asytnik 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 Opinion: As far as the verbal insults-- quite a bunch of us have probably said quite a few mean things in the heat of the moment, so that's condoned. HE offered you the 1k, it's not like you asked for some compensation. I'm not sure why he did though, most players never get anything for when they get sucked out on. Seriously, if you suck out on somebody why feel bad? Think about all your bad beats. If it bothers you that much, and considering your post here and on P5s it does, just send the money back to him. It's only 1k. It can cost you way more in the long run if it continues to plague your mind and judgment. Link to post Share on other sites
StrippersNBlow 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 Dear Mkind,You suck at life and I really hate you. Im not talking about hate like when its raining out and I dont have an umbrella. I mean hate like when I see you your face will be bleeding.Love,Koolkeith13PS I wish you nothing but the worst in your life. Keep stalking and cheating people you filthy cockroach.-koolkeith13What in hell happened with this guy? People complain about the flaming here, but we're a hippie commune in comparison. On the subject of the 1K, I'm going with Beaverstyle. 1K Begament. I'm not giving it back. The guy gave you 1K to make him feel better, you have extra money. Win win. Link to post Share on other sites
iveyfan30 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 keep the money...dude was nice to send it <i wouldnt have> did make yourself look bad by commenting that he didnt ship it yet..if you really feel bad about it, withdraw it and donate it to the charity of your choice.. thats only if you feel bad about it, if not carry on as normal... Link to post Share on other sites
silkyjonson 1 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 Here is my unbiased opinion:I would have said thanks but thats poker so don't worry about it, when offered the money.If he did ship it, I would keep it, and post about how generous and nice he was. I would not send it back because a bunch of dummies on P5s said you should.And I think your post early on in the P5s thread where you called him out for NOT having shipped it yet was in poor taste.Markseriously? If that was the case you deserve to be called a huge huge deuche bag and I regret that some very nice internet player sent the money to a jackoff. If I am taking Marks statement out of context and its not the case I apologize in advance, but if correct that is low. Link to post Share on other sites
timwakefield 68 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 Crazy, even if I beat a friend there with 55 I wouldn't ship 1K. Maybe I'd buy him dinner, but it's the friggin nature of the game. Link to post Share on other sites
CaneBrain 95 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 However, as is usual with me, everything I do is under a microscope. Therefore, there was a thread on that OTHER site moments later about this. Within minutes, the thread was flooded with people ripping me apart for keeping the money. Now, these people never liked me to begin with, and I'm not sure if they are genuine or if they are just busting my balls. I would like some unbiased opinions though:If you were in my situation, would you keep the money or would you send it back to him?What on earth? Are you really seeking affirmation that it was ok to keep 1000 dollars someone just decided to give you? Are you spineless? I read the pocket5s thread. It is full of delusional nuts who wish someone would send them a G so they could donk it off. If someone just up and gives you money you say thank you and go buy stuff. or pay rent. whatever. Link to post Share on other sites
HermanKahn 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 seriously? If that was the case you deserve to be called a huge huge deuche bag and I regret that some very nice internet player sent the money to a jackoff. If I am taking Marks statement out of context and its not the case I apologize in advance, but if correct that is low. +1. If he nagged him about it in the first place, where did the sudden burst of conscience come from? Perhaps the realization he was being a double-d-ouchebag got the better of him?I wouldn't have taken it in the first place. It's too weird, seems like a set-up...what's the catch? Because you know there usually is... Allowing people to put you in their debt is nothing but bad news. Maybe not overtly, but in a "maybe someday, you'll be able to do me a favor too, kid" kind of way. Which can be pretty f*cking terrifying, depending on who it's coming from. Link to post Share on other sites
iveyfan30 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 +1. If he nagged him about it in the first place, where did the sudden burst of conscience come from? Perhaps the realization he was being a double-d-ouchebag got the better of him?I wouldn't have taken it in the first place. It's too weird, seems like a set-up...what's the catch? Because you know there usually is... Allowing people to put you in their debt is nothing but bad news. Maybe not overtly, but in a "maybe someday, you'll be able to do me a favor too, kid" kind of way. Which can be pretty f*cking terrifying, depending on who it's coming are my fav new poster here......paranoid live inside your head for a day lol...this is a compliment btw Link to post Share on other sites
no not baxter 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 ya mkind..def keep it. P5s blows. Only thing they are good for is if your into good poker gossip. You shouldn't care what they say about you. Anyways, congrats on the finish. On another note, making any CR vids anytime soon? Link to post Share on other sites
yourboygsarida 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 lol after being the first poster in this thread and reading it plus the p5s thread, I would like to cordially thank all FCP members for having brains. its impressive how dumb/hateful some p5s posters are. now i know you have gone through some **** mkind, and i dont fully know it all but from what i have read it looks like you are getting the short end of the shaft at p5s. keep the money, maybe send the guy an email to say thanks/what a class act he is and move on. and really, paying it forward isnt a terrible idea, even if it is like 100 of it or something. stake 25 guys in 4.40s or something, i'll bet you will get a solid return too. but either way, dont trip about it. you have done nothing wrong imo. Link to post Share on other sites
