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Where Can I Buy An Fcp Poker Table As Seen On The Stream?

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Hi Guys,I was wondering if you plan to sell FCP poker tables? I wanted one like the one pictured in the stream with the FCP logos and wide rail.regards,Tom Jackson
There are no plans at the moment that I'm aware of to add a table like the one on the Protege Final to the FCP store. That table was custom built by a supplier in Toronto.
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There are no plans at the moment that I'm aware of to add a table like the one on the Protege Final to the FCP store. That table was custom built by a supplier in Toronto.
I am based in Ontario ( within the GTA area.). Would it be possible for me to buy direct from the supplier? and or can I have them print the FCP logo ( with your premission of course) on the table.I loved the look and colour scheme.Regards,Tom
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And can we buy it with the rails bigger? I'm not sure they were big enough....sw

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:club: h
And can we buy it with the rails bigger? I'm not sure they were big enough....sw
I like a more padded rail - at least 2 inches of foam. I have played on some cheap local tables using 1/2 or 1 inch sized foam and they feel like crap over time try playing a cash game for 12-14 hours straight and you would begging for bigger and a more padded rail
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