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Martin Luther Was, And Protestants Are Supposed To Be, Gnostic Christians.

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Martin Luther was, and Protestants are supposed to be, Gnostic Christians.

The old Orthodox Catholic Church preached the God without that we had access to only through the good old boy system of the clergy.It seems that Martin Luther knew better and knew the God within as the true God.He rejected the notion of the Word of God as a literal and historic book.What happened to his theology and why did literalism and fundamentalism rear it’s ugly head and deceive so many Christians.Even now, most of the protestant west is stupidly literal in their reading of scripture even as it’s leader, Martin Luther said not to read the Bible literally.It also happens that the pope also says the same thing, so WTH are Catholics doing also following this anti-Christ way of reading scripture, and ending with a literal historic Christ? Do none who call themselves Christian or Catholic believe their own leadership anymore? If not, why are you calling yourself Christian or Catholic?My guess is tradition and your social network and to me, this is a hypocritical way of going through life and a good way to never know or find God.Satan is supposed to deceive the whole world from your pathetic literal view so if the majority of Catholics and Protestants are reading literally or ending their reading of the Bible with a literal and historic Christ, then statistically speaking you poor deluded soul, must be following Satan. Right?RegardsDL P S. Here is the way Martin Luther broke free from the shackles of the twisted Catholicism of his day. He accepted adulthood and so should literalists.
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If you don't mind, what's your story? Age, occupation, why you take so much time to rail against christianity, etc?
Not so much against religionists. just literalists and fundamentals.It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HKHaClUCw4...&playnext=1They also do much harm to their own.African witches and Jesushttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlRG9gXriVI...feature=relatedJesus Camp 1of 9http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOqGhcwwE1sFor evil to grow, all good men need do is nothing. I wish to be good. RegardsDL
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Thanks you. How do you do that?
#t=1m27sPut that at the end of any youtube video. Obviously, you change the numbers depending on the video.
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