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Stars Down For Anyone

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I think I did a pretty good job linking all of the threads together if I do say so myself.Yeah, I am playing in a 100 FPP tournament, satellite to a 1000 pointer. Oh well. I sure it will be up soon.

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i cant even write chats anymore yet there are a couple ppl on my table who can. some guy says he is stealing blinds (in a tourny btw) but i dont know if its true. is anyone on??

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Woohoo!!! It just finished shipping the pot to me... Now if it would only write the hand history as to not mess up my stats...Hopefully they will get **** back up and running soon...

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Lol I just wrote them an email like probably thousands of other people.This is BS I wasn't even in the middle of anything but it's still -EV. Lol Donkaments.

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Solar Flares?Bots on strike?Mushu pissed on the main frame? :club:
This is all because Scott tried to play on Stars.
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