myenemy 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 first of all, no i don't hate everything he says. i read the blog when it's about poker because i'm interested in the life of a pro player, but certainly not about the opinions of the player on subjects such as american idol and the NFL.I hate to quote blogs, but unfortunately i don't know you so the best insight i have is only what you provide. having said that, the following quotes from "without god i'm useless" would seem to support what i said:"I'm often irritated, jealous, venomous, spiteful, arrogant, mean, insecure, and all around unhappy." "At the same time, there is a price to pay for always putting on a smiley face, even when you don't feel like smiling at all."the first one is kinda self-explanatory. keep in mind that the blog was written a while ago and i didn't just pick those two words from the list to describe the most recent blog. it genuinely came off as sounding both spiteful and jealous in my opinion. mostly because i didn't see the point in mocking hellmuth's blog when daniel himself said that it was, in itself, hilarious... the second one shows that yes, there is a tv image that is created. obviously there isn't a mutanoid transformation between tv and actual person, but certainly the happy-go-lucky "image" that is apparent on tv isn't exactly the case and that yes, even daniel, is capable of being spiteful and jealous of another player's recent fortuneThis is the stupidest thing about this inane thread. So let me get it straight, you feel and act exactly the same all the time? You dont have good days and bad days? You have one emotional setting?Hows life on Planet Vulcan? Link to post Share on other sites
Donkey Destroyer 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 Patrick Antonious on the other hand, my goodness! Dude is too pretty to be that good at poker! LOL.You heard it here first people! He has the gay crush on Patrick.Daniel and Patrick up in a tree........ Link to post Share on other sites
myenemy 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 You heard it here first people! He has the gay crush on Patrick.Daniel and Patrick up in a tree........ Its just a healthy man-crush. So whats wrong with that? Just like me and Leonardo DiCaprio. I mean I wouldnt suck his c*ck or anything but you know, if he needed his balls tickled, different story.... Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 Ya think since this was April's fool's day you can cut him some slack?I mean it's a day for jokes.But let's be honest, We all feel a twinge of jealousy everytime we see the picture of Phil without a shirt on.........just a little Link to post Share on other sites
Naismith 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 LOL, I like Hellmuth, but the guy certainly opens himself up to the jokes.To his credit, he definitely seems willing to laugh at himself. I'd bet he read Dan's blog and thought it was funny. From all accounts, the two seem to be friends, if not just friendly with each other. Link to post Share on other sites
Royal27 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 Thanks for making it so easy. "You are just showing your spiteful""Someone is jealous of daniel""Don't read his blog then""get a life loser" Link to post Share on other sites
Barack_Obama 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 Common Daniel, don't tell me that you don't want a Main Event victory like Phil Hellmuth has? Bet you wouldn't say no to a bracelet like that on your wrist. Link to post Share on other sites
thecove 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 I read hellmuth's blog before reading daniel's and I have to say .......I think you are missing the whole point. It was a parody. It's humor. Nothing more. Link to post Share on other sites
NickeltheDimer 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 I think what Daniel does is perfectly valid. With the popularity of poker, Daniel is more or less forced to be in the spotlight, and that means recognition. It just happens to be that way because Daniel has a talent for poker, and his fame has leaped up because he has a good personality that is entertaining and educational on television.There are plenty of views that people have that another may like or despise, but because Daniel is in the spotlight, it's magnified much, much more. For the most part, I really wouldn't go into a long criticism about the guy because he's not making policy, and not effecting how you live your life. It's certainly your right to do so, but just because you have the right to bang your head on the wall doesn't mean that doing so is intelligent. In fact, I would applaud Daniel for actually taking the time to spend time with people that obviously are fans in forums and in live events, and still maintain a genuine nice guy image to entertain and teach poker fans on television when he plays, especially because at the end of the day, his job deals with the possibility that he can bust and lose thousands upon thousands of dollars, face the world about it because eventually someone will find out and due to his image, be expected to smile and crack jokes for our entertainment. Given that pressure, I think Daniel should get the very opposite post that started this thread. Link to post Share on other sites
