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Posts posted by rivergirl

  1. i can't agree more, sucking it up for one more year isn't going to hurt as much as giving up granderson and jackson. I can see getting rid of Laird, the catcher position isn't as irreplaceable as CF or any starting pitching. Avila did look pretty good and seems to know how to swing a bat. From what i've heard the Nats are looking at Everett and I'm actually hopeful that he's going and i'm glad that someone is showing interest in him. With the way he swings a bat worse than an AL relief pitcher, i didn't think he'd be someone other teams will go after (maybe they've just never seen him at the plate). I could care less if they resign Rodney, i know everyone thinks he had a "great" season but if you look at his stats, they really weren't all that impressive (i know his save % was great) but overall, it wasn't pretty and could easily have gone the other way. They could easily let Perry close, maybe swallow a few blown saves (although i think the kid is going to be great) and not worry about having to pay huge money for it. If they keep any of the free agents, it has to be Polly, he's just too much of an asset to let him get away....how can u just let a gold glove and a consistently clutch bat go?there should be 4 people not even mentioned in trade talks for the tigers grandy, JV, porcello and perry. These are your core guys for the next 10 years. they are all young, very talented and imo a great foundation to build a team around.i think if anyone should go, (and please don't get too upset, i know he's popular) it should be Inge. yes, he's great at 3rd and probably hard to replace but, his strike out numbers are horrific.

  2. i'm hearing a ton of reports that the tigers would be willing to listen to offers for Grandy........i find this absolutely stupid. Although he struggled with his BA, especially against lefties this season, he's young, got a great glove in center and has the ability to make up for what ground guillen won't be able to cover next year since they are giving left to guillen. Not only that, he's proven he can be a good hitter, has decent power and seems to be an all around great guy to represent the team in the community, especially a community that's in need of a good guy to be there. How can they even consider this????? Any thoughts?

  3. But someone who truly loves dessert would skip the meal and just have dessert. I think there are a lot less men who would do that then women. But it is just a guess based on what I have observed. Anyway... I love cooking shows that are competition based. Dessert or no dessert, I probably will watch it as long as there is interesting challenges.
    i have been known once or twice to skip the meal and have 5 courses of dessert...sometimes that cart is just tooooo pretty to pass up. I however don't find shows based on dessert alone as appealing as other shows, mainly because most of the desserts you see on those type shows are "showpiece" quality and you'll never actually be able to find something similar in a restaurant, where with other dishes, i'm sure some of these chefs will take an inspiration of something they've done on the show and incorporate it into their menus. I know some of you disagree, but i actually like Michael V. His attitude is a little over the top, but he definately has the talent to back it up. I thought before the show started Wed that it would be between Robyn and Mike to go home and clearly one did (although i though Robyn would be first) but logically they were the next 2. Mike wasn't really a "trained" chef, and had no culinary schooling, he just happened to be friends with the "smart" kids. I think that Eli will sneak into the final 4 with the brothers and kevin. The ending is so hard to call tho, kevin or michael should win it, but based on hosea being last years winner robyn could sneak in and take it all
  4. If that is true, I wonder if they have to stick with their original plan if it sucks.I have always wondered this. I didn't know if they got some time from "here is the special ingredient" to actually cooking time to coordinate with their chefs or if they knew going in.So this begs the questions then,do they also let them know which chef they are competing against a month ahead so they get the same prep time?
    i know on Iron Chef ( i believe both the japanese and american versions are similar in this) the chefs are given a list of 5 different ingredients that could be the "one" about a month ahead of time. They aren't told exactly which one it is, but they are guaranteed that it will be one of the 5. As for time from here is the special ingredient...they have about 10-15 minutes during which to do this before actual cooking time starts, while the cameras reset for the next shots (i know this happened in the japanese version, not positive about the US version) so they did have some collaborative time as well as time to get pots and pans ready, which is why you always see their water boiling before they actually start cooking.
  5. i'm actually really happy for you. Look at it as a new experience and have some fun with it. As for you having never actually met her personally, just try not to build her up too much ( i know easier said than done) and dont' be too disappointed if she doesn't meet all your expectations.As for the feeling you're getting....it's new, exciting person feeling. You've probably forgot what it feels like. Not to mention, the anticipation of actually meeting her is building. Try to just relax and enjoy yourself. Whatever happens, happens...good luck with everything.

  6. the question is...if there is a chance of a tie going into tomorrow...do we pitch JV Sunday or do we save him for the chance of a playoff and start porcello tomorrow? hopefully greinke tries to state his case for the cy young in his last start against the twinkies and figaro makes the start of his LIFE. that way this will be a non-issue

  7. Daniel Knocked out Antoine Saout, James Akenhead, Markus Ristola, Chris Bjorin, Jason Mercier, & Praz Bansi :ts That's right -- all but one of the seven busted final tablists were sent to their tournament deaths by Daniel Negreanu. As they say: sick. :4h
    pokerstars had a popup this morning saying it was isabelle at the final table? Does she also go by jason or something? i'm kind of confused :club:
  8. Greektown has the softest cash games, Windsor has the hotter girls.
    that's only cause i'm here.i haven't been to detroit casinos cause of the passport bs, not to mention, windsor's poker room is pretty ok. last few times i was there they spread mostly NL games (i think they had 1 3/6 lhe table going) and it's usually pretty soft.let me know if you do come to windsor....i haven't been on a buddy's run in a while. I'll take a couple of half-bakes
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