try__an__hit 0 Posted May 25, 2007 Share Posted May 25, 2007 Anyone care to have a look, through hand history and pick out all the faults. Simo did last time very nice, so hopefully again Thanks to anyone who does Link to post Share on other sites
StupidKid 0 Posted May 25, 2007 Share Posted May 25, 2007 I'll have a look now, currently in the stars deepstack so I have a lot of time to spare. I'll see if I can come up with anything constructive.EditHand 16: I'd probably lead the flop but the checkraise worked fineHand 20: I like the way you played this a lot.Hand 23: I'm betting the river at least, you get looked up by A high there and you clearly have the best handHand 30: If you're going to enter the pot here, raise.Hand 74: Did you have to gamble here? EP raiser, I didn't like the shove here at all and you haven't got the price to set mine so its either stop n go, shove or fold. I think Shove<Stop n Go<FoldHand 83: I probably probe bet the flopHand 86: I'm not a huge fan of the shovel here considering it has only been minraised, I pop it upto 1100ish, esp since you're in position.Hand 97: I'd fold this OOPHand 101: Open shove again with AK after a minraise, re-raise to 1200ish here, once again you're in position. The strength of AK is seeing 5 cards yes, but you're losing value out of it by the huge overbetsHand 122: I'd probably fold 22 here, I don't really want to raise, muck it in UTG+1, if someone made it 600+ would you have called?Hand 180: I'm betting that flop all day longHand 184: Raise that riverHand 224: WTF? Folding AK on the button!? This must have been a misclick?Random other notes: I don't like the constant shovels in the blinds on shortish stacks Link to post Share on other sites
NEtwowilldo 0 Posted May 26, 2007 Share Posted May 26, 2007 Hand 16: I also like a lead rather than a checkraise on this flop. If you checkraise, your announcing the strength of your hand. On a flop like this, either someone has an ace or they don't, if they do, you're likely to get raised, then they are pot committed when you shovel, instead of having a chance to get off of AK or A Q or J 10 or something like that.Hand 20: I usually raise when I am first to the pot because it gives you control of the hand, a chance to steal the blinds without confrontation, and they never know what you have if you play different hands the same. I think I would give some consideration to checking behind on the turn on this hand. The villain seems extremely weak, leading from the blind, just calling your raise, then checking the turn. You may be giving him a free shot at the flush or straight draw, but he is only about 20% to hit if that's what he has, and if he misses you are sure to get some good bluff money by acting like the ace scared you on the turn. Your bet on the turn is for over 1/3 of his stack, and he definitely does not have an ace, so you might be scaring him away. I like all other streets though.Hand 21: Same thing preflop.I would probably bet the turn here. The ten isn't really a scary card to me and no one is representing strength. IF someone is slowplaying a monster, you're sure to find out if you bet like 150-175.Hand 23: Value bet the river for 50, fold to a big raise.Hand 25: I don't understand why you limped Q J in the exact same situation before, on the button, but not this time. Hand 32: I check this flop. You're not going to get action from a worse hand. Good fold later on the flop though. Hand 33: Checks to the button and he minbets? Extremely weak. I come over the top of that every time.Hand 43: Even though you're in position, I don't like calling raises with those typeof hands, rather making the raise from late position.Hand 60: Ballsy. Could go either way though.Hand 69: I like it.Hand 74: I wouldn't play 55 for over half my stack. Since you are obviously putting the guy all in or folding. If you do want to play this hand I would probably just call the raise preflop then move in on any flop, utilizing the stop and go. Since you're going to get it all in anyways, you might as well gain an little fold equity this way. You also take away his ability to see all five cards if he does have AK or somethign like it.Hand 83: I probably would have looked her up and maybe led the turn if it was safe looking. The min bet is weak, you probably could have taked that one down with a little aggression.Hand 86: This is a pretty big overbet. I would rather see a standard reraise or even just a call to disguise the strength of your hand. Hand 95: Standard given his stack size.Hand 97: I dont like it from early position. Hand 124: When someone from the blinds who didn't raise preflop leads out, they usually have the kind of hand you had here. Top pair no kicker, or second pair or something weak. I usually check unless I flop an absolute monster. Hand 125: I don't like completing here. Even though you're getting good odds, what kind of flop are you really looking for besides two pair or trips? More often than not you're going to flop a king, bet out, get raised and wind up folding. So, yes, you're getting over 9 to 1, but if you just fold now, you're going to save that 400 or so that you would have lost when the flop came king high.Hand 152: Be careful raising hands like these with shortstacks behind you, especially in the Big Blind, because you are pot committed if he pushes, and maybe you don't want peopel knowing that you raise with Q 9. Hand 164: I would probably call and see the flop. You definitely have live cards, and you're getting about 5 1/2 to 1. Also there is a good chance that "doubled39" would check it down with you since someone is all in. If not, no big deal.Hand 168: I smooth call the flop. Raising has no value, and he is obviously weak with the min-bet. Just call and he will check the turn. Check behind on the turn and let him bluff again on the river.Hand 175: If you're going to smooth call the flop, I would check behind on the turn. Same reasons as hand 168. Either that or raise the flop and hope he has a king. I think I like raising the flop better, because you might get him to stick it all in now before anymore scare cards roll off.Hand 180 : I like the line you took here.Hand 181: I like limping here more than raising. You don't want to build pots bigger than have to be preflop when you're going to be playing out of position for the rest of the hand. When you limp, it's also harder for the BB to put you on an ace if one flops, so you might get action from second or third pair that way.Hand 182: WTF!! Why are you risking 1/3 of your stack with Q 5? The blinds aren't even really worth stealing to you at this point.Hand 184: Same as hand 168. I raise on the turn though.Hand 202: Check call the river. I don't like betting out, you will never get called by a hand you can beat.Hand 222: This looks like a late position steal to me. I might try a resteal if I was feeling frisky, not a big deal though.Hand 224: Reraise this every time. Maybe you were sitting out or something. That's the only excuse I can think of.Hand 230: I would not have given up so fast. You played this hand a little too weak for my liking, I probably would have checkraised the flop, I doubt he has much.Hand 241: I would raise this hand and try to isolate in position. If you get called by one of the LP players then give it up, but you gotta attack the limpers at this stage. A 9 in position is a good enough hand to do so in my opinion, but proceed with caution obviously.Hand 250: I would have pushed all in in the first place, but as played you're getting almost 2 to 1, I call this all day.Hand 258: You shouldn't be playing any hand at this point that you're not prepared to play for your whole stack, so if you're not going to call the all in reraise, don't raise with it in the first place. That is all. GG sir. Link to post Share on other sites
try__an__hit 0 Posted May 26, 2007 Author Share Posted May 26, 2007 Thankyou guys :)Been changing my play lately, since i got x factor, was way to tight before. So lots to improve on.thanks Link to post Share on other sites
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