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Attention Chicago Peeps

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Hmmm, maybe you mean preflop, cause postflop I had hands. But I am a very tight player, I swear!! :D
Gallo? Tight? :club:
LOL...no Mike (MJINK) was tight....Timmy was UBER tight...yur one laggy *******!!!I am talking about the AQ I laid down to u when u had a naked Ace. I was mad at myself for getting stacked by that lagtard Mark w/ AQ...so I didn't want to make the same "stack off w/ only a pair" thing. Next time I call w/ AIR!!!Mike it was a blast meeting you as well. I am pretty sure you are not near as tight as last night indicated...crappy cards and Mark, Jamie, and I raising in front of you...w/ Chris and Jorge pounding behind u...tough spot! Feel free to bring more sippy cups...looks like we will need them!
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LOL...no Mike (MJINK) was tight....Timmy was UBER tight...yur one laggy *******!!!I am talking about the AQ I laid down to u when u had a naked Ace. I was mad at myself for getting stacked by that lagtard Mark w/ AQ...so I didn't want to make the same "stack off w/ only a pair" thing. Next time I call w/ AIR!!!Mike it was a blast meeting you as well. I am pretty sure you are not near as tight as last night indicated...crappy cards and Mark, Jamie, and I raising in front of you...w/ Chris and Jorge pounding behind u...tough spot! Feel free to bring more sippy cups...looks like we will need them!
I did have some shi! cards through out the night. I think I only made one bad play when I doubled up Wax. I was correct he had no 9, what I was wrong about is he had Pocket 5's for the boat! :club: I'm sure next time being a little more comfortable with the group my play will loosen up a bit......or will it....mmmmmmmmmm?
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I don't mind trying to get another FCP Chicago event together in the next few months. I think the guys liked the spaciousness of my facility and I KNOW the Margarita/Pina Colada machine was a huge hit....especially w/ the fruity metrosexual bastards we had last night!!!
I'll definitely bring my Metro *** back. I can even rope in a few others if necessary. I'm done with those Pina Coladas though. I'm still feeling the burn...
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If I were to organize a major tournament this summer, any chance your facility would be available? We had everything set last summer/fall but our location fell through at the last second.We had about 100 people in mind. With your place we could host even more if I network it out.Let me know if it's possible...obviously there'd be something in it for you.

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bumpDon't I remember a camera flash going off?
Wax's gf just got back to the country today, so he's probably not going to be online today. But I'll shoot him an email and tell him to get some pics up soon...Mark
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Wax's gf just got back to the country today, so he's probably not going to be online today. But I'll shoot him an email and tell him to get some pics up soon...Mark
Hey no prob. Let him do what he's gotta do!
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Wax's gf just got back to the country today, so he's probably not going to be online today. But I'll shoot him an email and tell him to get some pics up soon...Mark
I'll get them up as soon as I can but it might be a day or so. This corporate job really cuts into my free time....
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I'll get them up as soon as I can but it might be a day or so. This corporate job really cuts into my free time....
That's what you get for working for the man!
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i am going to resorts tonight to get wasted and play some 5/10 o8. i will buy all the drinks for any fcp people at the table if any of you ****ers show up.love,checky

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How'd you do? I'm switching back to my old job so I won't be up there for a couple months probably.
lol, the o8 game wasn't running so i played 10/20 lhe and got rivered on literally every hand i saw the river except for one pot i won. which was chopped. i then got super drunk at the continental, w00t.some choice hands:1.i have JQ on sb. family pot, i limp. flop 9102 rainbow. i bet, bb raises (only other decent player at table, but super aggro), button cold calls, i 3bet, bb caps, button cold calls.turn J. i bet, bb raises, button cold calls, i call.river Q. check, check, button bets. i crying call. bb folds.button has K4o ftw obv. bb says he folded A10.2. i have AQo OTB. 2 limpers, i raise, bb and limpers call.flop AK10 rainbow. bb bets, 2 calls, i raise, 3 calls.turn 3. check, check, check, i bet, fold, call, call.river Q.check, check, i bet, monkeyman raises, fold, i crying call in a big pot.J4o ftw.3.i have A5, Ah on bb. 3 limpers, sb completes, i check.flop KQ3 hhh. sb goes all in for 10, i raise, one cold call, rest fold.turn Ad. i bet, cold caller calls.river 6s. i bet, cold caller calls.i chop with A2, no heart. w00t.live poker is rigged, obv. :club:
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i was curious about majestic star?? Size of nl games and how tough they are?? regulars, tough players etc...???
i've only played nl there a couple times, super soft games, but you start shortstacked in most so you'll need to double up before you get to see flops and stack people.that was back when it was the trump, though. not sure if they changed things since.
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i am going to resorts tonight to get wasted and play some 5/10 o8. i will buy all the drinks for any fcp people at the table if any of you ****ers show up.love,checky
Wished I had read this sooner. :club:
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  • 2 weeks later...
i was curious about majestic star?? Size of nl games and how tough they are?? regulars, tough players etc...???
I"m fairly sure Resorts now has a smaller NL game running a lot of the time - it's $1/$3 blinds w/ $300 max buy-in, and it's a raked game (maxed out @ $4 I think) instead of a time charge. I've not played in this specific game, but I've played in a game w/ the exact same requirements, and it's WAAAAAAAAY preferable to your standard 1/2 NL donkfest w/ $100 buy-in.
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