Zeatrix 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 And why in the f-ing world could a guy like that get his hands on a hand gun??? Unfathomable... Link to post Share on other sites
rgold79 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 If somebody is going to do this, they are going to do it no matter what.I disagree with this. Couldn't quality Mental Health Services stop more episodes like this from happening? Clearly this person was malevolent and cold-hearted, but isn't it equally clear that he was suffering from some kind of psychological disorder? There is absolutely no justification for what he did, but the road to this episode is paved with people dropping the ball on recognizing he had problems and getting him help. Link to post Share on other sites
asytnik 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 And why in the f-ing world could a guy like that get his hands on a hand gun??? Unfathomable...I think the better question is why didn't all the other reasonable, law-abiding citizens(fully trained of course) in that hall HAVE the right to carry hand guns? Oh that's right, because it would be illegal for them do so. And nuts like Cho will find ways to get them regardless if they pass the background check or not. Link to post Share on other sites
iowahawk09 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 And why in the f-ing world could a guy like that get his hands on a hand gun??? Unfathomable...He was clearly suffering from some sort of psychological disorder, but the only real altercation with the law came from a speeding ticket. Not anything thats gonna send up warning flags. Although there was something about him lighting his dorm room on fire...but idk the details of that. A background check would have produced nothing. Link to post Share on other sites
insano 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 you making the assumption that the o.p. is a "librul" or that other "libruls" feel the same way is what makes people hate conservatives.I seriously think you have a program running on your computer that lets you know everytime there is a post with the keyword "liberal" in it. But if you don't, maybe you should? Link to post Share on other sites
rocketpoker828 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 He had a horrible case of Antisocial Personality Disorder (the technical term, no the layman usage).Thank you. I was trying to remember APD all day yesterday. Link to post Share on other sites
mk 11 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 I seriously think you have a program running on your computer that lets you know everytime there is a post with the keyword "liberal" in it. But if you don't, maybe you should?it's a macro, i can hook you up if you want. Link to post Share on other sites
Jeepster80125 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 You're why people hate "Liberals."+1. Link to post Share on other sites
iowahawk09 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 Did we ban the OP yet. Please tell me we did Link to post Share on other sites
DrawingDeadInDM 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 it's a macro, i can hook you up if you want.Ship to..Erik@GlobalWarmingMustEndNowPlzKThx.org Link to post Share on other sites
ratwastard 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Author Share Posted April 18, 2007 Did we ban the OP yet. Please tell me we didwhat he hell dude. give me a time machine and i go back and blow Cho's head off and save 32 innocent lives, i do it in a heartbeat. but i still feel bad for the guy. not exactly sure why. on the other hand i'd personally like to torture just about every serial killer, child killer, child rapist i've ever read about not to mention millions of your every day common house burglar and others of that sort. hell, i'd like to bash the brains in of the common car thief. those pieces of human garbage have caused me a lot of aggravation over the years. Link to post Share on other sites
chrozzo 19 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 well of course i feel much worse for the victims, but that doesn't stop me from feeling bad for the shooter. he's obviously the victim himself in some way. you live with a deranged mind for awhile and tell me how much fun it is. life for this poor guy really sucked. figurative demons invaded his mind.like he knew he was crazy...its not like he sat in his dorm room naked, soaked in gasoline lighting matches and thinking..."wow, isnt it amazing how incredibly fucked up I really am!" Link to post Share on other sites
Loismustdie 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 What the hell, the poor guy was lonely. I bet if some of the others had only reached out to him none of this would have happened. Why is the media kicking this poor dead guy around. Bill O'Reilly just called him a loser. It's probably those types of words that set the poor kid off in the first place.I think we need to show some love for Cho Seung-Hui. This guy is an idiot, but he has a point. A little love, a little discipline, a little recognition would have went a long way. This guy was in a very cold mental environment, and what did the kids do? Talk about how one day he would run around shooting people. Nice. Link to post Share on other sites
Loismustdie 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 And why in the f-ing world could a guy like that get his hands on a hand gun??? Unfathomable... He had no record. He might as well be buying 500 pounds of bleached cornmeal. Are you really this naive? Unfathomable... Link to post Share on other sites
Loismustdie 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 I disagree with Bill, for once. I don't think he was a loser. I think, from what little I could gather from his plays and from what people said about him, that he was simply, grade A, old school crazy. He had a horrible case of Antisocial Personality Disorder (the technical term, no the layman usage). He didn't need friends, he needed to be in a mental institution. Honestly, he did. It was impossible to reach out to him. People tried. Apparently he would just stare blankly and not respond to other people. He in some way seems different from, say, the Columbine shooters. They had friends (each other). People didn't really think that they were the type to be school shooters. They were odd, for sure, but the extent to which they were deeply troubled was largly undetectable. With this guy, people knew right away after meeting him that he had serious problems. It's not like "too many people picked on him at school" or "he hated the snobby, popular kids" or whatever the cliches are. I mean, I'm sure all those things were true for him, but in reality his sickness was much deeper than those simple, superficial causes. He was just really, really mentally ill.That's my opinion, at least. Agreed. This started a long time ago. Link to post Share on other sites