XTraCey 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 *bangs head on wall*F DRAMA Link to post Share on other sites
Mkind0516 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Author Share Posted April 11, 2007 Dear Mkind,You suck at life and I really hate you. Im not talking about hate like when its raining out and I dont have an umbrella. I mean hate like when I see you your face will be bleeding.Love,Koolkeith13PS I wish you nothing but the worst in your life. Keep stalking and cheating people you filthy cockroach.-koolkeith13What in hell happened with this guy? People complain about the flaming here, but we're a hippie commune in comparison. On the subject of the 1K, I'm going with Beaverstyle. 1K Begament. I'm not giving it back. The guy gave you 1K to make him feel better, you have extra money. Win win.IDK who this koolkeith guy is -- I've never met him or spoken to him; hell I dont' even think I've ever played him. Nevertheless, this dude is always on my nuts about how horrible I am (despite not knowing anything about me, as 99% of players on P5's do not). As far as what I've found out, he's one of those guys who frequently rails Johnny Bax & Belowabove, but never actually accomplishes anything himself. He's more out to look for acceptance from those higher names in the "hierarchy" of online poker. Therefore, he tries his best to bust on the guy everyone is ganging up on, in hopes that he gets accepted by these people. I think he has certainly taken things a bit too far in that post. In short, I think this guy is a pathetic excuse for a human being, with no goals in life or mind of his own.What it all comes down to is jealousy. I hate saying it b/c it makes me sound like a pompous ******* but I think it's the truth. The vast majority of the people calling me out are people who not only not at my level (poker-wise), but they have accomplished nothing in poker period. They see me as some punk kid who dropped out of school b/c he's kicking *** in poker, while they are getting nothing done. It's not hatred: it's jealousy. Furthermore, many of them are jealous of me for my relationship with Annette_15, the #1 ranked player online. Annette & I are very close friends, and I often have given public acknowledgement to the fact that she is one of the main reasons I am at the level I'm at today. Others who aren't in the know are only left to be wonder: why cant I have a friend like that? It reminds me of an episode of the Simpsons, where Bart & Ralph Wiggum were choosing baseball teams. Bart made his 1st pick of one of the kids; Ralph took Ken Griffey Jr., who was idly walking by. It happened again in the next round where Bart took another kid, and Ralph took Roger Clemens. Bart was noticably upset at his team at this point. Not because he didn't like his teammates, but because he was jealous of the teammates Ralph had. Afterall, Bart had a couple of little leaguers, while Ralph was fielding a team of all-stars! Anyway, this is another reason why there is jealousy towards me: because my "teammate" is an "all-star" (I have many other "all-star" friends that are very well known, but my friendship with Annette is the one talked about most).Thats pretty much my take on things, as to my status on P5's. I am the most scrutinized person on that site, but in most cases, it's jealousy, not hatred. In some ways, I even find it flattering. In others (like this Koolaid guy, or whatever his name is), it's just annoying. Either way, I try not to think about it much anymore. Link to post Share on other sites
akoff 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 Start a blog...and a web site...and a poker site....then you'll be scrutinized!!GG and relax, it is a frakin poker forum... Link to post Share on other sites
no not baxter 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 I'm jealous of your poker success too, but does that mean I have to be a prick to you. NO... Yea, they could be doing it because their jealous and they want to bring you down. But, generally they are just assholes. Link to post Share on other sites
chgocubs99 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 Here is my unbiased opinion:I would have said thanks but thats poker so don't worry about it, when offered the money.If he did ship it, I would keep it, and post about how generous and nice he was. I would not send it back because a bunch of dummies on P5s said you should.And I think your post early on in the P5s thread where you called him out for NOT having shipped it yet was in poor taste.MarkYea, what he said. Especially the bolded part which is why you started getting ripped over there. Link to post Share on other sites
no not baxter 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 Yea, what he said. Especially the bolded part which is why you started getting ripped over there.I dont think he necessarily was calling him out (I dunno, maybe he was). I just think he was stating that he didnt get the money and that the guy might have been joking or something. But, obviously P5s assumes the worst and assumes he was calling him out. I don't know tho. Maybe he was... Link to post Share on other sites
XTraCey 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 I dont think he necessarily was calling him out (I dunno, maybe he was). I just think he was stating that he didnt get the money and that the guy might have been joking or something. But, obviously P5s assumes the worst and assumes he was calling him out. I don't know tho. Maybe he was...No. Everyone was already ripping on MKind, saying how's he's blah blah blah for accepting the money from that guy. All MKind did was respond to the post by stating that the guy had said he would send it over, but he had not received anything yet. So technically, he did not have 1k of that guy's.Apparently, that was all MKind had to say for it to be enough for people to misconstrue and blow way out of proportion. What's sad is that the majority like to believe that MKind 'demanded' this money from him. The reality of that is MK was not even sure of exactly what he should do - take it, give it back, etc. He was texting me earlier today asking for my opinion and some advice and was really indecisive of the action he wanted to take, for the most part. Link to post Share on other sites
