Kwest4chipz 0 Posted March 29, 2007 Share Posted March 29, 2007 man, i lost my was a good one too Link to post Share on other sites
FuriousStyles 0 Posted March 29, 2007 Share Posted March 29, 2007 Some of you are just not very good at the whole reading thing, seriously. I said the comparison is absurd, but it helps to make my point. That's just a fact. The comparison to Tony Soprano is also a little strange, but it is also a comparison that makes sense is this particular instance. I'm not saying the people at are like mobsters! Some people are so annoying. I wasn't making terrorism a light issue, it isn't. I wasn't claiming that American Idol is as serious or important as terroriism. All I'm saying, and I'm freakin' 100% right btw, is that the goals of terrorists are similar to those of people who like to crap on other people's parade. Similar to people who like to destroy their communities with graffitti. People who like to vandalize community parks, etc. Another example would be these kids who used to rip down the basketball nets at the park I used to play at. They did it so often that the park stopped repairing them because it was costly and these jerks would just do it again. So, we couldn't play basketball at the park anymore. They thought it was funny, sure, but those few jerks ruined things for so many of us kids who liked to play in the park. These jerks at votefortheworst are trying to destroy the competition. Lots of people love the competitiom and want it to reward the people most deserving, but this group is deliberately trying to rip down the basketball nets and spoil everyone's fun becase they think it's funny. Screw them. Seriously, screw those hateful people.Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. I know you're a smart and sensitive guy and you love your little crusades, but you've seriously lost your mind here. Take a deep breath and a step back, then read this.I've taken the liberty of explaining everything, line by line. Don't take it personally. I kid cause I care. Link to post Share on other sites
2centsworth 0 Posted March 29, 2007 Share Posted March 29, 2007 Your credibility is lacking if you're ignorant of the difference between "fact" and "opinion."fact - a thing that is indisputably the caseopinion - a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledgeIt's one or the other.let me help you out. YOU SAID "It's JUST, yes JUST, my opinion" I said no, it's not JUST MY opinion. Do you see the difference? As far as your last post regarding take it for what it's worth. You're border line obsessed to respond to something that was clearly no directed at you.Good luck with the English lessons. Link to post Share on other sites
Muck, You Suckers! 0 Posted March 29, 2007 Share Posted March 29, 2007 Those people on the show aren't ask to go on the show and look like fools. American Idol doesn't humiliate those people, they humiliate themselves! How can American Idol be blamed for terrible singers CHOOSING to go on national television despite having no talent whatsoever? The people that should be blamed for that one are friends and family of the person who auditioned. I think the first part of the show is hilarious, but sometimes really cruel. I thought when Simon made funny of one kid's appearance that it was just mean, but when he rips on them for awful singing it can be funny.When Simon told that kid he "looked like a creature from the forrest, a bushbaby" I laughed so hard it hurt. I was thinking he looked like a deranged elf, but creature from the forrest was good. LOL Link to post Share on other sites
Muck, You Suckers! 0 Posted March 29, 2007 Share Posted March 29, 2007 American idol has nothing to do with talent. It has to do with trying to find the next teen idol that sells big. Record labels aren't interested in finding people that can sing. They have access to hundreds and hundreds of singers that can sing better than anyone on American Idol. They are looking for what sells to the teens of America. The little girls that are voting for Sanjaya think he's cute. Those same little girls spend lots of their parents money on teen music and teen magazines and concert tickets and all the crap that somebody like Sanjaya would put his name on or endorse. It doesn't matter to those little girls if Sanjaya isn't the best singer, to them he's the cutest and closest to their age and that's all that matters. I raised one of those little girls, they like what's popular, cute, and trendy, forget about talent. Several years ago when my daughter was an early teen, I got my wife tickets to Aerosmith for her BDay, up close stage tickets. It cost the heck out of me because the broker I bought them from had 4 tickets together and wouldn't sell just two, I had to buy all 4. So, we took my daughter and one of her friends. Some teen band was opening for Aerosmith (I never had heard of them) and on the way to the concert those two sat in the backseat and giggled and talked about how cute these teen band guys were. They informed me that this teen band had to be better than Aerosmith, because AS was old stuff that old people like me listened to. So out come the teen band and those two screamed and carried on like Elvis fans on too much sugar. I thought the band sucked swamp water through a crazy straw. Then came 2 hours of Aerosmith. Those two forgot all about the teen band, all they talked about on the way home was Steven Tyler and Joe Perry and how great AS was. Link to post Share on other sites
