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Posts posted by Slipshod
The thing is, he owed me $4.5 million so he needed that extra cash.Seriously... I'm sure he is crying into his pillow over that fold... his big gold pillow.I'm not sure what I would have done there. Straight Flush draws are just so tempting... but so is a chance at $2 million dollars for folding.I probably would have gone in at that point based on the "I'm allready a millionaire" line of thinking but I really can't fault a guy for stepping aside and winning 2 million more.
They won't have to block the sites. They will make offshore wire transfers (i.e. to Neteller etc.) illegal for banks to process.... from what I understand.I think Poker needs to prove that it is more of a game of skill than it is a game of chance over the long run and prove it scientifically. I have an idea that I think would work but I can't post it on the internet because that would compromise the entire study. I'm not sure who I should approach with the idea but online poker needs to get some more ammo in this fight I think.I do not have the money or resources to implement my 'study' but I would like to at least get my idea to someone who could.hopefully they won't need it.
Did anyone see that huge "Tuna" guy (I don't know his name, they were calling him Tuna though) whine and browbeat Hoyt Corkins when his Aces were cracked on the PPT last night?In summary, Big Fat Tuna Guy (hereafter known as BFTG) has A-A and Corkins has J-J, BFTG did a great job of acting to get Corkins to call his all in bet.Corkins saw the J in the dealers hand and said "I see a Jack!" excitedly before the flop was spread out ... which is understandable.BFTG starts bellyaching and saying "Let it go to the begger since he's beggin for it" (or something like that... he was whining about his hands all night in a thick drawl made harder to understand by his big floppy jowls)He continued his whining and went up to Corkins and said "Not very 'professional' of you." before ambling off to destroy some innocent buffet.WHAT.THE.HELL.Apparently in BFTG's world, it is professional to cry like a little baby when you lose but not professional to get excited when you crack someones Aces. Anyway, that just really bothered me. Mostly because it was directed at Hoyt Corkins who seems like one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet ( not play against though) but also because I hate when people feel the need to lecture, berate etc. the person who knocked them out. Just shut up and leave if you can't be a real professional (or just a person with basic manners) and shake hands, congratulate your opponents and leave gracefully.
Thank you for the answers! I was curious about that.
OK.. so when they were 3 handed, Jamie Gold was in against.. I forget his name (lets say player #3 since he finished third) anyway, Gold was trying to bluff and showed one of his cards to #3.Norman Chad said that was against the rules and Gold could have gotten a penalty.My question is this....Let's say hypothetically that Gold WAS given a penalty. Let's say it was for 20 minutes. Now let's say that in the very next hand Player #2 eliminates player #3.My question is, do they deal the cards and go through the motions of taking Golds blinds and antes until the time is up or in the interest of time, do they calculate hands per hour and figure out how much money he would lose and just give it to player #2?Just something I wondered about... has someone ever even gotten a penalty in head to head action before?
He made a post basically saying "Look at these cool chips. I like them and would like to share" only to have some people Sh*t all over them and tell him what a horrible purchase he made.WTF is that about?If he was considering a purchase and gave them as an example to get some advice, THEN it would be looking out for his best interests. He isn't taking them back and stated that he was happy with them.That's not looking out for his best interests. That's telling him "you are an idiot for buying THOSE chips". See the difference?what the **** is wrong with telling him that1) the vendor misrepresented the product he was selling to him, and2) that the vendor most likely overcharged him for the product?sounds more like we're looking out for his best interests. -
I never tilt and I will kill the first person who says I do with my bare hands!
Who freaking cares if they are plastic, metal, or clay.He likes them and they are cool for a home game.Some of you people come across as such snobs.
Hi everyone, my first post! Hooray for me!Anyway, I am relatively new to poker (about 7 months in) but I have been pretty serious about it ... reading books, watching it on TV (and trying to learn, not just passively watching), getting instructional DVD's, playing a lot, reading forums like this one. (BTW: this is by far the best one I've found). Just wanted to give you an idea of where I am so you can take what I say with the proper 'grain of salt'. I am far from being great. I do pretty well and I think I have a good grasp of poker but I know that every 3-4 weeks I seem to understand the game in a whole new light and look back at what I was doing in the past and wondering what I was thinking.Anyway... for AK I think you made the smart play thecamelot. I would put MP2 on 10 -10 or A-10.I think AK gets overplayed more than any other hand where people will hang on to it through the river when it should be clear they should give it up after the flop. It is a great drawing hand but too many people shove all of their money in the pot with it preflop.
Looks Like The Us Players May Get A Bit Of A Reprieve . . .
in General Poker Forum
Whaturanna and Stylin_Fish - Please read what I wrote. Poker is a combination of luck and skill. One of the 'points' of the online legislation is that it is purely a game of luck. I believe that is incorrect.If I put YOU (or me), Daniel Negranu, Phil Ivey, Phil Helmuth, Men the Master, Scotty Nygun at a table and had you play 1000 S&G tournaments, pure luck would dictate that you or I would win around 167 of them. I bet we wouldn't even come close to that number. If it were pure luck, professionals wouldn't be able to feast on the amatures. I think it can be proven scientifically too. In any one HAND, then anyone with AA could win most of the time against any other player or even luck out a river card against any other player. Even a single tournament could be won by exceptional luck... but how does Phil Helmuth win 9 bracelets? How does Daniel Negranu win Player of the Year? Are they just luckier than everyone else? Rediculous.If you really believe poker to be all luck than you are a sitting duck and really aren't paying much attention. Seriously... why not just go play slots if you think that?Longliveyorke - It shouldn't matter, but it does. They shouldn't care if you want to smoke weed either, but they do. If online poker doesn't put some comprehensive arguments in place and do something beyond 'call in's' and writing your congressman (which does nothing if it doesn't have a check included) it is in real danger of being outlawed in the US. I think they will have to #1) agree to provide income documentation to the government (I think we all know that money is the big thing here)#2) find a way to prove or at least strongly suggest that poker should not be classified as a classic 'game of chance' to circumvent current laws and avoid the Morality police's in-bred aversion to people doing what they want to do.