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Jj With 2 Allins In Front Of Me

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t50 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)CO (t1405)Button (t1445)Hero (t1500)BB (t1435)UTG (t2112)UTG+1 (t1280)MP1 (t1315)MP2 (t1430)MP3 (t1578)Preflop: Hero is SB with J :club: , J :D . UTG calls t50, UTG+1 raises to t100, 1 fold, MP2 calls t100, 2 folds, Button raises to t300, Hero raises to t650, BB calls t600, UTG calls t600, UTG+1 raises to t1280, MP2 folds, Button raises to t1445, Hero ??Fairly loose passive table (until this hand at least). Button seems like a solid player, no real read on UTG+1. Am I committed to calling here? In reflection, that small of a reraise was horrible (should have folded or pushed I think), but as played...

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This situation sucks because you're getting sandwiched.However, beware the minraise, especially from early position.Late in a tournament a minraise from late position can somtimes be a cheap steal attempt, but UTG it usually means a monster. I think UTG has you crushed and you can feel ok about letting this one go. You will still have over 18 BBs and have enough time to make it up.Personally I don't see anything wrong with just calling preflop. You really want to see a cheap flop with JJ because 50% of the time an overcard will come. All-ins don't always have to be preflop. By just calling you can save all the money when the flop comes A K 4. Also you can still fold and have only lost 300 when UTG+ 1 goes all in over the top because you know he has AA. :club: Soooo often I see people just shoving in online for up to 25x the big blind. Post flop play is not a sin!

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just call pf. as played, you're most likely more than a 4:1 dog with so many opponents against you, you have button's 1445 and UTG+1's 1280 MP2's 100, BB and CO's 600 and your 650, that's a 4675 pot with 850 behind translating to approx. 5.5:1 odds, not so great for your situation.

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push or fold as your first action, as played, foldEdit after seeing replies: I take back the fold option! push or call as first action. I still prefer the push though, since I want to get heads up with someone, and not play OOP.Post flop play isnt a sin, true. But post flop play OOP to 2 other hands, all with fairly shallow stacks and a hand thats likely to hate the at least one overcard it sees, is pretty close to a sin.

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Thanks for the replies.I actually think folding was probably the best play here thinking back on it, although calling isn't so bad either. I'd put the Button on 10 10+, AQ+, so I'm about a 3-2 dog there. Is that too weak-tight?

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Yeah, calling or letting it go would have been sound options. Two stacks are laying it all on the line, and it's not unreasonable to say at least one, if not both, have you dominated here. If you call the 300 and someone goes over the top, you can still let it go without a significant loss.

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This early in a STT with that much action and two raises ahead of me, I fold JJ. These players are so bad, that I don't feel I need to payoff a possible overpair or take a certain race against multiple players. If you really want to play these, push preflop after all the action ahead of you. You need to pare-down the competition any way you can.But, I still fold. Two or more people are getting eliminated on this hand and I will still have a large M to work with.-M

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. These players are so bad, that I don't feel I need to payoff a possible overpair or take a certain race against multiple players. -M
Depends on the buy in. At $50 and up its rare to find a horrible player. The difference between the winners and losers is knowing the bubble math.
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