned rules is getting on my nerves. I hear all these crazy ass stories about people taking $100 or something to like $1000 in a day by being retarded and I end up wishing I were retarded. At least retarded until I hit a grand or two, then unretarded so that I'd drop too levels that make sense and actually get to keep my winnings.Please God... plesae... make me retarded, just for a bit.
Please don't ever try to teach a fish how to think like a shark.OrPlease don't try to teach a donkey how to be a stallion.or...Quit showing bad players how to get better. I need money. Thanks.
HAHA, no really, that is your leak-proof argument? It's full of hear-say, personal opinion, and speculation. It is so unnecessary to judge everyone based on random bullshit you read somewhere on the Internet. You just sound like a giant douche of a human being. Just leave the guy alone. If you don't like him, keep it to your damn self. You sound so superficial and holier-than-thou it's sick. I'm not trying to insult you, though. I'm trying to enlighten you.
Now I am not a fan of insulting other posters, but I guess I could sink down to your level. 1. He divorced his wife because he wanted to pursue his poker career, NOT because she was a censored, censored, etc. I could always use the (Well, how do you know if she is a censored, bimbo, etc) as you said, but I will just say you are wrong. It WAS because of the money, and if you look it up you could figure that out yourself instead of crying from a post and insulting me. 2. He quit his job because of his money, exactly. But I remember an interview saying "Well, I love my job too much to quit it". Maybe a reflection on the wife? Glad you get my point. 3. The girl is a golddigger man!! If you saw them together, and I HAVE seen her, then you would understand. I won't judge what you said on that, because you need to see the person as I did in order to understandEach point validates itself. It isn't a full-out stupid comment since evidence of pattern behavior shows. Thanks, and come again
that is incredibly stupid my friend.first of all, big fucking deal if he divorced his wife. what if his wife was a stupid whore? you have no idea what motivated him to divorce his wife, so you definitely can't judge him for that.he quit his job. so? who wouldn't quit their job if they had the money? is that somehow a bad thing? he was an accountant! its not like he was a really important doctor or a man with a lifetime passion for music. he was an accountant. big deeeeeeeeeeeal.ok 2 down 1 to go. "last i heard, he was with some bimbo". hmmm. well, lets see, do you know if thats true? who is the bimbo? maybe shes nice? maybe you are a judgemental idiot? have you met the guy? no. shut your mouf.The only thing I didn't like about MM is that he said that "He wouldn't quit his job if he won, since he loves what he does. His life wouldn't change in the fact of the money."Divorced his wifeQuit his jobLast I heard (Not official) he was going with some young bimbo or somthing of that nature.So I feel that he is not a 'class act' guy as a few of you say. Now you can say you 'met' him and whatnot, and he might have been nice and such, but have you walked in his shoes and seen his actions and changes once he won that money?Now for the flaming on Moneymaker's play.... well.. He is a DECENT poker player, even though it hurts me to admit it. He knows how to pick up tells, execute bluffs (his main strategy) and plays on weakness with his opponent. MM is DEFINATLY not a great poker player, but he is average enough.. But I still don't like him, and I gave reasons for it, so -
The gist of what I was thinking. Mine may have been less blunt, but that's ok. hahaGood lord... If anything you should be saying he is stupid for saying his life would not change, despite the money. I'd quit my job, move to Oceanside, California and exclusively play music while living of the interest of my invested money. That would be a bit of a change from my full-time crap job while I try ot get all my bills paid so I can afford to go back to college. I wish I were Moneymaker. I'm sure he's laughing at you all who judge him.
that is incredibly stupid my friend.first of all, big fucking deal if he divorced his wife. what if his wife was a stupid whore? you have no idea what motivated him to divorce his wife, so you definitely can't judge him for that.he quit his job. so? who wouldn't quit their job if they had the money? is that somehow a bad thing? he was an accountant! its not like he was a really important doctor or a man with a lifetime passion for music. he was an accountant. big deeeeeeeeeeeal.ok 2 down 1 to go. "last i heard, he was with some bimbo". hmmm. well, lets see, do you know if thats true? who is the bimbo? maybe shes nice? maybe you are a judgemental idiot? have you met the guy? no. shut your mouf.The only thing I didn't like about MM is that he said that "He wouldn't quit his job if he won, since he loves what he does. His life wouldn't change in the fact of the money."Divorced his wifeQuit his jobLast I heard (Not official) he was going with some young bimbo or somthing of that nature.So I feel that he is not a 'class act' guy as a few of you say. Now you can say you 'met' him and whatnot, and he might have been nice and such, but have you walked in his shoes and seen his actions and changes once he won that money?Now for the flaming on Moneymaker's play.... well.. He is a DECENT poker player, even though it hurts me to admit it. He knows how to pick up tells, execute bluffs (his main strategy) and plays on weakness with his opponent. MM is DEFINATLY not a great poker player, but he is average enough.. But I still don't like him, and I gave reasons for it, so -
Good god. Did you put this guy on your buddy list? He's awesome. I don't even know what more to say about someone who will go all-in like that with ... just ... good god. Ridiculous.