Oziumrules 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 The OP is right! Daniel is jealous of Phil! Not because of his poker skills, but his beautiful set of boobies!!! Link to post Share on other sites
sixsixtie 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 I think we should all be a little bit jealous of PA I mean seriously look at him, oh and hes one of the greatest high limit players around. fack life is just unfair! Link to post Share on other sites
Kwest4chipz 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 A parody from a different perspective, plus I'm really bored. I've had some really neat stuff happen. Like getting to play a few sng's to try and win a seat into a WSOP circuit event, and having a tourney director come over and ask me what stakes I wanted before the game. Turns out he was none other than the dealer that dealt the final hand at the Main Event in 2006. I thought he looked like Tom Hanks in person, so we'll just say Tom Hanks came over and said "Hi" before the game. He sorta looked like Dave Matthews as well, so Tom Hanks and Dave Matthews made it a point to talk to me. I'm pretty sure I was on camera saying hi to the security and my adoring fans, and "HOW can you call that!?!?!?". I was pretty fun to watch. "Suck Out City" the movie, finally got the green light and will go ahead with filming soon...I've also launched a new energy drink called "Donkey Punch" for card players, "ya know ya wanna!". It tastes like fruit punch! Its fantastic! I'll be drinking one an hour during my PS2 WSOP sessions, hoping it propels me to multiple wins. All these endorsements have inevitably led to me being asked to be the man behind the 2007 Micro Limit Extreme PS3 game. Where you will get a chance to play me heads up for huge pots! You'll also get to hear some of my classic lines (brb...i gotta get a drink.....). Right now i'm in Omaha, Nebraska, in a $10 dollar a day house with a spectacular view of a backyard and a alley, complete with garbage cans. Tuesday, I spent a large amount on a 2007 six pack of Leinenkugel Berry Weiss, to date its the most I've ever spent on a six pack. Of course i'm not gonna drink it all in one day. I'll have to alternate between the expensive stuff and Keystone Light. The clerk at the mini-mart was in utter amazement when I brought this vintage alcoholic beverage to the counter and shelled out 8 bucks for it. I'm pretty sure i'm the talk of the town. I decided to enter the UB be a pro freeroll yesterday, I had an hour before I was seated so I joined the boys at a .01/.02 NLHE table sitting with 1 dollar. I got 99 on the third hand and limped that puppy in. There were 5 callers and the flop came down 9c Ah 8h, guy bet .20 cents, everyone folded so I popped it all in. He called with A8 and he missed the boat that would have saved him. I'm up to 1.75 at this point. Very next hand i'm in the big blind with J6, 4 limpers and I check my option. Flop is 9h 6c 6s, I check it, hoping someone bluffs at it. 1 guy raises .10 cents, everyone folds and i smooth call. The turn is a 8, I check again, cuz i got this guy on the phone and I know he's gonna bet hard. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have 99 or a higher kicker with a 6 in the hole. As planned he pops it for a pot bet. So I smooth call again. The river is a 9, I check again...and he pops it all in. I figure we both have a 6 at this point and call. He turns over A9 and drags the pot leaving me broke and wondering how I'm ever going to recover from this. Well the freeroll is 30 minutes away, and I'm thinking about just sitting it out after this devastating loss. So how do i recover from such a horrible loss? You drink a beer, (yes the expensive kind), kick a few inanimate objects, apply some ice to your now swollen foot, and put in some Pat Benatar "All Fired Up!" and Limp Biskit "Give Me Something to Break", right? It didn't help much but it was worth the effort. I'm still a little steamed so I intentionally show up late to the freeroll, I figure by sitting in late I will send a message to all the other donkey derby participants that I'm not one to be trifled with! I play solid poker for 3 hours and am in the final 20, 5 go on to the finals. I really don't know what happened, I had 60k in chips, well above the average. I started spacing out on the Colbert Report, and not really paying attention to how deep I was. One guy went all in, folded to me and I had AA so I called cuz it was only half my stack. Q10 hit a 4 card flush and drew out on me. I start paying a little more attention because thats NOT supposed to happen, and I need to re-establish my dominance at this table. I fold the next few hands, then I wake up with AA again, (within 5 hands), I've got about 30k in chips and am one of the low stacks so I pop it all in. I get 1 caller with 33 who spikes his 3 on the flop and cracks my aces. I finish in 17th. How can I be so unlucky? I'm thinking I should probably go spend another $8 dollars on a six pack