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About Holden

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  1. Bet the turn and bet the river. Plain and simple he's on a bluff.
  2. Hey Daniel. I'm currently an atheist but not as much by choice as by lack of faith. I really find religion to be unbelievable and self-serving. I used to be a hardcore christian but have since changed my ways...I tend to think of myself as an existentialist. I can't wrap my head around something I was told about religion. The fact that if an old lady died alone....never hurt a soul in her life....perfect by anyone's standards BUT she was ignorant of God ie never heard of Him, was never taught about the bible etc. She would go to hell. I can't accept that. I also believe that if humans have
  3. He should have everyone's respect just for being Canadian! Canadians are just so sexy!
  4. I wouldn't have called. I wouldn't have even checked after the river card I would have folded without letting you bet assuming you were drawing on the flush and pissed that you caught it.
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