Eh, it entertained me. That's all I care about. I'm easily amused, however.I hope they don't cancel it, it helps me fill out my TV watching schedule. Football 3 days a week + Tilt + South Park. Avoid TV the other days. I think the NFL is fucking with my schedule this season though.
The Big game is played several different places, depending on where the majority of the regulars are at the time, so someone got that right.As far as blinds go... duh. It's a $4k/8k game -- which means the BLINDS in LIMIT GAMES are $2k/$4k, and the bets are $4k/$8k. I think that should clear up the argument. Different games are played different ways, so one game blinds might actually be $4k/$8k, and in other games they might be $2k/$4k. Glad to see we were all thinking hard about this one. The Andy Beal game is 'a' big game, but not The Big Game. The Andy Beal game should, if anything, be called the Dick-Waving Game. Something to that effect. I believe $4k/$8k games are actually played other places as well, but it is not called The Big Game if it doesn't involve the regular players from... The Big Game. I believe there's a place in LA that spreads a $4k/$8k stud game, but I could be mistaken. The above paragraph is full of hear-say and speculation.The rest of it is true. I know this because I spend way too much time paying attention to it and reading about it everywhere.
Hand out several lucky charms to each pro that the viewers want to see? Slip chips to the pros "Tilt" style? Call Harry Potter and see if he can get you some of that luck potion, Felix Felicia or whatever it's called? I don't know. Good luck.Couple of notes, First the WSOP group did a great job getting facilities that scaled to the number of players they wound up with. That said there are some things they can certainly improve on next year.1. The chairs - There's a reason the dealers all carried stacks of cushions around. That'll be a very expensive fix, and if they don't do it next year, as they replace chairs, getting better ones should be on the roadmap somewhere.2. Tabletops - the embriodery was not a huge problem, but consistently annoying. 3. Cash games should not be staffed by dealers not good enough to deal tourney's. All that said, it's not that important to listen to the players. Its much more important to listen to ESPN and thier viewers. The reality is that they are behind the growth and they need to be heard.Now as a focus group of one, what I didn't like. I follow this poker stuff with some regularity and I really wanted to see more big names at the final table. Not sure, how to do that, but I want to watch DN, Count Chocula, the Phils (Ivey and Gordon) and so on. How do they do that? -
Is it cute because it's so dead-on? I'm not sure you understand how you are hurting yourself in this debate. Unfortunately, I have to go to work. Carry on Socrates.
cute. :roll:You still haven't answered the question we have asked you. What are the effective positive results that would come about by enforcing drug testing for the ME. Don't give your opinion, give factual information and data to back it up. You will also need to show the current state in which it exists today and once you have your data compiled from field research and comparitive analysis, come back to us and we'll listen. Other than that, you are just enforcing your own opinion and that is not arguing effectively, that is being self absorbed in your own moral dilemas. -
You are creating a problem. You are saying you think drugs run rampant in poker. That is completely unsubstantiated, so your whole argument is a wash. Poker is getting pushed mainstream by the media and us as consumers. Pay attention.The Olympics are not related to poker. In any way. Poker is not a sport, so forget that. Poker is just a game of chance and skill. I said chess players ARE NOT TESTED. Read carefully.You are coming off as a "piss-ant" by not listening to any argument, but rather saying we are all "piss-ants". You sound like you want to control peoples lives, and I wholly disagree with that -- vehemently. By the way, all of the sudden deciding to test all players would create a media frenzy that paints all poker players as druggies. Think of the backlash. You want a holier than thou attitude in this thread, you got it buddy. You obviously didn't think about this at all. You should probably just stop. Now.
Don't you see how there wouldn't even be speculation if there were testing?I'm not saying he was. That was a suspicous video but inconclusive. I just don't want to hear about it and HONESTLY think it would be a good thing if we kept the drunks and user off the tables. Even if it means losing producers and some excellent talent.Blah... i got tired of reading the posts on the second page.Yeah, buddy, you're an awesome debater! You open the thread with an open accusation that Matusow has been snorting coke because he was once caught with coke? Am I going out on a limb to say that you don't know the full story (as most don't, aside from Mike and his good friends)?