Lolli 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 Arrgh. I read this whole thread, and it gave me a headache (or that could have been the jagermeister). Anyway, here is my take on this.At first, I was morally conflicted as well. As awesome as it would be for someone to just hand over 1K, I wasnt sure if I could, in good conscience, take the money. But, after some thought, its not really about my conscience at all. The winner of the match, felt bad for the beat he had given, and was trying to clear his own conscience. Whether or not, this was necessary, is not up for debate, as what is done is done.As hard as it is to accept something you didnt rightfuilly earn, this man, out of the kindness of his own heart, wanted you to take the money. If it was just said in jest, you never would have received the money at all.Now, if even after the gratuity is received, and you stilll feel you dont deserve it, pass it along in any way you deem fit. However, this man meant for you to have it, and I would in no way condemn you for keeping it. Link to post Share on other sites
fatman 1 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 Dude, I don't know you, don't even know who you are. Let me give you a little piece of advice. Toughen the fuck up. Grow a thicker skin if you are going to continue to post over at p5's. For whatever reason they obviously don't like you. Fuck them. Either deal with it or stop going to that site. They are obviously a bunch of idiots who have nothing to do but berate someone for accepting a gift. As for accepting the money. The guy sent it to you. Thank him for being a classy guy and move on. I sure as hell would have accepted it. Link to post Share on other sites
no not baxter 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 No. Everyone was already ripping on MKind, saying how's he's blah blah blah for accepting the money from that guy. All MKind did was respond to the post by stating that the guy had said he would send it over, but he had not received anything yet. So technically, he did not have 1k of that guy's.Apparently, that was all MKind had to say for it to be enough for people to misconstrue and blow way out of proportion. What's sad is that the majority like to believe that MKind 'demanded' this money from him. The reality of that is MK was not even sure of exactly what he should do - take it, give it back, etc. He was texting me earlier today asking for my opinion and some advice and was really indecisive of the action he wanted to take, for the most part.EXARCTLY Link to post Share on other sites
Kangaroo 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 I dont think you have any duty to return it, I didn't write to full tilt and return their 100% bonus when I first got it. Also I don't think you're doing yourself any favours by posting a large post that people hate on you because they're so jealous. While it may be true in some instances I think you're going to have to cop it on the chin that the reason you have a small army of haters is due to some of your past behaviour. I'm not going to air any dirty laundry but there's a few things you've done that haven't won you many fans. Congrats on the 2nd place and gl at the tables. Link to post Share on other sites
CBass1724 1 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 Buy a grand worth of coke. Add plenty of cut. Re-bag. Sell the bags. Enjoy your $4,000. Ship the $1K back if you'd like.Cocaineaments. Link to post Share on other sites
David_Nicoson 1 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 Your rant at the end was out of line, imho. Giving the money back would be the gentlemanly thing to do. Link to post Share on other sites
IQCrash 1 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 lol @ the people saying give it backlol @ this thread being made in the first place What it all comes down to is jealousy. I hate saying it b/c it makes me sound like a pompous ******* but I think it's the truth. The vast majority of the people calling me out are people who not only not at my level (poker-wise), but they have accomplished nothing in poker period. They see me as some punk kid who dropped out of school b/c he's kicking *** in poker, while they are getting nothing done. It's not hatred: it's jealousy. Furthermore, many of them are jealous of me for my relationship with Annette_15, the #1 ranked player online. Annette & I are very close friends, and I often have given public acknowledgement to the fact that she is one of the main reasons I am at the level I'm at today. Others who aren't in the know are only left to be wonder: why cant I have a friend like that? It reminds me of an episode of the Simpsons, where Bart & Ralph Wiggum were choosing baseball teams. Bart made his 1st pick of one of the kids; Ralph took Ken Griffey Jr., who was idly walking by. It happened again in the next round where Bart took another kid, and Ralph took Roger Clemens. Bart was noticably upset at his team at this point. Not because he didn't like his teammates, but because he was jealous of the teammates Ralph had. Afterall, Bart had a couple of little leaguers, while Ralph was fielding a team of all-stars! Anyway, this is another reason why there is jealousy towards me: because my "teammate" is an "all-star" (I have many other "all-star" friends that are very well known, but my friendship with Annette is the one talked about most).and lol @ this replyBunch of clowns, I swear. Link to post Share on other sites
no not baxter 0 Posted April 11, 2007 Share Posted April 11, 2007 wow, what an avatar. Link to post Share on other sites
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