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Ka W/ Shortstack

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t50 (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)CO (t2205)Button (t1655)Hero (t835)BB (t1350)UTG (t1665)MP (t1290)Preflop: Hero is SB with K :club: , A :D . 1 fold, MP calls t50, CO raises to t100, 1 fold, Hero raises to t250, BB calls t200, MP folds, CO calls t150.Flop: (t800) 4 :D , 6 :D , 5 :D(3 players)Hero ?BB is loose-passive. Chased a gutshot straight draw on flop and turn and hit it on the river against me maybe 5 hands ago (lost about 1k on that hand). CO is fairly loose.. usually limps into pots, (seen him 2x 3x bb raise when he does open pf)1) Raise more pf? Shove pf?2) Shove flop?

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I may take a different line that copernicus - raise to 400 here with every intention of getting the rest of your stack in no matter what flops. But any line you take, all the money goes in before the turn. You're probably not going to see a better opportunity in this tourney.

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I may take a different line that copernicus - raise to 400 here with every intention of getting the rest of your stack in no matter what flops. But any line you take, all the money goes in before the turn. You're probably not going to see a better opportunity in this tourney.
Stop and gos (or slow and gos) are better with mid pairs than they are with AK, especially when your raise is 1/2 your stack and villains know they have to be prepared to play the whole way. You lose your market for the flop push most of the time you do hit the flop, and get called most of the time you miss the flop and push.
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Stop and gos (or slow and gos) are better with mid pairs than they are with AK, especially when your raise is 1/2 your stack and villains know they have to be prepared to play the whole way. You lose your market for the flop push most of the time you do hit the flop, and get called most of the time you miss the flop and push.
This really depends on who the villain is. Against a good player, the raise to 400 shows extreme strength, because a good player knows you are pot committed and will read your bet as looking for action. On the other extreme, against a donk, he'll call and try to hit the flop not thinking about the fact that you are committed to the pot and that he basically has to call most any flop shove.By and large, I think you need to shove here preflop, though. AK works best when you get it all in with 5 to come.
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This really depends on who the villain is. Against a good player, the raise to 400 shows extreme strength, because a good player knows you are pot committed and will read your bet as looking for action. On the other extreme, against a donk, he'll call and try to hit the flop not thinking about the fact that you are committed to the pot and that he basically has to call most any flop shove.By and large, I think you need to shove here preflop, though. AK works best when you get it all in with 5 to come.
Sorta...if villain isnt a donk it depends on his read of you, but even when its read as strength you're probably getting called anyway with he players already invested in the pot. I was in a similar situation on the bubble of a $1k WPT satellite and tried it both ways with strong hands and low M, and was called whether I pushed or raised a little less than 1/2 my stack. The last time I tried it was a push with AK and was called by 22. I flopped AK, he rivers a 2. Goodbye 10k seat...but (as the long time posters here know) hello 20k jackpot on a slot that I played as I walked out of the poker room, lol.
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I shove this preflop. You don't have enough chips to C-bet, then fold to a raise. Get 'em all-in and see 5 cards. And, maybe you get 33 and 44 to fold preflop, though the players at these levels do like to call too often.

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