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So Close....not Going To Make It!

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T-minus about 22 hours until my plane lands in VegasT-minus about 30 hours 20 minutes until I turn 21 in Vegas...

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T-minus about 22 hours until my plane lands in VegasT-minus about 30 hours 20 minutes until I turn 21 in Vegas...
T-minus about 30 hours 25 minutes until Philly Phil is drunk in Vegas...
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LoL you gotta be pumped, pretty exciting
Yeah. Win or (most likely) lose, I will post a after-Vegas results post. Anyone in Vegas that would want to meet for Cards or a drink? I am going to play in the 1:30 a.m. $65 MTT at Paris. We could meet at 1:00 or so. Well, off to my birthday dinner with dad (Check time too!). So I will check this later. If you want to meet up, PM me with your name and celly number and we can get a drink and play!
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T-minus about 30 hours 25 minutes until Philly Phil is drunk in Vegas...
More like 28 hours as I am having some drinks at the hotel before midnight.
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T-minus about 22 hours until my plane lands in VegasT-minus about 30 hours 20 minutes until I turn 21 in Vegas...
T-minus about 30 hours 25 minutes until Philly Phil is drunk in Vegas...
T-minus about 30 hours 35 minutes until Pilly Pill is 21, drunk and broke in Vegas
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Have fun! dont play poker on your b day though instead you should drink all the free booze you can before throwing up, and then all the booze you can afterwards! good luck.

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T-minus about 22 hours until my plane lands in VegasT-minus about 30 hours 20 minutes until I turn 21 in Vegas...
Have fun. Do like I did last time I went to Vegas. Hit trip 6's at 3 card poker...win $600...spend all that money on booze, gambling, and "other fun activities" for the rest of your big day.And yes.......it really is that easy.
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I love this thread.Have fun in Vegas.Since i am 22 i guess i can give you some classic advice since someone has to do it :Don't get aids.Don't lose an important organ.Don't go broke at the very first day.,Weed is the only one you can have once in a while without doing any harm.Don't get married.If you see Patrick Antonius in Vegas , please kick him in the balls to check if he is a human like the rest of you guys.

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