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Biggest Regret In Poker

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Ya I changed the topic of convo. I dont think their is a thread listing how sick living in vegas for the WSOP with 3-5 other players who live poker to the fullest would be Not looking up the other people which I should knowHoos Tmay JC Renting a house last year in vegas seems like my biggest regret of not being there or in vegas at the time. Imagine 3-5 sick players living together playing and discussing nothing but poker for months. Their success after summer '06 is ubsurd. I do not think the forum members here understand a rare experience of this sort, It will prob happen this year, with the 1 year removed players It is dn juanda ivey lindgren pre famous not saying they are gonna hit that level but Dn and crew had this type of summer .

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The play I made in the 2005 main event, was bluffing at a hand and when my card hit just pushed and didnt even see the board really. Just an awful play and an INSTACALL later I was done 100 out of the money. I had the chips to cash and at that time 12k was alot, it still,is who am I kidding.

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Ya I changed the topic of convo. I dont think their is a thread listing how sick living in vegas for the WSOP with 3-5 other players who live poker to the fullest would be Not looking up the other people which I should knowHoos Tmay JC Renting a house last year in vegas seems like my biggest regret of not being there or in vegas at the time. Imagine 3-5 sick players living together playing and discussing nothing but poker for months. Their success after summer '06 is ubsurd. I do not think the forum members here understand a rare experience of this sort, It will prob happen this year, with the 1 year removed players It is dn juanda ivey lindgren pre famous not saying they are gonna hit that level but Dn and crew had this type of summer .
R.I.P. English Language.
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Ya I changed the topic of convo. I dont think their is a thread listing how sick living in vegas for the WSOP with 3-5 other players who live poker to the fullest would be Not looking up the other people which I should knowHoos Tmay JC Renting a house last year in vegas seems like my biggest regret of not being there or in vegas at the time. Imagine 3-5 sick players living together playing and discussing nothing but poker for months. Their success after summer '06 is ubsurd. I do not think the forum members here understand a rare experience of this sort, It will prob happen this year, with the 1 year removed players It is dn juanda ivey lindgren pre famous not saying they are gonna hit that level but Dn and crew had this type of summer .
Seriously?1. You did not change the topic of conversation, you created a new topic. While this started a new conversation, in your case, stepping away from the New Topic button would seem to be a wise idea.2. "There" is the word you were looking for, not "their." 3. Did Hoos, TMay and JC invite you to live with them. If not, how is it a regret that you did not take advantage of the opportunity. Or is this like me regretting not having won a Super Bowl.4. If the 3-5 players living together included you, would that truly qualify as "sick" players.Notwithstanding being a drunk driver and having absolutely preposterous brag posts, in my book everyone is welcome to post here. I respect that you missed the forum, but do you really think it is necessary to create topics and post in every topic the instant that you return. Especially when I don't think that you have provided a critical insight in any topic.
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3. Did Hoos, TMay and JC invite you to live with them. If not, how is it a regret that you did not take advantage of the opportunity. Or is this like me regretting not having won a Super Bowl.
I find the constant mention of all of them absolutely hilarious. Because he's probably the last person they would invite there. :club:
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Speaking of this, all you idols mentioned in this post, if there is a free couch this summer and you wouldn't mind me chilling for a week or so, somebody AIM me.
I want to visit this mystical place.. I wont need a place to sleep though because I got a king size bed waiting for me at the Gold Coast.. ship a bracelet or 2 plz.
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Ya I changed the topic of convo. I dont think their is a thread listing how sick living in vegas for the WSOP with 3-5 other players who live poker to the fullest would be Not looking up the other people which I should knowHoos Tmay JC Renting a house last year in vegas seems like my biggest regret of not being there or in vegas at the time. Imagine 3-5 sick players living together playing and discussing nothing but poker for months. Their success after summer '06 is ubsurd. I do not think the forum members here understand a rare experience of this sort, It will prob happen this year, with the 1 year removed players It is dn juanda ivey lindgren pre famous not saying they are gonna hit that level but Dn and crew had this type of summer .
Where have you been? Were you banned? I missed the old stories and tales from FWP.
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Last year it was me, JC, Pat, Tmay and Tom......and the ol bizzcake. Hoos was around alot but didnt really stay there. We all got much better from sharing hands and playing together and we're def renting another house this summer but tmay might buy a house in vegas before the series so itll be much different.Either way FWP did not and will not receive an invite.

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Last year it was me, JC, Pat, Tmay and Tom......and the ol bizzcake. Hoos was around alot but didnt really stay there. We all got much better from sharing hands and playing together and we're def renting another house this summer but tmay might buy a house in vegas before the series so itll be much different.Either way FWP did not and will not receive an invite.
Lol, looshle just crushed your dream.
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My biggest regret in poker is clearly acting like a complete and total jagoff on an internet forum, constantly bragging and boasting about supposed conquests playing the game, with very little actual proof of the same (i.e. hand histories), berating members of this forum, most who contribute useful and helpful tips and advice as far as poker goes, for no reason other than to satisfy my incredibly overblown ego, and my constant and non-stop use of the word "donk" like a pre tweenie uses the word "like." I also regret "donking" off much of my roll while schnookered out of my goard. Of course I also regret plowing into that cop car while totally blasted.Edit: My bad, I thought we were re-hashing your biggest regrets, sorry, won't happen again.Thanks looshle for that hilarious comment about FWP's lack of invite to your WSOP home. Made my day.

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Ya I changed the topic of convo. I dont think their is a thread listing how sick living in vegas for the WSOP with 3-5 other players who live poker to the fullest would be Not looking up the other people which I should knowHoos Tmay JC Renting a house last year in vegas seems like my biggest regret of not being there or in vegas at the time. Imagine 3-5 sick players living together playing and discussing nothing but poker for months. Their success after summer '06 is ubsurd. I do not think the forum members here understand a rare experience of this sort, It will prob happen this year, with the 1 year removed players It is dn juanda ivey lindgren pre famous not saying they are gonna hit that level but Dn and crew had this type of summer .
How about spending the summer living with an english teacher? Third grade teacher should work for you.
R.I.P. English Language.
Well done.
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Ya i was slightly intoxicated when I made this thread. I was not implying I wanted an invite(because I do not). I was simply stating that they must of had great summer and improved their game. great experience and all that jazz. meh lock it up mods

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