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When Is Dn's Book Coming Out

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it says april 27th on amazon, but is this true cause im gonna go to barnes and nobles 2morrow to see if its out. why has noone even mentioned this. the bible of holdem is coming out and noone seems to care

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We don't care cuz it's not coming out yet. There will be huge banners/pop-ups/flash dances and video blogs announcing when it does.Pretty sure his blogs mention that it's not done. Slow your roll bud. Maybe start one of these topics, only every OTHER day. It'll keep you sane.

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it says april 27th on amazon, but is this true cause im gonna go to barnes and nobles 2morrow to see if its out. why has noone even mentioned this. the bible of holdem is coming out and noone seems to care
It says April 27th on Amazon so you are going to Barnes to see if it's out? haha, Nice. Sound logic.
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08' ?????ZOMG!!!Is that apostrophe indicative of a date no earlier than year 08000 A.D.?Or is it in the format YY-(') where ' is either MM-DD or DD-MM?Lol, I love how Daniel invents new phrases. There are a few in his blogs that are cool.The only one that comes to mind now is, "I pounded him like an anvil."You'd think the conventional saying would be, "I pounded him like a hammer on an anvil."Oh, man, you'd think I'd come up with a better post for my 100th, I thought my newbie days were behind me! :closedeyes:Guess not.

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