Fair but the WSOP is supposedly about winning braclets and being the best. I think to recognize the distinction there should be standards set. And again poker is being pushed mainstream by the pros.Ridiculous. It's just a game. A game in which people put up THEIR OWN money. I don't even touch any drugs aside from alcohol and I would not play in any event where I was told I could put up my own $10k for the opportunity to get censored tested. Invasion of privacy. These aren't pros under a contract making millions. It's some guys putting up their own money, GAMBLING that they can win more.
Should there be drug testing in the olympics? Simple question.Get your morals out of my business. You have yours, others have theirs, I have mine. If some guy thinks he is going to help himself by using a highly addictive and threatening drug, fine. I'm not too worried about it.
Meth isn't perscribed for ADD or ADHD so it doesn't help? you're just wrong - coke can help in a game where you need to put in long hours.I do'nt know what type of people you hang around that have told themselves coke will help them focus, but you're wrong. That's so rare, it's ridiculous. The only drugs that could possibly help are those that are prescribed to persons suffering from ADD or ADHD.
Then how am I so out to lunch if chess players are already doing it.I may be wrong, but I don't believe the USCF tests their players (professional chess) at tournaments. That is a much better comparison than football and poker.
Perhaps the holier than thou attitude comes from the censored-ants that think they own this place and the discussions that can take place in it.You're being ridiculous, and backing it up by a "Holier Than Thou" attitude. Tone it down. Come back to Earth. You are better than no one. -
I don't recall saying anything about the law. I said that to me, testing me to gamble is an invasion of privacy. Are you saying that every citizen in the United States should have to succumb to mandatory random drug testing because drugs are illegal? You don't see anything wrong with that? You don't see that as totalitarian in any way?It's not a double standard (in fact, that phrase doesn't even make sense the way you were using it) to say that I should not be tested for drugs unless my employer wishes to do so. I do not blame an employer for wanting their employees to be clean when on the job. Poker players are not employees. I still can't quite understand what the hell you are talking about. Hopefully I accidentally addressed it.trying to use the law to protect you to do something illegal -
If you explain what you mean, maybe I could figure out how to disagree or agree. Apologies, but this whole thing pisses me off, and I'm tired of people calling Matusow names and shit when they don't know anything.
Isn't this a bit of a double standard?Blah... i got tired of reading the posts on the second page.Yeah, buddy, you're an awesome debater! You open the thread with an open accusation that Matusow has been snorting coke because he was once caught with coke? Am I going out on a limb to say that you don't know the full story (as most don't, aside from Mike and his good friends)?Ridiculous. It's just a game. A game in which people put up THEIR OWN money. I don't even touch any drugs aside from alcohol and I would not play in any event where I was told I could put up my own $10k for the opportunity to get censored tested. Invasion of privacy. These aren't pros under a contract making millions. It's some guys putting up their own money, GAMBLING that they can win more. Get your morals out of my business. You have yours, others have theirs, I have mine. If some guy thinks he is going to help himself by using a highly addictive and threatening drug, fine. I'm not too worried about it.I do'nt know what type of people you hang around that have told themselves coke will help them focus, but you're wrong. That's so rare, it's ridiculous. The only drugs that could possibly help are those that are prescribed to persons suffering from ADD or ADHD. I may be wrong, but I don't believe the USCF tests their players (professional chess) at tournaments. That is a much better comparison than football and poker.You're being ridiculous, and backing it up by a "Holier Than Thou" attitude. Tone it down. Come back to Earth. You are better than no one. -
Blah... i got tired of reading the posts on the second page.Yeah, buddy, you're an awesome debater! You open the thread with an open accusation that Matusow has been snorting coke because he was once caught with coke? Am I going out on a limb to say that you don't know the full story (as most don't, aside from Mike and his good friends)?Ridiculous. It's just a game. A game in which people put up THEIR OWN money. I don't even touch any drugs aside from alcohol and I would not play in any event where I was told I could put up my own $10k for the opportunity to get piss tested. Invasion of privacy. These aren't pros under a contract making millions. It's some guys putting up their own money, GAMBLING that they can win more. Get your morals out of my business. You have yours, others have theirs, I have mine. If some guy thinks he is going to help himself by using a highly addictive and threatening drug, fine. I'm not too worried about it.I do'nt know what type of people you hang around that have told themselves coke will help them focus, but you're wrong. That's so rare, it's ridiculous. The only drugs that could possibly help are those that are prescribed to persons suffering from ADD or ADHD. I may be wrong, but I don't believe the USCF tests their players (professional chess) at tournaments. That is a much better comparison than football and poker.You're being ridiculous, and backing it up by a "Holier Than Thou" attitude. Tone it down. Come back to Earth. You are better than no one.