of the good stuff. NO, I can't do that. How do I get my mojo back? Well I decide I'll mow my neigbors yard, free of charge, this recharges the mojo reserves to half their capacity. I need something to take the mojo over the top. THINK damnit THINK! Initially I thought about donating to "Heifer International", but, then I decided I really didn't want to encourage fat chicks. I decided to think about it on the way to McDonalds. When I drove up to the window to pick up my $5 dollar gourmet asian salad, (I know i'm spending frivolously), it came to me. I decided to drop the .75 cents left over into the Ronald Mcdonald House receptacle! My mojo was finally recharged!Giving to charity and doing good deeds has brought my mojo to a unprecedented level now. I know that there is no loss/bad beat that can reduce my mojo to such a level again! I will be using my mojo when I battle the likes of Chris Ferguson, Alan Cunningham, Phil Hellmuth, Mike Matusow, Phil Ivey and Daniel Negreanu..(to name a few), through the 2007 season. It is my mojo that will allow me to crush all opposition at every table I sit at. Man I love this video game, i'm a poker genius in it. Someday soon I will have to thank PH for reminding me that, people are people. Some are well known, some aren't. For every pro poker player out there in the public eye, there is at least, one average person that interacts with people in the same fashion. The only difference is, the pros interactions are publicly documented, whereas the average persons actions are never under the publics watchful eye. "Fasting til DN answers my email wasn't such a wise decision" Link to post Share on other sites
BlazeEquipmentManager 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 WOW, you people REALLY need a sense of humor! I'm sorry, but Daniel's blog was HILARIOUS! I'm sitting at my computer spitting my drink across the keyboard! That was some comical genius, I must say....and Hellmuth needed to be made fun of for that blog! I mean, whats next? He writes one line, then gets that line sponsored by a major corporation??! lol "I was at the Bellagio playing poker with Phil Ivey, there was this one hand that...well anyway, I was drinking a PEPSI, damn those are good, I'd drink them all night if I could (the previous line was sponsored in part by the "Pepsi-cola" corporation)....lolThe entire blog reminded me of Arena Football (my job, and Hellmuth is of course ALSO a sponsor of the AFL!), you walk on the field, sponsorships on the walls, on the field itself! on the jerseys, on the down markers, etc.., name it, its sponsored! That was basically the entire point of the Phil Hellmuth blog, and Daniel was point on in completely mocking it, how could you not?! Nothing was more transparent!! Daniel, dude, that was funny! Please continue your comical rants, don't let a few jack asses change your approach to the blog. Link to post Share on other sites
Guero 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 Farting penises stimulate pubic buttcrust. Link to post Share on other sites
iowahawk09 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 If I have to read another thread bitching about what Daniel writes in his blog, I might just jab my own eyes out with a rusty spoon. Get over it, hes a poker player with certain opinions about things and thats why he writes them in HIS blog. And this is getting redundant. Why if someone people have such issues with DN's blog do they continue to read it?I don't like peas, so I don't eat themIf you don't like his blog, then don't read itAnd before some anti-DN retard tells me to get off of his nuts, I have no problem debating topics in DN's blog, and its fine if we disagree with him, but stop getting on here and making stupid assumptions about Daniel being jealous of Phil or whatever it may be. You are wasting our time and making yourself look stupid, so just stop...move on...go read Phil's forum if you don't like DN's Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 If I have to read another thread bitching about what Daniel writes in his blog, I might just jab my own eyes out with a rusty spoon. Get over it, hes a poker player with certain opinions about things and thats why he writes them in HIS blog. And this is getting redundant. Why if someone people have such issues with DN's blog do they continue to read it?I don't like peas, so I don't eat themIf you don't like his blog, then don't read itAnd before some anti-DN retard tells me to get off of his nuts, I have no problem debating topics in DN's blog, and its fine if we disagree with him, but stop getting on here and making stupid assumptions about Daniel being jealous of Phil or whatever it may be. You are wasting our time and making yourself look stupid, so just stop...move on...go read Phil's forum if you don't like DN'sWhat's wrong with peas?I like pea.You saying your better than me cause I like peas and you don't? Link to post Share on other sites
iowahawk09 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 No Im saying I'm better than the OP cuz I dont like peas and you doOr something like that?I think.... Link to post Share on other sites