LongLiveYorke 38 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 And why in the f-ing world could a guy like that get his hands on a hand gun??? Unfathomable...Teachers and students recognized that he was indeed disturbed rather early on. There should be a system where you can report people who you consider to be mentally disturbed, present evidence, and prevent them from owning guns. I don't know, it could be abused, but in theory it sounds like a good idea. Link to post Share on other sites
mbreon 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 i'd personally like to torture just about every serial killer, child killer, child rapist i've ever read about not to mention millions of your every day common house burglar and others of that sort. hell, i'd like to bash the brains in of the common car thief.These statements are what people refer to as "warning signs" Link to post Share on other sites
chrozzo 19 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 These statements are what people refer to as "warning signs"wordcome to think of it, my high school history teacher used to say things like that all the time Link to post Share on other sites
scram 1 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 Not all of us are Christians.It was one of those stupid, mindless, associative Euro-assumptions they make about Americans. Link to post Share on other sites
scram 1 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 Teachers and students recognized that he was indeed disturbed rather early on. There should be a system where you can report people who you consider to be mentally disturbed, present evidence, and prevent them from owning guns. I don't know, it could be abused, but in theory it sounds like a good idea.Totally unrealistic.What are you going to do.Put in place some sort of phone hot line where people can call in, say "Gee, I think my neighbor is disturbed" and then their rights are suddenly removed? How can you "provide evidence" of someone being mentally disturbed?Are we now going to empower ordinary, untrained citizens (the same people who watch Jerry Springer and vote on American Idol) to simply remove rights of other citizens based on "hunches" ?I guess it's a good idea "in theory", but most terrible ideas in practice start out as good ideas "in theory". Link to post Share on other sites
Loismustdie 0 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 Totally unrealistic.What are you going to do.Put in place some sort of phone hot line where people can call in, say "Gee, I think my neighbor is disturbed" and then their rights are suddenly removed? How can you "provide evidence" of someone being mentally disturbed?Are we now going to empower ordinary, untrained citizens (the same people who watch Jerry Springer and vote on American Idol) to simply remove rights of other citizens based on "hunches" ?I guess it's a good idea "in theory", but most terrible ideas in practice start out as good ideas "in theory". Maybe that one time he was admitted into a psychiatric hospital would be a starting point, and bow down when you talk to Yorke. Easily one of the smartest, most level headed guys I E know. Link to post Share on other sites
ajs510 122 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 Sure looks like your random misunderstood lonely Asian-American fellow to me... Link to post Share on other sites
timwakefield 68 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 First I want to say that I'm actually shocked by the responses in this thread. You guys act like this kid had evil intentions, that he was doing this for some reason. No, he was insane. I think it's perfectly reasonable to feel sorry for the kid, and if you guys had any empathy or understanding of mental illness then maybe you would realize that he wasn't a devil-child sent from hell to murder the innocents. He was a regular kid with something wrong in his brain, which led him to go on a rampage. There's no reason to feel anger towards him, and it certainly won't help anything. I think the better question is why didn't all the other reasonable, law-abiding citizens(fully trained of course) in that hall HAVE the right to carry hand guns? Oh that's right, because it would be illegal for them do so. And nuts like Cho will find ways to get them regardless if they pass the background check or not.Regarding this, I laid off it when you guys were talking about it before, but it's just so unbelievably perverse that I feel like I need to say something. In your opinion, this would be a safer world if EVERYBODY ALWAYS carried a gun around with them? Yeah, sounds like a plan. Obviously I can't disagree that if some of these victims had been armed they likely could have stopped or at least minimized this tragedy, but do you really think it's wise to have students all over the country going to class every day with loaded guns? You think that will PREVENT murders? Are you high? Link to post Share on other sites
ajs510 122 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 First I want to say that I'm actually shocked by the responses in this thread. You guys act like this kid had evil intentions, that he was doing this for some reason. No, he was insane. I think it's perfectly reasonable to feel sorry for the kid, and if you guys had any empathy or understanding of mental illness then maybe you would realize that he wasn't a devil-child sent from hell to murder the innocents. He was a regular kid with something wrong in his brain, which led him to go on a rampage.BLACKSBURG, Virginia (CNN) -- The man blamed for killing at least 30 people in Monday's shootings on the Virginia Tech campus before killing himself mailed a package containing photographs and writings to NBC, authorities announced Wednesday.The packages also included 23 QuickTime videos showing Cho Seung-Hui talking to the camera and discussing religion and his hatred of the wealthy, MSNBC.com reported.MSNBC.com said the package was postmarked at 9:01 a.m., during the two hours between the shootings at the West Ambler Johnston Hall dormitory and the shootings at Norris Hall.Sure sounds to me like he knew exactly what he was doing. Sometimes people are just as.sholes. Link to post Share on other sites
timwakefield 68 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 Sure sounds to me like he knew exactly what he was doing. Sometimes people are just as.sholes.Yeah I maybe came off a little too strong. I'm not trying to say let's have a candlelight vigil for the kid, I'm just saying that it's just a tragedy and it can't be explained away by saying this evil kid did it and now he's dead and everything's ok. Link to post Share on other sites
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