icemanrulz 0 Posted March 29, 2007 Share Posted March 29, 2007 American idol has nothing to do with talent. It has to do with trying to find the next teen idol that sells big. Record labels aren't interested in finding people that can sing. They have access to hundreds and hundreds of singers that can sing better than anyone on American Idol. They are looking for what sells to the teens of America. The little girls that are voting for Sanjaya think he's cute. Those same little girls spend lots of their parents money on teen music and teen magazines and concert tickets and all the crap that somebody like Sanjaya would put his name on or endorse.I agree 158%. If it was about talent then why did the judges let him get as far as they did.and yes AI is gay...........and maybe Clay Aiken is also. Link to post Share on other sites
Livaso 0 Posted March 30, 2007 Share Posted March 30, 2007 Would you have been against the voting campaign to put Rory Fitzpatrick in the all star game? Just curious. I know it came pretty close to being a reality. I found that funny. To kind of mock the all-star game and watch the blow hard pundits get mad and bring up statistical reasons why Fitzpatrick wasn't an all star defender.But I had a basketball net on my garage growing up and think American Idol and all star games are stupid. So I might be one of the jerks lacking empathy in this particular situation. Link to post Share on other sites
pokerfriendly 0 Posted March 30, 2007 Share Posted March 30, 2007 Your all a bunch of morons so there!! and if anyone calls daniel an idiot to his face while i'm standing there i'll kickyour ***!! Link to post Share on other sites
MorphyATL 0 Posted March 30, 2007 Share Posted March 30, 2007 The real victim here are the people whose fiances make them watch it (w/Sanjaya)... like me! :Pj/k, I enjoy watching the show, and I dont understand why people hate it with a passion like they do. Link to post Share on other sites
technicor 0 Posted March 30, 2007 Share Posted March 30, 2007 STFU Negraneu. You have to be kidding me. terrorists=votefortheworst? That's like when Bruno compares Paris Hilton's fashion mistakes as "train to Auchawitz". Would American Idol be fun if the the american public didn't have a say it what the results of the contest would be, regardless of the outcome? If anybody would be a freedom of speech advocate who is generally cynical of big media......huge disappointment Link to post Share on other sites
grocery_mony 8 Posted March 30, 2007 Share Posted March 30, 2007 I think I am voting for Hayley cuz she is sooo hot. Link to post Share on other sites
Sportsmack 0 Posted March 30, 2007 Share Posted March 30, 2007 wait for it........wait for it.........wait for it...........wait for it...........oh yeah this topic is still incredibly GHEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
QuadsFull 0 Posted March 30, 2007 Share Posted March 30, 2007 wait for it........wait for it.........wait for it...........wait for it...........oh yeah this topic is still incredibly GHEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok after reading this whole thing I think the bast post have been from Sportsmack. Do you all know that this American Idol thing has gone on for 5 pages and started 2 new topics. LOL, how is this helping my game? I feel like I'm watching one of my wifes soap opera's. AMAZING. GAY. Link to post Share on other sites
ShootAndHit 0 Posted March 30, 2007 Share Posted March 30, 2007 STFU Negraneu. You have to be kidding me. terrorists=votefortheworst?Lol, you still don't get the point, do you? Link to post Share on other sites
Xeracia 0 Posted March 30, 2007 Share Posted March 30, 2007 I just want to start off by saying, Daniel, I was a HUGE fan of yours. Actually watching you play is what got me interested in Texas Hold 'Em. Of which, now I watch and play any chance I can get. But...I am also one of these people you call haters and jerks. And because of that I am no longer a fan. Let me explain a few things to you, of which you will probably ignore and tell me how horrible I am..."A guy like Sundance for example, who clearly had potential and a big voice was dispatched while Sanjaya remained."- If you do some reasearch you would find that VFTW actually was backing Sundance before Sanjaya. So Sanjaya made it through to that point all on his own."Those that have already been eliminated aren't the only victims in this. Sanjaya himself, a bright eyed 17 year old is being mocked and ridiculed in the media. It's not his fault, but he will undoubtedly have to live with the embarrassment of being the butt of an ugly joke for the rest of his life. Why do we do this to such a seemingly nice kid? Why do we take pleasure in his failures? What kind of person takes pleasure from such a thing?" - Those eliminated have already gotten their tv time. They will get record deals with or without winning American Idol. Just look at Chris Daughtry. He is doing better than half of the people that won. Sanjaya is a sweet kid and we are giving him a chance at something he otherwise would not have gotten. Without VFTW he would have gotten NO publicity and would just be another early leaver that everyone forgets. He knows what we are doing. They surf the internet. This was proved last week when Chris Sligh said "Hi Dave". Which BTW he was asked to do by those of us on VFTW to prove