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Posts posted by Adaon

  1. I played two freerolls today to try out the system.167/1183 on Absolute63/2500 on UBI played the system as closely as I possibly could, in fact, nearly every deviation was to my detriment. On AP I only moved all in 5 times. The last hand was AQ v A5.On UB it was 35 hands I played. (some incorrectly to the system that I lost small on) My last hand was AK v AQ, and something nutty like 67 offsuit. AQ made two pair.So there you go for whatever that is worth.

  2. People always tell me that when I admit to playing online. The response I have is that my tinfoil hat protects me from such bad beats.
    Can I barrow that some time? I could sure use it lately. :club: As random as it could be? No I don' t think so, Now I haven't done a scientific study to see if 5% draws really happen 5% of the time; But I think mostly the bad-beats are caused by people who don't know how to fold. The more people chase those draws, the more they will happen. basically, I add about 5% to the odds of anyone chasing a draw when I'm figuring out the pot odds they are getting (except for myself, I use the normal numbers).
  3. Name the following...1. Place2. infamous person (known for doing something bad)3. famous person4. alcoholic drink5. worst high school subject6. late night activity  7. restaurant8. activity9. nursery rhyme or kid's song10. favorite childhood activity11. past tense activity (jumped, walked, etc)12. dog's name13. dance  14. favorite Casino15.movie16.activity17. adjective  18.favorite cartoon19. favorite song20. illegal activity  
    1. There2. Surhan Surhan (sp?)3. Lincon4. Beer5. because of mr moron(and that's almost how his named is spelled), English6. poker7. Logan's Roadhouse8. poker9. Londonbridges (as seen in Arizona)10. watching tv (I was a dull child, not to say I'm not dull now)11. walked (considering I just did for 2 miles....)12. New Dog, and Bob (I have a strange friend, yes these are really the names she gave them)13. square (don't ask)14. I wouldn't know, but I'll say Bay 101 anyhow15. Ocean's 11 (This would have been more amusing if I said MGM or Belliago in the line above).16. poker (are you sensing a theme yet?)17. dank18. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (when I grew up, it was THE thing)19. The Truth About Men - Tracy Byrd20. Taking a bath without having cloaths on. (old Florida law, I really hope they repealed it at some point...)
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