Kwest4chipz 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 I haven't seen a new post bi tching about daniel's blog for awhile now? What set ya off Iowa? Link to post Share on other sites
iowahawk09 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 I have read like 5 in the past 2 days, just sick of hearing about it thats all, but I'm moving on, cuz remember I don't like peas, so I don't eat them.But I like FCP BALLOON GUY...I heart him Link to post Share on other sites
jt_213 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Author Share Posted April 4, 2007 kwest4chips.. what possessed you to write another "parody"? haha seriously.. really need to understand that one None of it has anything at all to due with Phil's level of skill in relation to his percieved level of skill. The blog is hilarious, whether he was a poker player or not, because the shameless plugs are so transparent and his logic is just... well, batty! The issue you are having with "me" doing it is that I'm also a professional poker player. My guess would be that if some random writer wrote it none of this would have even crossed your mind.first of all, pretty sure you don't need quotations around "me" unless it's you are somehow uncertain of who you are. looks like i'm finding more and more subconcious indications of the two pronged persona that is daniel. tsk...anyhoo, yes of course it has to do with the fact your a professional player also. i can't see why a person who wasn't a professional player would write anything about his blog, his fame is limited to the poker world and those interested in it. parodies, as you claim your blog to be, are written for a reason. you've said that hellmuth's blog is completely transparent and hilarious in its own right. thus, there really has to be a reason behind making fun of it because quite obviously we can see on our own he's a pompous, self-absorbed person (i love watching phil, so i say that just because well.. that's what he is). the motivations either appeared to be because you simply wanted to make fun of him in a public arena, which petty or mean spirited depending on perspective, or you're making fun of him out of spite. you can't honestly say hellmuth would say "hey daniel, i read your blog and man i really appreciated that humour." Link to post Share on other sites
Kwest4chipz 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 Way to step on my novel! I think you covered this thread fairly well in the first 5, just gotta give ya shiite. Link to post Share on other sites
Kwest4chipz 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 I just did it from the "not so famous" perspective. And i busted out of another freeroll. I guess maybe to get a laugh or two. Link to post Share on other sites
iowahawk09 0 Posted April 5, 2007 Share Posted April 5, 2007 kwest4chips.. what possessed you to write another "parody"? haha seriously.. really need to understand that onefirst of all, pretty sure you don't need quotations around "me" unless it's you are somehow uncertain of who you are. looks like i'm finding more and more subconcious indications of the two pronged persona that is daniel. tsk...anyhoo, yes of course it has to do with the fact your a professional player also. i can't see why a person who wasn't a professional player would write anything about his blog, his fame is limited to the poker world and those interested in it. parodies, as you claim your blog to be, are written for a reason. you've said that hellmuth's blog is completely transparent and hilarious in its own right. thus, there really has to be a reason behind making fun of it because quite obviously we can see on our own he's a pompous, self-absorbed person (i love watching phil, so i say that just because well.. that's what he is). the motivations either appeared to be because you simply wanted to make fun of him in a public arena, which petty or mean spirited depending on perspective, or you're making fun of him out of spite. you can't honestly say hellmuth would say "hey daniel, i read your blog and man i really appreciated that humour."JT, dude honestly, just give it up...your never gonna get DN to admit or concede any points that you are trying to bring to his attention. But for someone who just read the blog, you seem very insightful at what message or action DN was trying to make when he wrote must be like some kind of mind reader or something.....props to you as always Link to post Share on other sites
jt_213 0 Posted April 5, 2007 Author Share Posted April 5, 2007 I just did it from the "not so famous" perspective. And i busted out of another freeroll. I guess maybe to get a laugh or two.ah ok, i thought maybe you were trying to parody the parody or something lol Link to post Share on other sites
Kwest4chipz 0 Posted April 5, 2007 Share Posted April 5, 2007 Nope, but it did illustrate the basic point made awhile ago, I did my take on PH's blog....and no attacks. DN originally did his take on it and a flurry of activity. A nobody post, no harsh reaction. A famous persons post, haters from out of the woodwork. Link to post Share on other sites
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