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Posts posted by kissluvr

  1. Why the hell would you buy a wedding shower gift then by a wedding gift. Isn't the entire point of a wedding shower to get gifts for the marraige or the new combined household?It's like buying a gift and saying congrats you are about to get married then buying another gift saying congrats you actually followed through with it.
    whatever BeavisI am getting ready to go homeSee you children later!!
  2. One of our neighbors is getting married and has invited Alan and I to the couples shower and to the wedding, since I hate weddings and try to avoid them as much as possible I do not know proper etiquette. If you buy a gift for the shower should you still buy a gift for the wedding? Alan says no, but I am not sure.

  3. As do you. It's not feel sorry for pornstache hickens anymore either.**PS Denny, Vick Jersey Avatars are ++EV**
    but that would kinda be like a football season type avatar and as Alan pointed out it aint football season anymore
  4. 12:36kisslovr: we should have hot sex tonight and leave the jtv camera on 12:36kisslovr: what do you thinkl 12:36kisslovr: would you get kicked off for hot porn 12:37kisslovr: holy heck 12:37kisslovr: we could maybe turn it into a paysite 12:38kisslovr: how many people would pay to see dna in action sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
    seriouslythese are crazy crazy crazy nights
  5. Thanks for all the birthday wishes! It is very sweet that you all remembered.I'm having fun playing my new Harry Potter 20 Questions game that Alan got me for my birthday.Apparently my birthday dinner is postponed cause Brandon is home sick and Alan is still sick, went to the doctor today and got some flu medicine.Better be better by this weekend!

  6. He probably was never autistic to start with. It was likely a wrong diagnosis.
    I don't know you, but I am dna4ever's wife.I have heard this countless times from many different "types" of people and I always laugh when people say this. Our son was tested and diagnosed with autism by three different "autism" doctors using 3 different testing methods. Including an autism specialist at Vanderbilt University's Autism Clinic and Dr. Bernard Rimland, the autism consultant for "Rainman", the founder of the Autism Society of America and the founder and director of the Autism Research Institute in California. I certainly dont feel like I need to sit and defend my son's diagnosis, but until you have a child that goes through this and you have to spend your entire life trying to figure out what is going on and how to help him you may never fully understand. I just find it funny how far people will go to make things fit into their perfect little world and want to believe whatever the "professionals" tell them. If you look hard enough in the right places you can find tons of scientific evidence that link Autism and Mercury. Most of the published studies are paid for by the drug companies themself and they are not going to publish something that may show their product in a bad light. Havent we seen this many times with all the drugs that hit the market and have to be pulled off the shelves because of all the deaths when they were supposedly safe to begin with?There was a study done in the Amish Community in PA, because they do not vaccinate their children. In the entire community they only found 3 children with Autism. One of those children was adoped from China, the second one had received all of their vaccines diagnosed shortly there after and the third child's vaccination status was unknown. You can do a few google searches and easily find this study.Thimerosol was first introduced into vaccines in the early 1930s and the first case of Autism was in the late 1930s. It had never been seen, heard, or diagnosed until the late 1930s. The rates of Autism steadily increased every year from that point. Thimerosol was taken out of vaccinations in the late 1990s and the children that started receiving the Thimerosol free vaccines are just now reaching the ages of where Autism is usually diagnosed. There is an article in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons that shows that since mercury was removed from childhood vaccines, the alarming increase in reported rates of autism and other neurological disorders (NDs) in children not only stopped, but actually dropped sharply - by as much as 35%. You can read the full report here ... http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/38784.phpThis is also a very informing book regarding the link ... http://www.evidenceofharm.com/An interesting chapter of the book talks about adults that have accidentaly had mercury/thimerosol poisoning and their symptons are almost identical to autism. Here is an interesting quote by Boyd Haley, Ph.D, Professor and Chair of the Chemistry Department, University of Kentucky that is a world renowned scientist in the field of mercury and toxicity that talks about why boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with Autism ..."One of the conundrums of autism is the 4:1 ratio of boys to girls that get the disease. We therefore decided to test the effects of both female and male hormones on the neurotoxicity of thimerosal. The results were eye-opening. For example, 50 nanomolar thimerosal causes less than 5% neuron death within the first three hours incubation and 1 micromolar testosterone causes no significant death within this time frame. However, mix these two together and 100% neuron death was observed at the earliest time point checked. This represents a severe enhancement of thimerosal toxicity."I have three different sisters with three different boys who have been diagnosed with Autism so there is obviously also a genetic predisposition to Mercury poisoning. Alzheimers and Schizophrenia also run in Autistic families and these have been also linked with Mercury poisoning. There have been Alzheimer patients that have successfully been chelated back to normal functioning.I hope I did not come off as being too defensive, but I really do not like to hear people (especially that I do not know and do not know me or my son) try and tell me that he never had Autism, because I know what we went through and lived with for so many years and again thank God for the miracle of his recovery.
  7. I'm certainly not kicking her out. You could post a pic, though. You're a mod. They won't ban you.
    you will just have to wait until Nashvilleim off to bed to finish my book! im so excited! im such a geekgoodnight all
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