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Posts posted by Theraflu

  1. I don't know what the riot talk is about. They're a very inclusive, positive energy duo. The race riot line makes no sense. I'm very confused.


    I've seen them twice in smaller settings, and they're two of my better recent show experiences. 

  2. RATM and RTJ are playing the Saturday of Boston Calling. Rage is pretty much the only band I never got to see that I really wanted to. RTJ as the 2nd act is perfect. But then....there's zero artists after that that I had ever heard of. And...its $150+fees for a single day ticket. I was pretty committed to going when they were announced, but this is pretty steep. 

  3. Saw The Interrupters on Monday night, for all you punk/ska folk out there. Fun show; always feels good to mix it up in the pit a little bit.


    Heading to LA area next week with the family to visit my sister-in-law, for her son's first birthday. Leaving Wednesday night, coming back Tuesday. Should be a fun trip.

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  4. <spoiler>I was hoping Greg would have to drop whatever papers he had rescued onto the rest of the family, maybe play that silly iphone recording. Ken going to prison would be boring or silly, so this makes good narrative sense, they just have to avoid doing a repeat of season 1. Love that show, and I will miss it. </spoiler>


    Watchmen is taking it's place. I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on in any of those trailers. 

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  5. You should run with this. Start a clandestine dating service for people who lost a lot of weight due to illness, have it pull from other legit dating sites. Maybe look into a few shady doctors who will recommend those kinds of surgeries, even if they're not "medically" necessary. Stay away from the lipo and tummy tuck people, they're beneath you. 

  6. Man, **** the Cardinals. Mostly their fans/culture, but still. HOWEVER: Jack Flaherty has been a revelation since the All-Star Break.

    Unrelated: I don't know how many of you are watching Succession, but you should be. The "rap" this past week is one of the most amazing, insane things ever put on television. 

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