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Posts posted by Theraflu

  1. I dated this girl for about two years, end of high school and part of freshman year at college. She was a chubby stoner with a couple tattoos. Now she's a strongwoman/bodybuilder/fitness coach, and does not resemble the person I knew at all.


  2. Not even close. The total snowfall for the year through January was paltry, and the weather quite pleasant overall. There's only been a couple snow days from school.


    2015 was stupid. Like 11 feet. Had 4-6 foot snow banks on my driveway for like 6 weeks. That's still fresh in my mind, so this feels pretty small by comparison.

  3. I have a 5 minute commute, and no blue tooth integration, but yes, the Amazon music app is really bad. The computer program is pretty good, so it works out well for work.


    I listen to Mass Seduction, the album, first thing every morning. I'm intrigued by the mixtape station.


    Let's not pretend what.cd getting shut down isn't the real reason we started paying for music.

  4. The escalation of anger with the Tara/Regina situation. Jesus. This show is so good.

    Mouthing "I'm sorry"


    Lakeith Stanfield is amazing. Give Short Term 12 a shot someday. Nice lil flick.

  5. Winter Soldier and Ragnarok are both very good! You should see them. Cap 1 is also pretty good, if just for the weird skinny Chris Evans stuff in the beginning.


    I'm not sure you can handle Ragnarok, though:


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  6. King cuck over here.


    I don't remember the Sun mafia-angle, but that seems like a flashback. And Jin seems like a bag of shit for a long time!


    Your top 5 seem pretty right. Mr Eko choosing to leave the show because he didn't get enough air time was a big loss. He coulda gone with Locke til the end in a real battle of black and white.

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