he was reading the boards. If Sanjaya had a problem with it he could leave at any point, but instead he keeps going, and he has been getting a bit more...outlandish too, if you ask me. This show is about entertainment! If you want to say I am horrible then have at it but I am not the one that put Sanjaya through to the top 24 over many many other singers, who by some opinions are better. "People in America love American Idol. If you don't, that's your right. Trying to sabotage the show, though, just seems like such a hateful thing to do and I can't imagine that anyone who does that genuinely feels good about it afterwards." I'm not hateful. Actually I am Buddhist so it isn't allowed. We love AI too. Anyone who has looked around that website any at all can see that we are actually a fan site. We have some hard core fans who watch the show religiously. We just watch it a little differently than you do is all. And no I don't feel bad after I vote. We're supposed to vote right? It is part of the show. Sanjaya just happens to be my favorite singer. If you notice...they say 'vote for your favorite' not 'vote for the best'."It's a crying shame when a small group of people ruin things for the rest of us." - I felt the same way when George Bush got voted into office. Yeah...sorry I ruined your television watching experience...I'm gonna go cry now. I'm not even gonna touch on the comparison to terrorism. That one is just...rediculous but it is rather cute that a television show has you that riled up. Trust me the show will never be cancelled. They are actually getting more publicity because of vote for the worst. It even managed to get your attention did it not? Everyone is talking about it. It is all over the news. There is even a poor silly girl on myspace that is saying she is starving herself until Sanjaya gets kicked off the show. AI is loving this publicity and since VFTW has been around for YEARS they have embraced it I am sure.I think I made my points. I am sorry you don't get our way of looking at things. Please come over to the website and take a look around. You might be suprised at what you find after awhile and even get a kick out of it. Link to post Share on other sites
Kwest4chipz 0 Posted March 30, 2007 Share Posted March 30, 2007 I love it when Daniel posts his opinion and gets a couple replies that say. "I used to be a huge fan (insert long description of hours of watching DN play and subsequent forays into poker games), but because you have an opinion different from mine about AI, i'm no longer a fan." <---PRICELESS! Although I don't agree in this particular subject, I'm still a fan of DN's. I'm sure that DN will take comfort in knowing that. What I like about DN's posts is that most of them touch off a debate or discussion. I also think its pretty cool that he takes the time to actually reach out to his fans alot more regularly than other pro's. The thing I admire the most is that when he does have an opinion and posts it here and its instantly criticized, it doesn't stop him from stating his opinions. On to the AI debate, on CNN, Larry King had a short segment about all this. What I gathered from that segment is this. Sanjaya has overwhelming support, this experience isn't gonna do anything but positive things for his career and otherwise. That website is not the cataclysmic event that destroys AI once and for all, its not going away anytime soon. Almost every reality show that is successful, is that way because of one factor.....controversy. It can all be wrapped in one nice little package called....."marketing". The End Link to post Share on other sites
Guero 0 Posted March 30, 2007 Share Posted March 30, 2007 I love it when Daniel posts his opinion and gets a couple replies that say. "I used to be a huge fan (insert long description of hours of watching DN play and subsequent forays into poker games), but because you have an opinion different from mine about AI, i'm no longer a fan." <---PRICELESS!I have been one of these you speak of. He is entitled to his opinion. If he wants to be uneducated and base his opinion of US policy on movies, 60 minute interviews, and HBO specials...I'm entitled to stop respecting him for anything other than a "poker player." He seems like a nice enough person.I'm also a huge AI fan and I can't stand Sanjaya's prescene on the show as a "singing competition." Do I hate for vftw? Not really...adds to the drama of it all (and sells more adverts) Link to post Share on other sites
FuriousStyles 0 Posted March 31, 2007 Share Posted March 31, 2007 I said the comparison is absurd, but it helps to make my point.I'm pretty sure I addressed this explicitly.That's just a fact.Stating something is a fact with conviction doesn't really make it a fact.The comparison to Tony Soprano is also a little strange, but it is also a comparison that makes sense is this particular instance.What are we gonna do this all day? You cannot make a stretch comparison, then call it out for being weak in order to preempt and deflect criticism, and then re-invoke the comparison to trade on its weight. You sound like Ron Burgundy- "Okay, so that was wrong...but in other words, it was right."Some people are so annoying.Tell me about it.I wasn't making terrorism a light issue.When you intentionally family terrorism with something as absurdly unimportant as American Idol voting, then yes, you are making light of it.All I'm saying, and I'm freakin' 