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Posts posted by rivergirl

  1. Hey all!! Long time no see!! I haven't been playing at all until recently!!I have a silly question that I'm hoping someone can answer.... why does joey weissman have a service dog? I was just reading an article about him and didn't see any reason as to why. Not that it's any of my business and I'm not passing judgement. I was just curious. Thanks

  2. First of all, I'm not sure you know how long "a few seconds" is. Secondly, no. Umpires should call what they see. End of story.I feel like you've never actually played sports.Yeah.
    i'll give you the fact that a "few" seconds might be an exaggeration, but it did take much longer than usual to make the call. Especially since it was a routine play at first. do you feel like I've actually never played any sports cause i'm a girl and probably incapable of throwing a ball????
    Oh I missed that comment about the Indians rooting for Galarraga.You never ever ever ever want someone to throw a no hitter or perfect game against you. EVER. You don't want to be the pitcher who throws the ball that Bonds crushes to beat Aaron's record. If you do...you...well...you don't deserve the money you get paid. You never root to be the bad side of history. In anything really.Went to get some keys made and some guy called in on the radio angry that Galarraga got a car for his classiness and now the guys kid thinks he should get a bike when he shows good sportsmanship. lawl
    i realize that nobody likes to lose...nobody. I don't like to lose either, really. These guys are pros and get paid lots of money for playing a game. At the same time, it is a game. I get that nobody wants to be "that guy" or "that team" on the bad side of history. At the same time, it's only happened 20 times in history. Most people will never get the chance to see a game like that. So yes, professionally, and as the team getting beat by it, they don't want to see it. But as baseball fans, i'm sure they appreciate the performance, as it is probably something they will never see even in their lifetimes. In no way did i mean it as they were going to go back to the clubhouse and celebrate not hitting the ball.
  3. I agree. While I feel that Galarraga pitched a perfect game, you can't reverse what has been done. I don't feel, however that IR should be a huge part of sports. Keep the game "pure" and accept that humans make mistakes. Of course I don't support a College Football Playoff system either because I don't see this driving NEED for an undisputed "National Champion". Sports aren't perfect. Trying to eliminate judgment and variance seems a little silly to me. It isn't that important. They are games.
    the only reason i like the idea of being able to use replay in a situation like this, is because they use it for other situations during a game (since they brought it in to determine fair/foul balls)the idea of college football having a playoff system is because they determine a "national champion" in very disputable manner which seems unfair compared to every other sport.
    Was wondering if this was the first 28 out game in baseball ever?Also I can understand if this happened in the third inning, but this close to the end, Im giving the benefit to the pitcher,unless the call is really obvious. Better to err for a perfect game then against.Im sure the plate ump was really pissed inside too. Calling a perfect game is an honor for the ump too.
    the fact that JJ sat there for a few seconds to determine his call, points to him being unsure of the situation. Like a home plate umpire will appeal to one of the baseline umpires when in doubt, he maybe should have inquired a little more. I think in an instance like this, where the call could become controversial, give it to the pitcher..nobody would've argued.
    I agree...what?My favorite phone call into the local sports station is the following:"Its the Indians fault. Come on, who tries to beat a tag in a perfect game, you gotta hold up and give it to Galarraga."There is a big WHAT?I think it is safe to say that no team or player wants the other team to pitch a perfect game. This ain't football and some sack record being broken here.
    although i don't think anyone should have held up running to first, the poor guy who was awarded the base hit was clearly unhappy after the play. idk if it was because he thought he was out, or because he realized he had just broken up a perfect game, but his hands went straight to his head in an "OMG" reaction. I don't think anyone wants to lose, especially not a professional athlete or team, but i'm sure on some level, the indians were rooting for galarraga to pull it off.i was super impressed by JJ owning it right away, unlike the umpire who waited till spring training to tell jim leyland that inge really did get hit by that pitch and they should've won game 163 last year. I also think AG reacted 100000000 times better than i think i ever could in a situation like that.
  4. Legendary Tigers broadcaster Ernie Harwell died tonight. Great man.
    i grew up listening to Ernie, in fact, we always watched the game but instead of the sound of the tv, we turned the radio on just to hear him call the game. He will be truly missed.
  5. I don't really remember there being alot of french immersion schools around when i was young, i think there was only one in our city, so that was not really an option for me. However, after seeing my neice graduate from a french immersion high school and the opportunities that the education has opened for her, I would definately recommend it. I have a friend who also had a daughter go through the same program and she too is enjoying much more success. Especially in Canada, the ability to be bilingual (fluently) is so much more important. The french immersion program allows them to continue their education in either language (both are studying french in University), and opening more career choices for them. If i had children, i would think this would be the way to educate them, although i think they need to be open to it as well.

