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Very Very Crazy Hand

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So im in a 5/10 NL game with no cap..ive bought in for 2k and ive got around 5k in front of me. here goes. Im in MP and i make it 35 with AcQc. CO calls and button a tight player raises to 130. I call CO folds. Flop is 843 2 clubs. I check he fires 300 i call. turn comes an 8. a very scary card for him if he does have a big pocket pair so I decide im gonna use to my advantage. He has around 3k when the hand started btw. SO i check the turn with the board 8438 with 2 clubs he fires 500. I think about what my best play is and if i have any fold equity. i thought about check calling but i know i have no way to win if i dont hit. So i raised 800 over:making it 1300 total. He insta shoves all in for another 1350 or something. After that im pot commited and have to call getting like 3.6:1 and he could easily have 10's or jacks here and my ace and queen is live. So i call and he flips over 10's and i ask if he wants to run it twice cause i have a shitload of outs and he says nah and the turn comes 6h and i lost 3k. But i want to know if it was better check calling or leading on the turn maybe and shoving all in if he raises me a small amount of something. VEry tough hand and that 3k was all my profit. I finished the night up a grand after i crawled back.

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So im in a 5/10 NL game with no cap..ive bought in for 2k and ive got around 5k in front of me. here goes. Im in MP and i make it 35 with AcQc. CO calls and button a tight player raises to 130. I call CO folds. Flop is 843 2 clubs. I check he fires 300 i call. turn comes an 8. a very scary card for him if he does have a big pocket pair so I decide im gonna use to my advantage. He has around 3k when the hand started btw. SO i check the turn with the board 8438 with 2 clubs he fires 500. I think about what my best play is and if i have any fold equity. i thought about check calling but i know i have no way to win if i dont hit. So i raised 800 over:making it 1300 total. He insta shoves all in for another 1350 or something. After that im pot commited and have to call getting like 3.6:1 and he could easily have 10's or jacks here and my ace and queen is live. So i call and he flips over 10's and i ask if he wants to run it twice cause i have a shitload of outs and he says nah and the turn comes 6h and i lost 3k. But i want to know if it was better check calling or leading on the turn maybe and shoving all in if he raises me a small amount of something. VEry tough hand and that 3k was all my profit. I finished the night up a grand after i crawled back.
fold the turn
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I don't think that the board pairing on the turn is bad for an over pair. Indeed it is the opposite, that is a pretty safe card. You checked twice which usually means you are on a draw or you flopped a monster like a set in this case and you are slow playing. He read you as weak and on a draw and had the balls to follow through. You obviously didn't have an overpair or you would have lead or check-raised on the flop to protect your hand. You played the hand as bad is it can be played.

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I don't think that the board pairing on the turn is bad for an over pair. Indeed it is the opposite, that is a pretty safe card. You checked twice which usually means you are on a draw or you flopped a monster like a set in this case and you are slow playing. He read you as weak and on a draw and had the balls to follow through. You obviously didn't have an overpair or you would have lead or check-raised on the flop to protect your hand. You played the hand as bad is it can be played.
I agree...what makes you think that the 8 is a bad card for him??If anything I would imagine that the 8 makes his hand stronger against your possible range, therefore eliminating one of your outs.
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