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About Paz

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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    Toronto, Canada
  1. Paz

    beef ?

    Actually, there's a common style which has a ">" indicating a previous response so this looks more like Daniel has just cut up Howard's letter and responded to select bits of it. Look at it again. Does it seem like it's Howard responding. Does Howard's letter flow from one section to another?
  2. Paz

    beef ?

    I don't even know if Howard responded to that. Did he?
  3. I've noticed that those who reject evolution are typically those that don't know what it is or have some strawman definition of it, which included Hitler.Evolution is NOT about progress. Those organisms that proliferate are not those that are advanced or more complex, rather it is those that are better suited to survive in their biological niche. A tapeworm or bacterium is just as fit as a deer or lion.Being the case or not, this does not mean that we must perform eugenics or genocide. This is why modern culture has a standard of ethics.Just because something happens naturally doesn't mean th
  4. Evolution has nothing to do with a "master race." He inferred that from this theory to give weight to his grandiose, but twisted ambitions.
  5. It is false to assume that the atrocities of the past occured because of christianity considering that back then most of the civilized western world was christian. Also, Hitler was catholic, not atheist.You should look at many of Hitler's famous speeches and quotes.http://www.thatcherthunders.org/tthitcomp.htmOf course, Hitler's rampage is not a testament to the catholic faith anymore than O.J. Simpson is an archetype of a football player's psyche. Just like Stalin, Pol Pot, or Caligula he was just a sick man.
  6. Ever think of being a libertarian? :-)
  7. how'd you calc. that?Chance of first two cards being suited is any card plus a card of the same suit which would come up 12/51 times. The chance of the first two cards being suited with the third card a rag is 12/51 * 39/50 (a card of another suit).The probability of the first two cards not being suited would be 39/51. Since there are two cards of different suits already the chance of another card of matching suit is 24/50 (12 cards for one suit, 12 for the other). We get that the chance of 2 suited cards coming by the 3rd card is 39/51 * 24/50.So the total probability of two cards being suite
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