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Favorite forum moment: ........... .......... ................. ................ ...... ...........I honestly can't think of one. I can tell you this, I have never visited General and not laughed my ass off... not once. God bless you silly mother fuckers.

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I think that post about the guy offering to make DN a nice piece of pottery. That was so classic.I also think my short but brutal flame war with iowa's finest was a highlight for me.And teneight and kowboykoop's perma flame war I enjoyed too.

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some1 needs to go out more often
Why do you post here? 100 percent of your posts show a psychotic lvl of disdain for the people of the forum, and constant berating of them for a lack of a life. So a rich and full life is going to a forum full of people you hate, and making fun of them? I don't get it.
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I wish I was a member here long enough to have a memorable moment... but I don't.. you guys make me jealous
Unfortunately most of the really great moments were in the first 6-10 months of the forum's existance, back when things were a bit more unregulated.Ahhh... good times!! :club:
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I think that post about the guy offering to make DN a nice piece of pottery. That was so classic.I also think my short but brutal flame war with iowa's finest was a highlight for me.And teneight and kowboykoop's perma flame war I enjoyed too.
Tantalar was the pottery man.I enjoyed Tritz "I can see the flop before it's dealt" threads too. His aviation company follow up was gold.
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some1 needs to go out more often
Ok - wanna take me to some of your cult meetings (and not for body parts either.....). I would love to experience a world in which pain no longer exists. I wish Ron Mexico would get after you and your cultish Azzzz.
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clearly. I do a lot of work with the deaf, and even retards, in my spare time.GIVING BACK IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT.
God Bless Ron Mexico, and even Michael Vick and his cold-sored genitals for creating the alias in the first place so that our Forum hero could take life!
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Why do you post here? 100 percent of your posts show a psychotic lvl of disdain for the people of the forum, and constant berating of them for a lack of a life. So a rich and full life is going to a forum full of people you hate, and making fun of them? I don't get it.
I think "The Skank"s biggest problem is that he is coming from such a peaceful world in his cult (www.bltc.com) that he needs to rebel and abuse all the rest of us, for pure sport.I think we need a visit from Clay Aiken to help "The Skank" see the error of his ways. Paging Clay Aiken....And while you are at it, Clay, perhaps you would share your fondest moment on the forum as well?
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ok... so earlier i posted this thread about my girlfriend breakin up with me bla bla bla.. and how it was going to get me back into poker... Expecting to get flamed, I still did it because I thought I might get at least one "serious" comment back... Instead I got at least a dozen supportive voices with advice... So yea guys this is my thank you... And to keep this as a *thread* post the most memorable moment you have from the forum...
Agreed. Similar situation where I post issue on here recently regarding my issues with poker and family and got a great response, so amid everything in here, I wanted to throw that in and say thanks!
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I cant believe no one has mentioned the Krablar thread.My favs. are/were:The "you know youre playin a fish..."Railing DN in the Tunica tourneyThe MANY threads that have helped my game. TY guys for those by the way.

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I cant believe no one has mentioned the Krablar thread.My favs. are/were:The "you know youre playin a fish..."Railing DN in the Tunica tourneyThe MANY threads that have helped my game. TY guys for those by the way.
well, I would have metioned the krablar thread, the op being my 3rd post in the forum, and all, but I thought I'd leave it up to the faithful. Besides, my thread about wanting to start a Hall of Fame forum was wholely to promote the krablar, so I didn't think I really needed to be that shameless, and plug it twice.
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Though I haven't been here long, I thought when GeneralGeeWhiz felt slighted by DN at the Bay 101 was a classic thread. Especially with DN replying and meeting up to him later.

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And while you are at it, Clay, perhaps you would share your fondest moment on the forum as well?
My favorite moment?? It's like choosing between blue and pink cotton candy!! Dear sir, may I have a bit of both?? LOL, I always say that to them, and then they flash me a smile to tell me that though they have strict instructions not to allow this, for me they'll make an exception!! On one condition, and that is if I coo with my gentle yet provoking voice a tune that will lift them out of their doldrums and send them on their way with not only a great story for their friends, but also a will to survive in a dark world that gave up on them long ago!! On this rollercoaster ride we call life, I've always believed that we can steer the course of a life off a path for destruction, and onto one that believes in himself even when the heavy winds of life blow his hair to and fro, inside and out, and full of a childlike glee that holds a mirror into the face of mankind and shows him what he was all along, a picture of personified perfection to bedazzle even the most jaded of men!! This I truly and honestly believe. Wonderful!!
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