  6. i'm almost pretty sure this thread has been done before with the pros....i just still don't know how to work the search feature without getting completely frustrated at all the threads that come up.pro table would have to be:DN - just cause well i think he'd make it alot of funPA- well, he's really easy on the eyes hellmuth-i'd want to make him blow upmatusow -do i need to give any reasons here?I really think Jen Harmon would be my 5 pro, there are truly alot of things i really admire about her.My all FCP table would be, well it would have to be a whole tourney.But ...donktehtoehwsgallorosegatortomcappychrozzoboth kobe brosguapobentucker*****definately cubsfan44

  7. Nice i totally thought that everyone was out rg is still in too make sure to update that thread for me k?
    I just got knocked out, thread updated.i was super short and thought i was being bullied, since the same guy bullied everyone else, just turned out he woke up iwth a hand
  8. just as i was typing that....PokerStars Game #40178526259: Tournament #286010691, $2.50+$0.25 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (300/600) - 2010/02/22 19:30:43 ETTable '286010691 320' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: Pokerbue (37321 in chips) Seat 2: rivergirl (3385 in chips) Seat 3: kokopelli-65 (2590 in chips) Seat 4: Rombik777 (40950 in chips) Seat 5: andethegreat (32907 in chips) Seat 6: jackel4 (4660 in chips) Seat 7: tylerinosa (21991 in chips) Seat 8: JABATA2010 (36682 in chips) Seat 9: Quad Wolf (13540 in chips) Pokerbue: posts the ante 50rivergirl: posts the ante 50kokopelli-65: posts the ante 50Rombik777: posts the ante 50andethegreat: posts the ante 50jackel4: posts the ante 50tylerinosa: posts the ante 50JABATA2010: posts the ante 50Quad Wolf: posts the ante 50andethegreat: posts small blind 300jackel4: posts big blind 600*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to rivergirl [Ks Kc]tylerinosa: calls 600JABATA2010: folds Quad Wolf: folds Pokerbue: folds rivergirl: raises 2735 to 3335 and is all-inkokopelli-65: calls 2540 and is all-inRombik777: folds andethegreat: folds jackel4: folds tylerinosa: folds Uncalled bet (795) returned to rivergirl*** FLOP *** [Kd Td 9d]

  9. back to a respectable stackPokerStars Game #40173559207: Tournament #286010691, $2.50+$0.25 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2010/02/22 17:49:12 ETTable '286010691 411' 9-max Seat #5 is the buttonSeat 1: l44dor (3000 in chips) Seat 2: nitron2 (3090 in chips) Seat 3: dowian57 (5510 in chips) Seat 4: sloma20 (2575 in chips) Seat 5: topgirl9 (7490 in chips) Seat 6: torss22 (4025 in chips) Seat 7: gutshot0810 (8285 in chips) Seat 8: tinny06 (4050 in chips) Seat 9: rivergirl (1730 in chips) torss22: posts small blind 50gutshot0810: posts big blind 100*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to rivergirl [Ad Ah]tinny06: folds rivergirl: raises 200 to 300l44dor: folds nitron2: folds dowian57: raises 500 to 800sloma20: folds topgirl9: folds torss22: folds gutshot0810: folds rivergirl: raises 930 to 1730 and is all-indowian57: calls 930*** FLOP *** [7h 2s 8d]*** TURN *** [7h 2s 8d] [Qd]*** RIVER *** [7h 2s 8d Qd] [Th]*** SHOW DOWN ***rivergirl: shows [Ad Ah] (a pair of Aces)dowian57: shows [Ks Kh] (a pair of Kings)rivergirl collected 3610 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3610 | Rake 0 Board [7h 2s 8d Qd Th]Seat 1: l44dor folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: nitron2 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: dowian57 showed [Ks Kh] and lost with a pair of KingsSeat 4: sloma20 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: topgirl9 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: torss22 (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 7: gutshot0810 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 8: tinny06 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 9: rivergirl showed [Ad Ah] and won (3610) with a pair of AcesthenPokerStars Game #40173593349: Tournament #286010691, $2.50+$0.25 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2010/02/22 17:49:50 ETTable '286010691 411' 9-max Seat #6 is the buttonSeat 1: l44dor (3000 in chips) Seat 2: nitron2 (3090 in chips) Seat 3: dowian57 (3780 in chips) Seat 4: sloma20 (2575 in chips) Seat 5: topgirl9 (7490 in chips) Seat 6: torss22 (3975 in chips) Seat 7: gutshot0810 (8185 in chips) Seat 8: tinny06 (4050 in chips) Seat 9: rivergirl (3610 in chips) gutshot0810: posts small blind 50tinny06: posts big blind 100*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to rivergirl [Ad Kc]rivergirl: raises 200 to 300l44dor: folds nitron2: folds dowian57: folds sloma20: folds topgirl9: folds torss22: folds gutshot0810: folds tinny06: calls 200*** FLOP *** [6d Kd 6c]tinny06: checks rivergirl: bets 500tinny06: calls 500*** TURN *** [6d Kd 6c] [6s]tinny06: bets 600rivergirl: raises 2210 to 2810 and is all-intinny06: folds Uncalled bet (2210) returned to rivergirlrivergirl collected 2850 from potrivergirl: doesn't show hand *** SUMMARY ***Total pot 2850 | Rake 0 Board [6d Kd 6c 6s]Seat 1: l44dor folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: nitron2 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: dowian57 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: sloma20 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: topgirl9 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: torss22 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 7: gutshot0810 (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 8: tinny06 (big blind) folded on the TurnSeat 9: rivergirl collected (2850)

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