Go fucking Matusow, you crazy mother fucker!!
Thanks for the great bit of information. I'm sure everyone understands now.
i smell bullcensoredI believe if I stake you for 50% of the buy-in then expect 50% of your winnings but don't quote me on that.It's well documented that Raymer's 5 million last year left him with only 1.9 million after paying backers & state taxes, that's a pretty big dent. -
Well, taxes are going to take away nearly half of it. If Raymer came out 1.9 million ahead after paying backers, that's pretty good.Typically, if you stake someone for the ENTIRE buy-in, you can expect at best 50% of the winnings. It's not an even percentage, that would be silly -- that would mean if I were to stake someone 100% of the buy-in, I would get 100% of the profit without doing a damned thing myself. I'm sure some players can negotiate better percentages. I could see some of the more consistent players getting backed and only giving up 35%. There really isn't an 'average' that I know of. Every player and backer will be forever trying to negotiate the best deal for themselves.
I love that avatar. Your impersonation is worthless.
i guess applauding someone's class with that avatar of yours would be akin to me giving a seminar on good sportsmanshipI liked Mike's comments on Raymer's bust out. I thought to myself, " dang, did mike get a shot of class and respect for others?"LOL I hope he takes the whole thing now. -
Ugh. I'm glad you guys are so open minded. I'm surprised sometimes that as human beings you have no understanding of other human beings making mistakes. I know I know, you would never make that mistake, and you can't fathom how someone else could make that mistake without being a low-life idiot. I've seen wonderful, beautiful persons succumb to alcoholism or drug use (or both) and become exactly what they had previously said they would never become -- or even what they had preached to people to never become. I've seen people with incredibly bright futures, who one month were working hard to put themselves through college to make their future a reality become jobless and homeless mere months later. You are saying Matusow will be a 'bad champion' because of his past? I think he'd be a great champion. He himself will admit to making a mistake. Do you imagine in some way that he will glorify drug use as a champion? Do you not see that a more likely scenario is one where he says "Look at me. If I am not a testament to avoiding the disease that is drug abuse, then I don't know what is. I am now clean, relaxed, thinking clearly, and have therefore performed to the best of my ability in the biggest poker event of them all."Matusow would be a great champion. The more you "holier than thou" fools complain about him because of his mistake, the more I want to contact him in some way and tell him how much I believe that he can win.
Been saying that for months! Also, I heard they were thinknig about adding deuce-to-seven, among some other stuff that I can't remember.
Yes, but you wouldn't have money to play with in order to earn that bonus now would you?I don't like the change they made in the meter for betting, it used to go up in blind denominations, now it goes up in 5 cent increments or something, oh well need to start typing my bet amount.And as a few people notes above, by far the best site out there. Just wait to two months from now when WSOP is on ESPN, and everyone will be flocking to FT, yeah :-)Anyone know if I were to deposit $600 for the reload bonus, would I be able to withdraw my $600 or $550 right away and still get the bonus? -
HAHA No wife and my mom has passed, but very thoughtful and mature comeback nonetheless.
good idea i need mapquest to get from your wife's house to your mom's.
It's evidently also for guys who have never been outside and seen girls that are actually hot. It's ok though. I think if you combine Yahoo! Maps and Travelocity you may be able to get to a beach this weekend. There might be some one there that is geniunely worth looking at, and then you'll understand everything. Good luck.wow. i'm actually kinda shocked at yall's responsesbut, poker is a game for everyone even the blind and gays in denialZinga! -
It's evidently also for guys who have never been outside and seen girls that are actually hot. It's ok though. I think if you combine Yahoo! Maps and Travelocity you may be able to get to a beach this weekend. There might be some one there that is geniunely worth looking at, and then you'll understand everything. Good luck.wow. i'm actually kinda shocked at yall's responsesbut, poker is a game for everyone even the blind and gays in denialZinga! -
They call it being functionally retarded. Lay off the handicapped.
What is with you and this musket censored. It seems like every thread you post in involves 20 paces and muskets.Howard has read "The Zen of Archery" therefore I think he could handle a musket very well if he and Daniel faced off at 20 paces with muskets. What does everyone else think? -
Thank god someone said something.THERE ARE OTHER FORUMS. Quit bitching about general, it's ridiculous.If you want to really get better you HAVE to go to the Strategy section. General is for gossiping funHowever, there is a serious lack of moderation here. Some of the off topic threads are down right appauling.
do you think the pros such as neverwin...
in General Poker Forum