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About loudestmute

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    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. I'm not sure what's the worse choice I made: Swapping out Daniel Negreanu for Chris Ferguson, or swapping out Mike Matusow for Hevad Khan.If I could remember everyone else I threw on there I'd list it, but I find it strange that more people aren't adding Erik Seidel to their teams.
  2. The IRS was founded to combat all the runaway profits of moonshiners and gangsters in the 1930's, and enforced the government's right to tax their ass off with bullets. Lots and lots of bullets.They still use guns every now and then if you don't feel like paying for the right to live in this country. Just not as often as some of us would like.
  3. I'm still what many consider "n00b", so I've never had a game last more than three hours before dropping out.As for what gets me through, it's a mix of Minesweeper and IMs with friends.
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