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Posts posted by Theraflu

  1. The only "news" channel I ever watched was Fox, and only after something particularly embarrassing happened, to see how they were/weren't covering it. Since literally every day multiple absurd things happen, I've definitely stopped that practice.


    All those channels are useless now, and actively doing more harm than good.

    • Like 1
  2. Most schools are closed. Majority of roads should be okay by the morning, but it's a lot to clean up. Real problem is the temperature. Looking at a high of 7, low of -10 (not wind chill!) Saturday. That just isn't good for anything.

    • Like 1
  3. You really don't get it. Us normies aren't saving money. The cost of everything is going to go up. Getting a few hundred in a refund, and then spending twice as much on healthcare doesn't mean you made money.

  4. NO. The cuts go to the top. They admit this. The bonuses get bigger. They don't ****ing create jobs that don't exist in the first place.


    And you know what? It is your fault the "morons" in Washington cut the wrong programs. Because those "morons" are the people you elect. How can you not see the correlation? If every numbskull republican votes for the same idiot that gets bought off at every chance, then how can every one claim it's not their fault?


    Addendum: Democrats get bought and paid in mostly the same way, just in stupider, less damaging ways to America at large. This is a ****ing sham bill that only helps the insanely rich, plus anyone wanting to drill in ****ing Alaska.

  5. For the majority of the major corporations giving out these bonuses, it's like 5% of the tax break they're getting. A few, it's around 10%. It's not like they're only making a thousand. They're making a ****ing billion. Or two! And all that money is going to like the top 10 ten people in the business who are already really ****ing rich. And that's the tax plan as a whole: Gut important health funding for poor people, and make the .01% a few percent wealthier. And maybe a few paralegals can put the money towards something useful, but eliminating teachers ability to write off student supplies? Enabling ****ing PLANE write-offs? Jesus man. They literally added personal money to every senator's pockets who wasn't going to vote it. It's horrific.



    the pointless storylines for one. the whole trip to the space casino and love story between finn and asian lady 2 was pointless and a waste of time. then there is poe, a noted soldier and warrior causing a mutiny that served only to make him look dumb.


    then there is snoke dying without every getting any more information about his motivations or powers was pretty dissapointing. that scene was by far the best of the move, but it seemed rushed to me. i can get over that i guess.


    but the unforgivable thing was the way they handled the luke/rey interactions. jesus what a waste. she was supposed to be his daughter for one, and they blew that. this is supposed to be a story about the skywalker family and now luke is gone after that bullshit where we dont even get to see him fight for real.


    yoda appearing out of nowhere and leia using the force to get back into the ship arent great, but i can get over that.


    it just felt like they made this movie for children. i want something darker, something more intimate to the family. i'm pretty bored of the first order / empire vs. republic/rebels war storyline.


    and give chewbaca something good to do for christ's sake.







    Your last point is your best. I saw a tweet somewhere that mentioned everything he's done, and he's the only remaining person from New Hope, and he's like 250 years old, and he can't even get subtitles. Related, and re: your Skywalker thought, is that Leia seems like she was going to be the focus of the next one, as the last Skywalker, and probably the most important person to the Resistance. Carrie dying kills that, and probably puts JJ in a tough position. But to hate that Rey isn't (so far) a Skywalker, and that maybe some other people in the whole god damn universe just might possess the force, an act as if it's a bad thing, is ****ing stupid and, yes, childish. I'm not surprised that your version of a children's movie involves a large percentage of the good guys dying for a probable lost cause, and Finn almost doing the same (killing him really would have been badass, even though he's done a great job in silly side missions). Hating the "final" luke appearance is absurd to me. wtf is he going to do in person?


    Good thing there's no precedence for Yoda or other Jedi's appearing post-death. Wow, what a **** up!


    **** Snoke. Who gives a shit? Why do you want an exact rehash of Palpatine?


    But yes, the casino stuff was a waste of time, even if it is the first time anyone tried something mildly political (and kind of hit it) in a Star Wars flick. Finn needed something to do, and I guess they wanted to use Benicio? Asian Lady 2 was pretty solid for me, up until the kiss. That felt way too forced.





    You're mostly wrong, as usual.

  7. Essay, you're not a Star Wars fanboy, which is where the majority of the complaints are from. What makes it "not good" for you?


    Ronny, it seems unlikely you grew up loving them, and then hopping in the travesty of the Phantom Menace certainly didn't do you any favors. Watch Rogue One, though.

    • Like 1
  8. The Boss Hog has a nice memory attached to it. We watched last years Super Bowl at his place, 8-10 people. You may remember the Patriots were down 28-3, so once the game ended, my buddy kindly poured a drink for everyone outta the ~$300 bottle. Tough to beat that.

  9. According to a snapchat, my friend won the pappy 10 raffle at the local package store. It was obviously a raffle to buy it, but still, I think I'll be having some in the near future.


    Last year, he got the Whistle Pig Boss Hog, which was/is very, very good.

    • Like 1
  10. Christ, I hate a lot of stuff, and don't have a large family that ever subjected me to awful holiday get togethers, but I find it hard not to get behind Thanksgiving traditions, whatever they may be. It's just: Eat lots of food.

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