100% right btw,And that's why you're wrong, that the goals of terrorists are similar to those of people who like to crap on other people's parade.By that rationale, you are a terrorist, because you share the goals of eating, sleeping, and breathing...well maybe not breathing.The point is that it's trivializing to terrorism, and more importantly to the people that it dramatically and grimly effects, to say that American Idol voters are to be mentioned in the same breath. Comparisons to terrorists, Hitler, the holocaust, slavery, etc are not outlawed, but they are delicate issues that require careful thought before blindly tossing them in with anything else that you dislike in order to prove your point. That's why invoking terrorism and 9/11 to decry Sanjaya voters is highly irresponsible.Screw them. Seriously, screw those hateful people.I gotta assume you recognize the irony here. Link to post Share on other sites
Kwest4chipz 0 Posted March 31, 2007 Share Posted March 31, 2007 Didn't you post once already? Apparently you didn't get a response and are feeling left out, so you posted the edited version here. can stop typing sir, your limo has arrived Link to post Share on other sites
Scanner313 0 Posted April 2, 2007 Share Posted April 2, 2007 Daniel,With all due respect, I can understand your point of view as someone who enjoys American Idol, but I think you may be overestimating the effect of the "haters" in the competition. Honestly, if they were able to get Sanjaya to the finals and even get him enough support to win, what damage has been done? He's only 1 contestant, and history has shown that the winner isn't always the one who prospers in the music industry. Look at Clay Aiken (a runner up). And many other Idol contestants have done well because someone in the recording industry realized they had talent and gave them a deal. Them not winning didn't effect their career at all. And some of the winners haven't done much at all (Reubern, Fantasia, etc.).So, even if Sanjaya were to win this thing, nobody else's career is going to suffer because of it. The runner up would still be gauranteed a record contract. And I'm sure Sanjaya knows deep down that he's not the best, and that the support he's getting isn't really making fun of him, but rather it's making fun of the open voting process. I'm sure he's happy that he's being kept around as it gives him more chances to improve and possibly have a good outing, not to mention a whole lot of fame that I'm sure he will capitalize on in the future. Regardless, I'm sure he's not losing any sleep over the extra support.As far as this effort destroying American Idol, I don't think so. As popular as the show is, this only gives them more publicity, and ratings are ratings, regardless of whether the people watching actually like it or not. The fact of the matter is that they leave it up to public voting to determine the winner. If they decide after this season that the voting process isn't legit then they have the right to change it. I mean, when you really think of it, the phone company is the one making out on the public voting deal. It's all about money.Anyway, like I said, fans of the show feel like their thing is being f'ed with, and they resent it. But when you really consider the impact this is having it's not that big a deal. Link to post Share on other sites
cubsfan44 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 VOTE FOR SANJAYA!!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
Seany Gee 0 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 i read it in context, and i think the analogies used where very affective...........................clearly lolAND BTWIf some monkeys try this stunt with Australian Idol this year they will be in for some real terrorism!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
fighter 4 Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 that really bad asian male singer william wung released 3 CD's. the first one sold 195 000 copies and eventually he went away after 3 albums because talent is need eventually. American idol dont care about this voting for the worst situation because it is getting more viewer intrest then ever. If the best doesnt win s/he will go big anyway because s/he is the best "real" singer anyway and will be marketed as such. Sure first place is the only guarantied record contract but that is not the maximum amount that can be given out and is not often the case.This is alot of fuss about nothing. if you still dont like him use his performances to make popcorn.When thinking about it in a scope of longer then the compitition it doesnt matter. The same thing happend in australia during season 2. There was this girl who while being a good singer was also obese and the country got behind her because record companies wouldnt likely give her a record contract because of her weight. Well 3 years later and the guy who came second ( the real winner ?) has sold more then her and made more records. In fact this could be one of the better results because unlike wung he has some talent ( you need it to make it up to the voting stage) and could actually make a long career out of an original joke. He could be like the gimmicky boy bands who produce individual superstars (justin timberlake "In*Sync", robbie williams "Wham!") So who cares if the "worst of the best" win. Link to post Share on other sites
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